I was up and showering by 6:30 this morning. I got my cloths and had a little panic attack thinking it must be late and the kids haven’t even eaten yet. It was only 7:00, plenty of time. Natalie needs a half of an egg carton for a school project. I had just purchased 18 eggs a few days ago but that carton wouldn’t work so I picked up 12 more eggs yesterday. I need to empty the egg carton; I decided instead of emptying them out to a bowl I would actually use these eggs. Breakfast seemed like a good way to start.
Today’s breakfast was French toast (Bailey got the left over eggs). While the kids were eating I decided to make William’s lunch so I didn’t have to do it this afternoon. I squeaked the last little bit of peanut butter out of the jar (the sides were so clean you could see through it, I don’t think there’s a drop left in the jar) and William asked if he could have a shape. I let the kids use cookie cutters to make shapes for their sandwiches. He asked if he could make the cut out and I said yes. (Last time I make that mistake!):-)
William chose his cookie cutter, and took the sandwich to his spot. I went to the sink to clean up the breakfast mess so my back was to the kids. When I went back to the island to get another dish I noticed William eating his PBJ sandwich!
Me: What are you doing? That was supposed to be your lunch!
W: (a bewildered look on his face) Oh I forgot!
M: You just had French toast for breakfast, how could you still be hungry?
W: Sorry Mom, I forgot and I ate it. (Now he is giggling a bit)
M: What are you going to eat for lunch?
N: He can have the left over French toast for lunch
M: That’s a good idea!
The moral of the story is; planning ahead sometimes means more work not less. Now I have to make the kid lunch at lunch time too!
Changing the subject;
Natalie got her hair cut on Saturday. I asked the girl to part it to one side and cut long bangs so they could be swept to the side. Well after fooling with the new cut for a day we figured out Natalie hair has a mind of its own. There was a piece that was supposed to stay to the one side but keeps flipping back to the other. The only problem is it’s longer than the rest, and her bangs will NOT sweep to the side so they are in her eyes. I took her back last night and asked if they could fix it up. I pointed out the woman who cut it on Saturday, the woman checking us in whispered to me, “do you want her to cut it again or do you not want to go back to her?” I assured her that it was not the hair cutters fault; it was the kid’s hair! I didn’t want to get her into trouble. I made sure to tell Natalie hair dressers that too, I like what she did.
Here are pictures of Natalie’s new hair cut.
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