4:30 this morning I woke up with Natalie in my arms, didn’t know how she got there or why but there she was. After not being able to fall back to sleep I finally asked her why she was out here and she said her belly hurt. I told her to go lay on the love seat and I got up to get her the bowl and a few more blankets. About 5 William joined the party and laid down with me. I think we all fell asleep for a little while then my alarm went off at 6:30. Natalie complained that she had to wait until 6:55 for me to wake up and I told her if she didn’t wake me up in the middle of the night then I could have gotten up with the alarm!
As I was waking up I told them they were both grounded and I would tell them their punishment later. Simply we need to come straight home from school and not stay to play at our friend’s house. William has practice tonight so we were doing this any way, now I can turn it into a punishment!
(Natalie and I went to the grocery store the other day and she asked if we could get chocolate soy milk. She doesn’t know its soy; she just knows it’s the only kind of premade chocolate milk I will buy for them. So we got it and it sat unopened and forgotten about all weekend.)
After finally waking up this morning I made the kids pancakes and remembered the soy chocolate milk. I got out cups and gave it to them. This is what my darling daughter had to say.
N: Yea Chocolate milk!
N: WOW this is what happens when we get grounded; we get chocolate milk for breakfast!
W: (giggle giggle) COOL
N: Wow lets do that again tonight so we can get grounded and have chocolate milk for breakfast again tomorrow!
N: Chocolate milk and chocolate chip pancakes, I LOVE BEING GROUNDED!
Who wants them to come live at your house??? I’m giving them away for FREE!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Yesterday (really it was yesterday)
Not a very busy day by some of your standards but for me it was.
1. Get up and start the day & get the kids to school on time.
2. PTO meeting that lasted two hours!
3. Run home and pick up Natalie & William's lunches.
4. Pick William up at school and go eat lunch with Natalie
in the cafeteria.
(It was the holiday lunch, turkey, masho’s, stuffing….. YUM!)
5. Done lunch head home for a tryptophan induced nap
6. Head out to get Natalie, let the kids play till 4:30
(a little longer than planned)
7. Get home shove PBJ at the kids for dinner
8. Natalie’s friend gets dropped off so I can take them to cheerleading
9. Ed gets home and I shove a PBJ at him for dinner
10. Ed & William leave for wrestling practice
11. I take the girls to cheerleading
12. I head to wrestling practice for the parents meeting till 7:20!
13. Head home to put pizza bites in the oven for a snack before bed
14. Ed gets William into the shower then I help him out.
15. Back to cheerleading to pick up the girls
All I have to say is:
These darn kids with all this running around are interrupting my
bon bon eating, soap opera watching time! :-)
1. Get up and start the day & get the kids to school on time.
2. PTO meeting that lasted two hours!
3. Run home and pick up Natalie & William's lunches.
4. Pick William up at school and go eat lunch with Natalie
in the cafeteria.
(It was the holiday lunch, turkey, masho’s, stuffing….. YUM!)
5. Done lunch head home for a tryptophan induced nap
6. Head out to get Natalie, let the kids play till 4:30
(a little longer than planned)
7. Get home shove PBJ at the kids for dinner
8. Natalie’s friend gets dropped off so I can take them to cheerleading
9. Ed gets home and I shove a PBJ at him for dinner
10. Ed & William leave for wrestling practice
11. I take the girls to cheerleading
12. I head to wrestling practice for the parents meeting till 7:20!
13. Head home to put pizza bites in the oven for a snack before bed
14. Ed gets William into the shower then I help him out.
15. Back to cheerleading to pick up the girls
All I have to say is:
These darn kids with all this running around are interrupting my
bon bon eating, soap opera watching time! :-)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Preparing early doesn’t always pay off
Ok I wrote this a few days ago (I forget which day exactly) but never got to post it. I have some days where so many funny things happen then there are other days/weeks that go by when I have nothing to write about. I figure I’d space out the ones I do get so I don’t have 20 posts one day then no posts for 5 days. So here goes.
I was up and showering by 6:30 this morning. I got my cloths and had a little panic attack thinking it must be late and the kids haven’t even eaten yet. It was only 7:00, plenty of time. Natalie needs a half of an egg carton for a school project. I had just purchased 18 eggs a few days ago but that carton wouldn’t work so I picked up 12 more eggs yesterday. I need to empty the egg carton; I decided instead of emptying them out to a bowl I would actually use these eggs. Breakfast seemed like a good way to start.
Today’s breakfast was French toast (Bailey got the left over eggs). While the kids were eating I decided to make William’s lunch so I didn’t have to do it this afternoon. I squeaked the last little bit of peanut butter out of the jar (the sides were so clean you could see through it, I don’t think there’s a drop left in the jar) and William asked if he could have a shape. I let the kids use cookie cutters to make shapes for their sandwiches. He asked if he could make the cut out and I said yes. (Last time I make that mistake!):-)
William chose his cookie cutter, and took the sandwich to his spot. I went to the sink to clean up the breakfast mess so my back was to the kids. When I went back to the island to get another dish I noticed William eating his PBJ sandwich!
Me: What are you doing? That was supposed to be your lunch!
W: (a bewildered look on his face) Oh I forgot!
M: You just had French toast for breakfast, how could you still be hungry?
W: Sorry Mom, I forgot and I ate it. (Now he is giggling a bit)
M: What are you going to eat for lunch?
N: He can have the left over French toast for lunch
M: That’s a good idea!
The moral of the story is; planning ahead sometimes means more work not less. Now I have to make the kid lunch at lunch time too!
Changing the subject;
Natalie got her hair cut on Saturday. I asked the girl to part it to one side and cut long bangs so they could be swept to the side. Well after fooling with the new cut for a day we figured out Natalie hair has a mind of its own. There was a piece that was supposed to stay to the one side but keeps flipping back to the other. The only problem is it’s longer than the rest, and her bangs will NOT sweep to the side so they are in her eyes. I took her back last night and asked if they could fix it up. I pointed out the woman who cut it on Saturday, the woman checking us in whispered to me, “do you want her to cut it again or do you not want to go back to her?” I assured her that it was not the hair cutters fault; it was the kid’s hair! I didn’t want to get her into trouble. I made sure to tell Natalie hair dressers that too, I like what she did.
Here are pictures of Natalie’s new hair cut.
I was up and showering by 6:30 this morning. I got my cloths and had a little panic attack thinking it must be late and the kids haven’t even eaten yet. It was only 7:00, plenty of time. Natalie needs a half of an egg carton for a school project. I had just purchased 18 eggs a few days ago but that carton wouldn’t work so I picked up 12 more eggs yesterday. I need to empty the egg carton; I decided instead of emptying them out to a bowl I would actually use these eggs. Breakfast seemed like a good way to start.
Today’s breakfast was French toast (Bailey got the left over eggs). While the kids were eating I decided to make William’s lunch so I didn’t have to do it this afternoon. I squeaked the last little bit of peanut butter out of the jar (the sides were so clean you could see through it, I don’t think there’s a drop left in the jar) and William asked if he could have a shape. I let the kids use cookie cutters to make shapes for their sandwiches. He asked if he could make the cut out and I said yes. (Last time I make that mistake!):-)
William chose his cookie cutter, and took the sandwich to his spot. I went to the sink to clean up the breakfast mess so my back was to the kids. When I went back to the island to get another dish I noticed William eating his PBJ sandwich!
Me: What are you doing? That was supposed to be your lunch!
W: (a bewildered look on his face) Oh I forgot!
M: You just had French toast for breakfast, how could you still be hungry?
W: Sorry Mom, I forgot and I ate it. (Now he is giggling a bit)
M: What are you going to eat for lunch?
N: He can have the left over French toast for lunch
M: That’s a good idea!
The moral of the story is; planning ahead sometimes means more work not less. Now I have to make the kid lunch at lunch time too!
Changing the subject;
Natalie got her hair cut on Saturday. I asked the girl to part it to one side and cut long bangs so they could be swept to the side. Well after fooling with the new cut for a day we figured out Natalie hair has a mind of its own. There was a piece that was supposed to stay to the one side but keeps flipping back to the other. The only problem is it’s longer than the rest, and her bangs will NOT sweep to the side so they are in her eyes. I took her back last night and asked if they could fix it up. I pointed out the woman who cut it on Saturday, the woman checking us in whispered to me, “do you want her to cut it again or do you not want to go back to her?” I assured her that it was not the hair cutters fault; it was the kid’s hair! I didn’t want to get her into trouble. I made sure to tell Natalie hair dressers that too, I like what she did.
Here are pictures of Natalie’s new hair cut.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Leaf raking in Margarita Ville
Oh were to begin? Saturday my hubby took the kids to wrestling practice, came home and was relaxing. He was firmly planted on the couch making sure it didn’t run away from home when there was a knock on the door. It was our neighbor, he was going to rake up his leafs and put them in the back of his pick up truck and take them to a dumping spot. He wanted to know if Ed wanted to put our leafs in there too. Ed had no intention of doing this on Saturday but felt he should go help the neighbors.
They had the neighbor’s yard and our yard done in about a half hour. It took me that long to get the kids to put on the proper (playing in wet leaf) clothing to go out and help. The kids wanted to jump in the leafs so the neighbor told them they could go in the bed of the truck and stomp them down so we could fit more in. While the boys took the first load to the dumping grounds the kids and I move across the street to our other neighbor’s yard. We raked theirs and the neighbor next to them (the last yard had about 10 leafs in it) and were ready to pack the truck by the time they got back. Natalie did the last yard pretty much by herself and our neighbor made sure to thank her.
While they were making the 1st dump, Ed decided to provide the beverages. He ran to get the margarita mix, and had the drinks waiting when the boys got back. Now all the neighbors who were helping had about a half a glass each, which left Ed to pick up their slack! He was so “happy” for the rest of the day and sound asleep, snoring loudly, by 6:45PM! He woke up once for a drink and slept the entire night through and he felt fine in the morning!
Now because the weather was so warm on Saturday I asked Ed (a little too late, he had started drinking) to cut William’s hair. Now being the good father that he is he told me he was to drunk to cut the boys hair, he would do it another day. Hey at least he had the good sense to know he shouldn’t be operating clippers while intoxicated. He still hasn’t gotten to cut his hair so this morning I had to wet Williams’s hair down and try to “style it”.
William LOVED this idea; he NEVER has hair he can brush. I sprayed it with water and told him I waned to brush it, he told me he wanted to brush it. And brush it he did, for the next 30 minutes! First he spiked it up. I asked if he wanted to wear it like that to school and he said yes, so I put some gel in it. Then he moved into his room to look in the mirror and came back out with a Mohawk! He is SOOOOOOO proud of his Mohawk.
It didn’t quite stay when he put his bike helmet on to ride to school. I had him take the hair brush with him so he could brush it back up when we got there but it didn’t look the same. I may have to take the spray bottle and let him do his hair when he gets to school (before crossing to the school grounds) I’m sure the crossing guard will let him use the mirror on her car.

They had the neighbor’s yard and our yard done in about a half hour. It took me that long to get the kids to put on the proper (playing in wet leaf) clothing to go out and help. The kids wanted to jump in the leafs so the neighbor told them they could go in the bed of the truck and stomp them down so we could fit more in. While the boys took the first load to the dumping grounds the kids and I move across the street to our other neighbor’s yard. We raked theirs and the neighbor next to them (the last yard had about 10 leafs in it) and were ready to pack the truck by the time they got back. Natalie did the last yard pretty much by herself and our neighbor made sure to thank her.
While they were making the 1st dump, Ed decided to provide the beverages. He ran to get the margarita mix, and had the drinks waiting when the boys got back. Now all the neighbors who were helping had about a half a glass each, which left Ed to pick up their slack! He was so “happy” for the rest of the day and sound asleep, snoring loudly, by 6:45PM! He woke up once for a drink and slept the entire night through and he felt fine in the morning!
Now because the weather was so warm on Saturday I asked Ed (a little too late, he had started drinking) to cut William’s hair. Now being the good father that he is he told me he was to drunk to cut the boys hair, he would do it another day. Hey at least he had the good sense to know he shouldn’t be operating clippers while intoxicated. He still hasn’t gotten to cut his hair so this morning I had to wet Williams’s hair down and try to “style it”.
William LOVED this idea; he NEVER has hair he can brush. I sprayed it with water and told him I waned to brush it, he told me he wanted to brush it. And brush it he did, for the next 30 minutes! First he spiked it up. I asked if he wanted to wear it like that to school and he said yes, so I put some gel in it. Then he moved into his room to look in the mirror and came back out with a Mohawk! He is SOOOOOOO proud of his Mohawk.
It didn’t quite stay when he put his bike helmet on to ride to school. I had him take the hair brush with him so he could brush it back up when we got there but it didn’t look the same. I may have to take the spray bottle and let him do his hair when he gets to school (before crossing to the school grounds) I’m sure the crossing guard will let him use the mirror on her car.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Impulse buy
I went to the grocery store today to pick up a few items. Now one thing you have to understand about me is I have very good self control when it comes to impulse buys; magazines, candy and anything else they put there to entice you to buy at the very last second. I don’t normally bother with any of that stuff and I’m trying to teach this to my children too. I think Natalie will be fine; William on the other hand, would buy anything I said yes to, even if he didn’t want it. I’m also not a flower person, I’ve never like putting them out in a vase and looking at them. I’m really bad about throwing them away after they’ve died and I told Ed a long time ago not to waste $ on flowers.
I’m not sure what happened to me today but I made an impulse buy. Sitting right there at the entrance to the check out line were these really pretty fall colored flowers. I bought them! The colors were just so pretty, the bouquet has deep reds, oranges, and bright brilliant yellows in it. I have no clue what kind of flowers they are (I think there are carnations in there, they are the only flower I know by looking at them) but the colors are great. My counter is nice and clean and I actually knew were a big vase was so I put them in water as soon as I got home.
Now my kids know I NEVER buy flowers for myself, and Ed gets them for me only when his school is selling them for a fund raiser (this is the only time I let him spend $ on flowers). His mother saw the big bouquet of roses last year and yelled at him, “What did you do?” Ed was shocked and told her “nothing, I just wanted to get Jenn flowers”. She didn’t buy it until I reassured her that it was the fundraiser and he gives them to me every year at that time.
Now there are some flowers I truly enjoy getting; these are from Natalie (with Grammy’s help) she loves to surprise me with flowers; all summer when my mom’s gardens are in bloom Natalie gives me flowers. She and my mom go out into Grammy’s garden and they pick out which flowers would look good together and which ones are at the proper stage to be cut. Natalie is now old enough to use the clippers (with a lot of supervision) she thinks she is such a big shot being able to use the cutters. Then Natalie talks my mother into lending her a vase and I have to go into another room and close my eyes (and pretend I don’t know what’s going on) then she brings them to me. I gush over the flowers and take them home and Natalie reminds me to water them so I don’t kill them. So those are the only times I have flowers in the house.
So William got home from school today and saw the flowers I got today and said
W: Wow they are pretty flowers
M: I know I like them too
W: Was Grammy here?
M: No why?
W: Because I thought she got you the flowers
M: No I bought them at the store
W: Can I smell them?
M: Go ahead
W: YUCK that orange flower smells GROSS! But the red one smells good.
I cant’ wait to see what Natalie has to say.
About me killing all plants; the gardening gene skipped me. Natalie loves to tell this to people and told her second grade teacher that I kill plants. The conversation started when they were growing lima beans in school. The teacher was sending them home with the kids and Natalie informed her that she wanted her plant to live so she was taking it to Grammy’s house. “Mommy kills plants and I don’t want my plant to die!” Her teacher laughed as she told me about the conversation last year. I can’t yell at the kid she is correct, I do kill all plants.
I will enjoy today’s purchase and try to dispose of them in a timely manor when they are no longer pretty! Wish me luck!
I’m not sure what happened to me today but I made an impulse buy. Sitting right there at the entrance to the check out line were these really pretty fall colored flowers. I bought them! The colors were just so pretty, the bouquet has deep reds, oranges, and bright brilliant yellows in it. I have no clue what kind of flowers they are (I think there are carnations in there, they are the only flower I know by looking at them) but the colors are great. My counter is nice and clean and I actually knew were a big vase was so I put them in water as soon as I got home.
Now my kids know I NEVER buy flowers for myself, and Ed gets them for me only when his school is selling them for a fund raiser (this is the only time I let him spend $ on flowers). His mother saw the big bouquet of roses last year and yelled at him, “What did you do?” Ed was shocked and told her “nothing, I just wanted to get Jenn flowers”. She didn’t buy it until I reassured her that it was the fundraiser and he gives them to me every year at that time.
Now there are some flowers I truly enjoy getting; these are from Natalie (with Grammy’s help) she loves to surprise me with flowers; all summer when my mom’s gardens are in bloom Natalie gives me flowers. She and my mom go out into Grammy’s garden and they pick out which flowers would look good together and which ones are at the proper stage to be cut. Natalie is now old enough to use the clippers (with a lot of supervision) she thinks she is such a big shot being able to use the cutters. Then Natalie talks my mother into lending her a vase and I have to go into another room and close my eyes (and pretend I don’t know what’s going on) then she brings them to me. I gush over the flowers and take them home and Natalie reminds me to water them so I don’t kill them. So those are the only times I have flowers in the house.
So William got home from school today and saw the flowers I got today and said
W: Wow they are pretty flowers
M: I know I like them too
W: Was Grammy here?
M: No why?
W: Because I thought she got you the flowers
M: No I bought them at the store
W: Can I smell them?
M: Go ahead
W: YUCK that orange flower smells GROSS! But the red one smells good.
I cant’ wait to see what Natalie has to say.
About me killing all plants; the gardening gene skipped me. Natalie loves to tell this to people and told her second grade teacher that I kill plants. The conversation started when they were growing lima beans in school. The teacher was sending them home with the kids and Natalie informed her that she wanted her plant to live so she was taking it to Grammy’s house. “Mommy kills plants and I don’t want my plant to die!” Her teacher laughed as she told me about the conversation last year. I can’t yell at the kid she is correct, I do kill all plants.
I will enjoy today’s purchase and try to dispose of them in a timely manor when they are no longer pretty! Wish me luck!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
To soon
REALLY??? Its November 9, 2008 a radio station played a Christmas song this morning!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME????
It’s bad enough that wall-mart and all the other stores have their Christmas stuff out and we haven’t even celebrated Thanksgiving yet!! What is the rush?????? Slow down enjoy TODAY instead of rushing ahead to next month!
It’s bad enough that wall-mart and all the other stores have their Christmas stuff out and we haven’t even celebrated Thanksgiving yet!! What is the rush?????? Slow down enjoy TODAY instead of rushing ahead to next month!
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