I took the chocolate chip cookies out of the oven and William asked “Mom can I TEST one of your cookies?” I love it he didn’t ask for a cookie cause he wanted on he was “helping” me. Phrasing is everything!
For those of you not on Face book, yesterday I asked the question; Does Miss Hanigan run a summer camp I can send my LITTLE GIRL to? She is practicing to be a teenager, telling me “NO” to everything I ask her to do and stomping off and slamming her door if she hears something she doesn’t like!
Ahh but we have had nice moments too this first week of summer. Yesterday I took the kids to paint pottery. There is a store called “Color Me Mine” that is new to our mall. I expected Natalie to like it but I wasn’t sure what William would have to say. He LOVED it just as much as she did! William wanted to know when we could go back
W: Can we come back tomorrow?
M: No not tomorrow
W: Tomorrow after tomorrow?
M: No
W: Tomorrow after tomorrow after tomorrow?
N: You mean Sunday?
W: Yes, Sunday?
M: No, Maybe in a few weeks
I had them make plates. I want to put them up in the kitchen so I chose the colors and they got to pick the stencils they put on. William chose a leaf and a butterfly, Natalie chose flowers and a butterfly. Then they both did their own little designs around the edges. I was very impressed with the design around the edges that they came up with.
Natalie's Plate
William's Plate
The oven just beeped telling me the next batch of cookies is done, William was right there next to me checking on the cookies and asking
W: Can I test this batch?
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