Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The end of Sunday's post

AHHHHHH the rest of the story.

William came out to the couch (where I sleep because my darling husband snores SOOOOOOO loud and will not go to the doctor and get the machine to make him stop snoring) (oh sorry, rant over) at about 4:30 AM. He said he had a bad dream, I was too tired to argue with him so I told him to go lay on the love seat.

Have you ever read “If you give a mouse a cookie”? In a nut shell you give the mouse one thing and he wants another and another and another. William and I played this game at 4:30 this morning.

(Now because I couldn’t find his comforter earlier in the night I took the blanket that usually lives on the love seat into William’s room for him to use in there)

W: Mom I had a bad dream
Me: Go lay on the love seat
W: (went and laid down on the love seat)
Start of the game
W: Mom I’m cold I need a blanket. So he reaches down and takes the one I was half using and the other half was on the floor.

M: Hey you took my blanket
W: giggle, giggle
W: Mom I need that pillow too.
M: (the one I had under my knees) UG and I throw the pillow at him
W: Giggle, giggle
W: Can you turn your head light on?

Is there anything else he could need??? He fell quickly back to sleep; I looked at the clock and realized that I didn’t have much time so of course I didn’t go right back to sleep.

Guess who is going to be giggling this afternoon when William gets his consequence (PUNISHMENT) for waking me up in the middle of the night (yes I am a MEAN Mom)!
He’s not allowed to play on the computer all day!!!!!

I won’t tell him till after school, I don’t want to ruin his whole day 

Oh and I found the comforter. I asked the kids when they got up in the morning. The little darlings were cleaning their room to have a birthday party for one of their stuffed animals. They put it in the drawer under William’s bed (which I don’t used because it gets filled with dog hair, no matter how much I vacuum it out it is always full of Bailey hair). It was nice of them to clean their room but now I have to wash the comforter so they just added to my work load :-O

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