They had the neighbor’s yard and our yard done in about a half hour. It took me that long to get the kids to put on the proper (playing in wet leaf) clothing to go out and help. The kids wanted to jump in the leafs so the neighbor told them they could go in the bed of the truck and stomp them down so we could fit more in. While the boys took the first load to the dumping grounds the kids and I move across the street to our other neighbor’s yard. We raked theirs and the neighbor next to them (the last yard had about 10 leafs in it) and were ready to pack the truck by the time they got back. Natalie did the last yard pretty much by herself and our neighbor made sure to thank her.
While they were making the 1st dump, Ed decided to provide the beverages. He ran to get the margarita mix, and had the drinks waiting when the boys got back. Now all the neighbors who were helping had about a half a glass each, which left Ed to pick up their slack! He was so “happy” for the rest of the day and sound asleep, snoring loudly, by 6:45PM! He woke up once for a drink and slept the entire night through and he felt fine in the morning!
Now because the weather was so warm on Saturday I asked Ed (a little too late, he had started drinking) to cut William’s hair. Now being the good father that he is he told me he was to drunk to cut the boys hair, he would do it another day. Hey at least he had the good sense to know he shouldn’t be operating clippers while intoxicated. He still hasn’t gotten to cut his hair so this morning I had to wet Williams’s hair down and try to “style it”.
William LOVED this idea; he NEVER has hair he can brush. I sprayed it with water and told him I waned to brush it, he told me he wanted to brush it. And brush it he did, for the next 30 minutes! First he spiked it up. I asked if he wanted to wear it like that to school and he said yes, so I put some gel in it. Then he moved into his room to look in the mirror and came back out with a Mohawk! He is SOOOOOOO proud of his Mohawk.
It didn’t quite stay when he put his bike helmet on to ride to school. I had him take the hair brush with him so he could brush it back up when we got there but it didn’t look the same. I may have to take the spray bottle and let him do his hair when he gets to school (before crossing to the school grounds) I’m sure the crossing guard will let him use the mirror on her car.
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