2. Happy Halloween
3. YEA Phillies!!! Sooooo Happy you won the World Series!!!!!
I went to Wawa this morning and you wouldn’t believe all the kids who are out of school so they can go to the parade for the Phillies. Natalie wanted to go to get out of school (even though she loves school) and William wanted to go to see a parade. I tried explaining that it wasn’t going to be like the little St. Patty’s day parade in our town, where we sit on the edge of the road and they throw candy and there isn’t any one else in there way. From the looks of Wednesday night after they won the game, this is going to be an insane amount of people in Philadelphia. All I know is they are interrupting my Soaps to show it:-( Yea I’m a Phillies Fan BUT, don’t interrupt my Soaps! At least I have soap net so I can watch them later. (I just heard they opened The LINC, where the Eagles play and that holds 65,000 people I think, plus they had Citizens Bank Park for the main festivities).
Ok so now on to business. Each Halloween my husband and I play this game, I go purchase all the candy to give to the trick or treaters and he wants to bust into it early. To keep him from eating it I hide it. A few years I have taken it to my parent’s house (that is the best hiding spot) but in the last year or two, I’ve enjoyed the challenge of finding new hiding spots and out witting the hubby!
The other morning I was in a huge rush to get the kids to school. I needed a shower because I was going up to the school for something about 10 minutes after I dropped them off. I got into the shower at 8:25Am and was done, hair dried, dressed, make up on at 8:35! Yes I think that is a personal record for me. While I was drying my hair, Ed called from work. Natalie answered my cell phone and brought it into me, I told her I didn’t have time to talk to him, take a message for me.
Later on I asked Natalie what Daddy had wanted.
N: That’s between me, Daddy and William.
M: Excuse me?
N: Daddy is sending us on a mission.
M: What kind of a mission?
N: I’m not telling you.
M: OK, so Daddy didn’t need to talk to me for anything.
N: Nope.
So I have NO idea what they are up to. I let it go and move on with the day. I’m not a nosy person and I won’t be baited into wanting to find out what’s up, plus with a 5 & 8 year old it’s bound to come out sooner rather than later.
I picked William up from school that day and we were chatting. Out of the blue he says to me
W: You know Mom you have to go buy Halloween candy, it’s almost Halloween.
M: I know, but I’m going to wait to buy it.
Now I found it a little odd that my 5 year old was concerned with me buying candy for the other kids. Neither one of my kids has ever wondered when I was going to do that. At some point after Natalie got home from school that day she brought up the fact that I need to buy candy for Halloween. Then the kids start whispering! Now I know what they are up to. Their mission: If they choose to accept it, is to find out where I’m hiding the Halloween candy for their father!
I kept telling them I wasn’t getting it until Thursday so then I hear them telling Ed that the mission isn’t going to start until Thursday. It was so funny all the sneaking around, and I let them think I wasn’t on to them.
So I got the candy Thursday and had to find a hiding spot for the night. This should explain how only I do the dishes! NO ONE even tried to go into my hiding spot Thursday night or Friday morning! It worked out wonderfully!!
One of Williams’s friends lent us a Halloween CD, William is boogieing out to Ghost Busters right now.
Have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN, I wish you all lots of candy.
Here are a few pictures from the night we carved our pumpkins.