Wednesday, March 3, 2010


After many weeks of being off (due to illness, snow days, days off) from Sunday School (CCD, PREP, What ever you want to call it) classes have resumed and the kids are learning about Lent. Natalie has gotten the concept and decided to give up chocolate milk. William on the other hand is having a little trouble understanding sacrifice.

He decided yesterday to give up cheese and crackers (his chosen meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner these days). Natalie had her doubts and she told them to him, he laughed her off and “gave up” cheese and crackers for lent.

Our school district has teacher conferences this week so the kids got out of school half day today which means they don’t have lunch at school. We walked home from school and when they got home I knew they would be ready for lunch.

M: What do you want for lunch?
N: Cold pancakes are good. (She got them out and “made” her own lunch)
W: Peanut Butter and Jelly
M: We are out of bread; I can give you PBJ on crackers
W: Nah, I’ll have cheese and crackers
M&N: You gave up cheese and crackers for Lent!
W: Oh yea, (thinking face)
M: I can put PBJ on crackers?
W: No I’ll have cheese and crackers, I changed my mind, I’m not going to give that up for lent.
N: I told you you wouldn’t last one day!
M: Are you sure? Yesterday you said that’s what you were giving up.
W: I’m sure I’ll find something else to give up for lent, I want 50 cheese and crackers for lunch please.
M: Ok (I did not give him 50)
N: So what are you going to give up? How about the computer
N: How about TV?
M: Natalie are you going to give up TV?
N: (Laughing; like I’m crazy for asking) NO.
W: I know! I’ll give up tissues
M: You don’t use tissues!
W: I’ll give up napkins
W: I know! I’ll give up apples
M: No William you are not giving apples up for lent
W: Ok I know! I’ll give up brushing my teeth! (Big cheesy smile on his face, he knows what he’s saying)
M: NO William you are NOT giving up brushing your teeth!
W: Ok (big pause) (big cheesy smile on his face)! I’ll give up homework
M: Oh brother, I think I have my work cut out for me!
W: I know what you can give up Mom.
M: What can I give up?
W: Cooking.
M: Oh so you don’t like my cooking?
W&N: Laughing
N: Oh you can give up cooking but not baking. Cause we still want you to make your chocolate chip cookies.
W: Oh Yea, Yea, Yea, cause baking is NOT cooking so you’re not giving up baking, only cooking.

I just don’t even know what to say to that!

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