Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Magic Box

The kids and Ed have off today (I think William forgot about his trip to outer space with Daddy). The kids have been getting up every day for the past week and a half and playing nicely in their room together. Too much to hope that the day off would play out the same way. They woke up way to early and started bickering right off the bat. William had a night mare and Natalie let him climb up into her bed with her. Well he wanted more pillow than she was willing to share so he pushed her off the pillow and then the yelling started.

William came out to the couch where I was watching TV and cuddled up under my blanket with me. Then Natalie followed then potty breaks and people stealing other people’s spots and more yelling. So in an attempt to keep them quiet so Ed could sleep a little and I could just chill, I turned on some kiddy spooky Halloween show. They watched it and the next show (grossology, this one was on head lice) very nicely. When I called them for breakfast I told them to turn off the TV. After breakfast they went back to playing together nicely.

When Ed got up and turned the TV. on the same kiddy channel was still on. As he let it warm up, Natalie heard a kid show and started into the room. Ed said

E: Go back to playing, I’m changing the channel
N: But I like that show dad
E: You like ANYTHING on the magic box
In this little funny sarcastic, glazed over eye, voice Natalie said
N: I LOVE the magic box

It was too funny the way she said it.

Here are some pictures of the kids playing yesterday morning before school. Natalie had a mermaid tale on and William had a cape and helmet on. Not sure what they were playing but they were having a good time and William was bummed last night when I told him he could NOT sleep with the cape on. It wound up on one of his stuffed animal.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The end of Sunday's post

AHHHHHH the rest of the story.

William came out to the couch (where I sleep because my darling husband snores SOOOOOOO loud and will not go to the doctor and get the machine to make him stop snoring) (oh sorry, rant over) at about 4:30 AM. He said he had a bad dream, I was too tired to argue with him so I told him to go lay on the love seat.

Have you ever read “If you give a mouse a cookie”? In a nut shell you give the mouse one thing and he wants another and another and another. William and I played this game at 4:30 this morning.

(Now because I couldn’t find his comforter earlier in the night I took the blanket that usually lives on the love seat into William’s room for him to use in there)

W: Mom I had a bad dream
Me: Go lay on the love seat
W: (went and laid down on the love seat)
Start of the game
W: Mom I’m cold I need a blanket. So he reaches down and takes the one I was half using and the other half was on the floor.

M: Hey you took my blanket
W: giggle, giggle
W: Mom I need that pillow too.
M: (the one I had under my knees) UG and I throw the pillow at him
W: Giggle, giggle
W: Can you turn your head light on?

Is there anything else he could need??? He fell quickly back to sleep; I looked at the clock and realized that I didn’t have much time so of course I didn’t go right back to sleep.

Guess who is going to be giggling this afternoon when William gets his consequence (PUNISHMENT) for waking me up in the middle of the night (yes I am a MEAN Mom)!
He’s not allowed to play on the computer all day!!!!!

I won’t tell him till after school, I don’t want to ruin his whole day 

Oh and I found the comforter. I asked the kids when they got up in the morning. The little darlings were cleaning their room to have a birthday party for one of their stuffed animals. They put it in the drawer under William’s bed (which I don’t used because it gets filled with dog hair, no matter how much I vacuum it out it is always full of Bailey hair). It was nice of them to clean their room but now I have to wash the comforter so they just added to my work load :-O


William is still learning the English language and needs help some times.

He likes to say
I bited my bagel or I “boat” my bagel instead of I bit my bagel.

So Natalie was giving him an English lesson this morning. She corrected his improper use of the word then made a sentence to show him how to use the word correctly.

N: “Now I’m NOT going to do this to you, but I’m going to say it to show you how to use the word”
“William I am going to BITE YOU”!
“But I wouldn’t ever really do that, it’s just an example Will, do you know how to use the word now”?

Later in the morning this was the conversation

Natalie asked me to care for her elephant this afternoon.

N: Mom, I set up my bed so you can reach my Elephant so after you pick up William and feed him lunch and you eat your lunch, can you feed my elephant her lunch then put her down for her nap.

M: (Mean Mom) I don’t think so Natalie
W: I can do it Natalie; I’ll climb up into your bed and feed her :-) :-) :-)?????
N: Ok, thank you William
(About 10 Minutes later)
W: So Natalie what time does Ellie need to eat?
Natalie and William are in their room and Natalie is giving William very specific instructions on the care of her elephant.

Isn’t he a sweet little brother to help her out like that

Plans have changed and the elephant is going to school today?

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Its 10:09 and William just started yelling. Actually I still think it was Natalie yelling but she (in her sleep) told me it was him.

He isn’t running through the house having a night terror, so I figure he is just cold. I put his top sheet on him and look on the floor where the comforter usually winds up, and it’s not there. I’ve looked EVERYWHERE except outside and I can’t find his comforter!


I’ll look outside in the morning; hopefully a skunk doesn’t find it and use it for target practice. I’ll let you know if I find it and where it ran off to.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ed's next day off

I picked William up from school and we went to the grocery store, this is the conversation that took place in the car.

W: Mom are aliens real?
Me: Some people think they are real and some people don’t, what do you think?
W: I think they are real. Can I get a racket and go up there and see?
M: Why do you want a racket, are you going to play tennis with the aliens when you find them?
W: NOT a racket, a ROCKET! So we can go up there and find them.
M: Oh, when you get big, you can get a job and make a lot of money and buy yourself a rocket. Or you can go work for NASA.

Me: No What?
W: I want to go with Daddy.
Me: When you get big you and Daddy can go.
W: I want to go on Daddy’s day off!
M: Ok ask Daddy tonight.

William's 5 Year check up

William had his 5 year check up today.

When we got home one of the neighbor kids came over and William started to tell him about his day.

W: I got my flea shot today, see my band aid?

Me: Not a flea shot a flu shot

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I just read this on a blog I read. I thought I would help get the word out since I knew nothing about this till today.

Now through September 30, when you eat at Chili's, they will donate a a portion of their proceeds to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. When you dine on September 29, Chili's will donate 100% of participating restaurant's sales! Help St. Jude find cures and save children with cancer and other catastrophic childhood diseases. (And get out of cooking one night too!)

Friday, September 12, 2008

William's Wreck

The 3rd picture at the bottom is pretty gross!

We rode our bikes to school today so Natalie had to ride her’s home too. It was pouring rain at dismissal time. I unpacked the rain gear I got for camping trips, got dressed in my poncho William in his rain jacket we headed out to get Natalie. (No I did not get pictures of us)
William loved riding his bike in the rain and we made it to school without any problems.

Natalie got her bike and made her way to us, I gave her rain jacket to her and I took her book bag and put it under my poncho and we started for home. We made it almost to our street and William WIPED OUT. It was one of those slow motion things that I had to watch and could do NOTHING about. He started to go out of control, he put one foot out as the bike was wobbling. As he came to a drive way apron he fell and slid on his leg, bike on top of the leg, hands down scrapping on the sidewalk trying to stop the movement, into the nearby grass. (Keep in mind that there is only one drive way on this part of the side walk, the rest of the side walk is lined by grass so of course he went down on the concrete).

He got the bike off of himself and saw the wound and yelled, “OUCH, OUCH, OH, OH”. I saw it as he was getting up and saw the white through all the blood. I was actually happy that he got himself out from under the bike that was a good sign that maybe nothing was broken. I had taken a small towel with us to dry our bike seats and my glasses so I put that on his leg, more to get it out of his sight than anything else. I picked him up and held him for about a minute, and then put him down to see if I had a band aid in my bike bag or Natalie’s back pack, no such luck. While I was looking William got up and picked up his bike and got ready to ride. So we rode home, slowly, and he was fine. I bandaged it up because of the spot; a regular band aid would fall off. I’m pretty sure this is just the first of many falls for William.

His threshold for pain is so high, it’s a little scary, I wish it would slow him down a bit, but I’m sure he will be Evil Coneviling it down the sidewalk on Monday.

While I was patching William up I pulled off a piece of athletic tape to keep the wrap on.
He was checking out the tape and said to me
W: “Oh that’s duct tape that will keep it on my leg”
Me: “No it’s athletic tape, like band aid tape”
W: “Maybe it’s goose tape”

1. I’m so proud that my son knows what duct tape is!
2. I think he yelled more when I peeled the tape off his leg, than when he fell and got the boo boo. I’m never allowed to put that on him again!

Sorry for the gross pictures, William was happy to pose for them and requested that I have prints made so I can put them into his photo album.

Early Morning

You know you got up, way to early, when you heard a song on the radio more than one time, before the kids have even left for school!

We were all up about 5:15 Am. Even the dog was awake and wanted to play :-O

That's almost 4 hours before they have to be at school!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Why is everything leaking this morning????

I went to our local bulk store yesterday one thing I needed desperately was liquid hand soap. I debated on weather to get it there or stop at Wall-Mart on the way home. I decided this container was bigger and worth the extra few dollars so I got it there, along with juice boxes and some other snacks for the kids. When William got home from school he unpacked all the juice from the big box. They are wrapped in plastic so he used his scissors to open the plastic, then carried the individual boxes and put them in the 2 (re frig i day tors) (Williams pronunciation).

I felt the icky bottom of the soap when I bought it, but just thought it had been set down on something so the bottom was dirty. Not the case, I filled the dispenser yesterday as soon as I got home. I didn't have a place to put the big container so I set it on the side of the bathtub and went about my day. I moved the container before kids got home knowing they would knock it into the tub if I left it there. I put it in an out of the way spot on in the bathroom. This morning I woke up to find a soap puddle all around the bottle. I can't believe it leaked all over, most of the bottle is gone.

7:30 AM
I cleaned up the mess and found the itty, bitty, small, cut in the bottom corner on one side. I tipped the bottle and laid it on it's side, cut side up, on the bathroom sink, then I sent the kids in to brush their teeth. I forgot I put the bottle there, one of the kids put it on the toilet, and the other must have needed the toilet so he/she moved it to the side of the tub. How I know all this? The smaller blob that leaked onto the lid of the toilet, and the big glob running down the side of the tub!

8:35 Am
Oh it didn't end there, I got that all cleaned up and we went to get on our bikes to ride to school. We were riding by and picking up Natalie friend and her brother so William grabbed juice boxes for everyone. I told him we weren't playing now so we weren't bringing juice and I took the juice boxes away from him. As I did, I felt the wet juice running down the outside of the box! There were no straws in any of the boxes so where was the juice coming from?

I yelled "WHY IS EVERYTHING LEAKING TODAY"? William stared apologizing, I told him I wasn't yelling at him. He apologized and said "I'm sorry I think I cut it when I was putting them away".

I told him it was ok, and we were on our way.

10:00 AM
Ok the kids are at school and I'm doing some laundry and OMG what is the sticky stuff all over the laundry room floor?

10:15 AM
Ok after some searching I found out what the sticky stuff is on the laundry room floor. It's another juice box William put away. When he opened the plastic on each of the 4 packs (four different kinds of juice) he must have punctured a hole in 1 juice box in each pack, 4 boxes with scissor holes in them.

Can you see the holes in the side of the juice boxes????

1:50 PM
Hopefully all the leaking stuff is done for the day.

1:59 PM
Boy did I type to soon! William just spilled his whole cup of juice (that I had transferred from the cut open juice boxes) all over the floor! I knew I didn't mop today for a reason! Really, Really Are you kidding?

Here are a few stray pictures of the dog.

Bailey missing the kids while they were at school. He went and laid down in their room.

Bailey getting caught on the back patio table. I had to take the picture through the screen when he saw me coming to the door he got down to fast so I couldn't' get a better picture!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The affects of thunderstorms on pets

Ok so many of you know about my dog when there is a storm with thunder and lightening. If not that is another story that I will tell at another time. Long and short of it is the dog is SCARED and tries to climb on top of us for comfort (60 lb lab trying to climb on top of me and drooling all over me does NOT put me in a good mood).

So I was looking on the Internet to see if there were any drugs (hopefully a horse tranquilizer that will make him sleep through it) that may help. I came across this add for animals. It seemed to be used for the normal problems, going to the vet, driving in cars, storms, things that an animal may be upset and have anxiety about.

Reading further it gives a list of the animals that it can be used on. Again pretty normal list, dogs, cats, rabbits, birds ok now this is the one that made me write this.
FISH--how to give? Add to tank water. Now I know we all love our pets, but
1. Do fish really feel anxiety?
2. How the heck would you know?

It's not like they are running around climbing on top of you drooling all over you. It's not like they are (60 Lbs) climbing across the back of the love seat to the arm of the love seat to the arm of the couch to the back of the couch (thinking they are at cat) trying to get away from the storm.
Do they send up a few more bubbles????
Do they hide inside the plastic cave in their tank?
Do they slam into the side of the tank trying to get out?

Seriously folks FISH needing anti-anxiety drugs?????

I copied the advertisement below just in case you didn't believe me.

I had to share this made me laugh that someone thinks a fish may need this. Personally since my vet can't seem to find anything to truly help the dog, I think I may go to my doctor and ask him to prescribe me something to make me sleep when the dog is acting like this! Ok I'm done ranting and raving.

One more thing from the blog I put out this morning with William and the underoos. William got home from kindergarten just a few minutes ago he dropped his shorts and is in the bottoms of his underoos again. I'll have to remember to make him put his shorts back on when we go get Natalie this afternoon.

Rescue Remedy can be used for an immediate calming effect in any stressful situation, or when your pet needs help overcoming a variety of emotional or behavioral problems, such as:
• Visits to the vet
• Fear of loud noises (fireworks, thunderstorms, etc)
• Excessive barking or hissing
• Shock, trauma or mistreatment
• Adapting to loss of companion
• Separation anxiety
• Adapting to new surroundings (home, kennel, stable, etc.)
• Obsessive cleanliness
• Constant licking or nibbling of self
• And much more

Rescue Remedy is suitable for use on pets of all shapes and sizes. Some pets may be sensitive to alcohol, in which case, Rescue Remedy should be diluted before it is administered. Animals which Rescue Remedy can be used on include:
• Reptiles
• Fish (add to tank water)
• Birds (dilute in water before administering)
• Cats
• Dogs
• Horses
• Rabbits
• Obsessive cleanliness
• Constant licking or nibbling of self

Appropriate clothing for school

No William, I'm very sorry, you may not wear just your incredible hulk Underoos to school, go put some pants on!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Embarrassing mom

It's official, I have embarrassed my 3rd grader! I took pictures of her waiting in line before school. She wasn't happy about it, then one of the other kids noticed her not looking at me. He said "Natalie your mom is taking a picture of you". She said "Yea I know, and I don't even want her to!"

The drop off and pick up spots at their school are both on the same side of the building. The younger kids are closer to the crossing guard and the older kids are further out on the school grounds. On the first day of school I asked her if she wanted me to cross at the crossing guard and walk up with her and she said no. So the second day of school a friend walked with us and when I asked again, she said "I went yesterday by myself, you don't have to cross with me." So I stayed back on the other side of the street and let her have a little freedom. You would have thought by her reaction that I was in my PJ's with my hair in curlers!

At least I still have William who will be happy to have me cross to the school grounds with him and wait while he is in line:-)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

1st day (again)

I'm going to try to put pictures of the kids on the top of this page. These are from the first day of school September 2008.

In our school district the kindergarten kids are slowly introduced to school in small groups. We have a morning and afternoon session. The first day of school all the kindergartners are split into 4 groups, 6 at a time come in for an hour with their parents. Then they go to school one of three days half the class at a time. So William and I went to school on Tuesday for an hour, then he went today without me, then he will start "full time" on Monday. So he really has 3 "1st" days.

Today he went to special, he had computer class. On the walk home he told me "We didn't work on the computers today, the computer lady showed us how to use them. They are lap tops, it's different from the one we have."

He seemed to enjoy school, I had to pull things out of him. That happened the day he and I went to school together, he didn't talk about it until Natalie got out of school. Then he was telling Natalie, Natalie's friends mom, and any other adult that would listen how his day went.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to school

7:34 and a nice morning so far. The Hubby was gone early for his first day of work. I didn't even hear him leave! When I woke up and the kids were in their room playing nicely. I'm just hearing about their morning now. Natalie was up at 6, got out of bed and saw her brother (in his "new" bed) flipped around with his head at the foot of the bed and uncovered. So she covered him up and this woke him up. They both climbed into Natalie's new bed and hung out up there for a little while.

Then as I was getting in the shower they went and got paper to work at Natalie's desk. When I got out of the shower I was presented with these works of art. Natalie gave me a heart. William's is a building with the door cut out. He loves his new scissors (little does he know or care that they are Natalie's from last year).

Then they ate breakfast. William spilled his milk, not today's milk, last night's milk from dinner. He nicely got down, slowly came over to me at the computer, apologized for dropping his bowl, THEN told me he also spilled his milk. I jumped up and cleaned it up. He kept apologizing, I told him I wasn't mad about the milk, but this is why all the toys (now covered in milk) are not supposed to be at the table! Now William and the dog are barking at each other. I'll have to learn how to get video on here so I can show you all some day.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Guessing game

I had relatives who rented a beach house close to where my grandparents live, they are "here" for two and a half weeks. We have been to visit them a few times and on the way home from our last visit this is what happened.

Ed was driving, I was the passenger and the kids both fell asleep during the ride. On the route we take there are lots of local fruit and veggie stands, I told Ed of one that I wanted to stop at. We were talking about getting a fruit bearing bush, the stop happened to be while the kids were sleeping. We put the bushes in the back of the van and William woke up, looked around and said "Where are we, we don't stop here, this isn't' home." And went back to sleep

Natalie woke up a short time later and we were trying to wake William up. It was close to bed time and knew it would be difficult for them to sleep tonight if they slept to long in the car. So we started playing a guessing game.

Me: Guess what we got
Natalie: I don't know.
Me: Look in the back of the van.
N: You got plants
Me: What kind of plants do you think they are?
N: Lemon trees.
Me: No, guess again
N: Tomato plants?
Me: No
N: Those round things that are green on the outside and red on the inside.
Me: (after 10 minutes of racking my brain trying to figure out what she was thinking of) Watermelon?
N: Yes, Watermelon.
Me: NO
N: That plant that we have that keeps tipping over, nothing ever grew on it and it's all slimy and moldy.
Me: Zucchini?
N: Yes
Me: No
Me: I'll give you a hint. It's one of your favorite things to eat in the whole

Natalie: MOM! Ice cream doesn't grow on bushes!
ED: Blueberries, Natalie, they are Blueberry bushes!
Natalie: YEA!

The End!

William did wake up on the ride home, but stayed up till 10 pm. I was happy to find the sound of music on so he watched a little of that then fell asleep.