Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Don't e mail all over the world!

I showed this to William and he asked me NOT to e mail this all over the world, but it's so funny I had to. So SHHHHHH don't tell him you saw it and don't show it to your kids, cause they will tell him!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Spiders, it's too early in the morning for spiders!

Funny part; I was cleaning all the spiders and spider webs off the Spiderman umbrella.
Not so funny part; I walked back into the house to a quarter sized (little bit bigger actually) spider crawling across my kitchen floor.

William asked “did you get it” I said “I got it”.
I had to squish it with a JC Penny’s receipt so it didn’t get to a hiding spot.
I believe the phrase of the morning is “the Willies”.
I’m going to go shower now, to make sure no spiders are on me!
I think the spider may have come home with us from NC!

Sorry I didn't have time to get the camera, he was moving to fast and would have made it to safety if I didn't act quickly. So you will just have to take my word for how big he really was:-)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Car pick up & hoagies for dinner

We had to take the car in to get a leak fixed today. My mother in law drove up and drove me home after I dropped off the car this morning and she very nicely took me and the kids back tonight when it was ready to be picked up. I hadn’t had a car all day to run to the store to get food for dinner so I stopped at a grocery store after we picked up the car.

The kids were wonderful while walking through the store. I grabbed a few half hoagies we made our way to the bakery for the kid’s free cookie then checked out and headed home. My children only recently started eating lunch meat on bread. They usually just eat it all separate, turkey, then the cheese then a piece of bread.

To my surprised they both asked if they could try a piece of hoagie. Ed got his Italian out and cut them both a little piece, William really liked it, and Natalie kind of liked it. Then I gave them a piece of my turkey, William LOVED that and Natalie picked it apart because she didn’t want the cheese on it. But with brownies for dessert there weren’t too many arguments about eating.

While we were eating Natalie asked what was on the menu for lunch tomorrow. I read it to her and she decided to pack tomorrow. Then she began listing all the foods that she would buy from school.

N: I’ll buy when it’s regular pizza day and breakfast for lunch, defiantly on pizza donut day, and some times when they have chicken nuggets.
M: STOP, back up, Pizza donut day????
N: Yes, Pizza donut day, I had it last week and they are really good, I love them.
M: Pizza donuts?? You’re sure it’s a pizza donut?
N: Yes Mom, look at the menu for last week they have pizza donuts.

At this point I was laughing and William figured out what I was asking about and chimed in

W: You mean pizza bagels?
N: (laughing hysterically) oh yea Pizza bagels, not pizza donuts!
M: I thought they invented some new lunch; it’s a donut and has pizza sauce and cheese on the inside instead of jelly.
N: YUCK, MOM! That sounds gross!

So we cleared up the confusion but I still like saying it Pizza Donut Day!

Bailey on the first day of school:-(

He looks so sad. He was much happier when the kids got home.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

1st day both the kids are at school for a full day!!!!!

Drop off went well, they smiled for pictures and no one cried (not me or the kids). Chatted with the crossing guard. Now trying to decide what to do with my first day of both kids in full day:-) Lets see, food shop? Clean? Spa Day? Nap? nice thing is I have 6 hours to figure it out:-)