It’s Christmas Eve at 1:11 PM. Ed took the kids out shopping this morning and we met at the mall after I got some of my last minute stuff done. I took the kids to get the rest of the gift cards I needed, got them lunch then came home. We are done! Dinner and Church tonight and Big day tomorrow.
The kids were eating and I just looked at my e mail and noticed I have pictures ready at Wall-greens that I need for tomorrow. I said
M: Oh I forgot my pictures at Wall-greens; I need to go get them.
N: Quick hide, I’M NOT GOING either!
I just laughed, I understand their reason.
Everyone enjoy your holiday, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
How many children do you want?
My conversation with Natalie this AM
N: So mom did you want 2 children
M: Yes Natalie, Daddy and I wanted two Children
N: Oh so I wouldn’t be a lonely child?
M: (chuckling a bit) yes so you wouldn’t be a lonely child.
N: So mom did you want 2 children
M: Yes Natalie, Daddy and I wanted two Children
N: Oh so I wouldn’t be a lonely child?
M: (chuckling a bit) yes so you wouldn’t be a lonely child.
Friday, December 12, 2008
William’s Song
William is changing the song to
“All I want for Christmas is my 3 top teeth”.
He lost another one today in school.
Word spread fast too. He was at the nurse and saw Natalie pass, he wanted to tell her what happened, but she didn’t see him. A little ways down the hall Natalie ran into William’s teacher and was told about the tooth. He was happy to know that she found out quickly.
At pick up all his friends had to see his tooth. I had to open the little treasure chest the nurse put it in and show all the kids.
William still doesn’t sleep with his head on a pillow; he does however have a pillow in his bed. The pillow is down by his feet leaning up against the wall and a bear sleeps on it each night.
Oh and at the holiday shop at school, William purchased one pair of light up vampire teeth. I asked if that was because he didn’t have any teeth up top. He told me no, I can’t eat with the vampire teeth in my mouth.
I sure hope the tooth fairy is alert this time and remembers to bring a bone so Bailey will let her into the kid’s room. She has forgotten in the past and the good guard dog would not let her pass so she had to leave a note and tooth $ on the counter, or try again the next night!
“All I want for Christmas is my 3 top teeth”.
He lost another one today in school.
Word spread fast too. He was at the nurse and saw Natalie pass, he wanted to tell her what happened, but she didn’t see him. A little ways down the hall Natalie ran into William’s teacher and was told about the tooth. He was happy to know that she found out quickly.
At pick up all his friends had to see his tooth. I had to open the little treasure chest the nurse put it in and show all the kids.
William still doesn’t sleep with his head on a pillow; he does however have a pillow in his bed. The pillow is down by his feet leaning up against the wall and a bear sleeps on it each night.
Oh and at the holiday shop at school, William purchased one pair of light up vampire teeth. I asked if that was because he didn’t have any teeth up top. He told me no, I can’t eat with the vampire teeth in my mouth.
I sure hope the tooth fairy is alert this time and remembers to bring a bone so Bailey will let her into the kid’s room. She has forgotten in the past and the good guard dog would not let her pass so she had to leave a note and tooth $ on the counter, or try again the next night!
Friday, December 5, 2008
William giving gifts
The kids were eating a meal, I forget which one, and I had the TV on and a commercial came on for Zale’s (jewelry). They were advertizing their holiday necklace. William was paying attention to the TV.
W: WOW, I’m getting that for you for Christmas!
N: For ME! YES! Thanks William
W: No for Mommy. (N: sad face) I’m getting you the earrings
N: (Happy face) THANKS WILLIAM!! Yes, I get new earrings!
My mother has taught them well, both of them, to LOVE diamonds! That gene skipped me; I’d much prefer electronics to jewelry. William will make some woman VERY happy with his gift giving some day.
W: WOW, I’m getting that for you for Christmas!
N: For ME! YES! Thanks William
W: No for Mommy. (N: sad face) I’m getting you the earrings
N: (Happy face) THANKS WILLIAM!! Yes, I get new earrings!
My mother has taught them well, both of them, to LOVE diamonds! That gene skipped me; I’d much prefer electronics to jewelry. William will make some woman VERY happy with his gift giving some day.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Voting is closed the winner is….
Poor William was sick all day. Vomiting every 15 minutes or so for most of the morning and into the early afternoon. He finally fell asleep in the 2:00 hour and slept till I woke him around 4:30. He woke up and was STARVING! “Rest your belly” I said “NO I’m HUNGRY, MOM, PLEASE CAN’T I HAVE SOMETHING TO EAT???”
Problem was I was planning on going to the store today while the kids were at school. I’m out of EVERYTHING eggs, bread, cereal, soda, and I have nothing for dinner (not a problem for me I don’t feel much like eating after watching William throw up all day). About the only thing I do have in the fridge is milk and I found a box of jell-o to make for him. I was just so happy I ran to wall-mart last night to pick up toilet paper and I didn’t put that off till the trip I was planning on doing today!
So it’s my mom to the rescue; she was at the grocery store and called to see if she could pick something up from my house. I said yes and she asked if I needed anything. EGGS please. I put her stuff outside and she made the drop without ever having to enter the germy house.
I made pancakes for the kids (that’s what I needed the eggs for). William is still happily scarfing down pancakes and the jell-o I made for him earlier. While eating he announced,
“Mom, you are the GREATEST MOM IN THE WORLD!” AHHHHHH such a sweet boy. This is so nice to hear since I’m usually being told “You’re SO mean!” So I won the greatest mom in the world contest and all I had to do was have my mom bring me some eggs and make the kid some pancakes!!
Boy I wonder what award I would win if I made him candy
Problem was I was planning on going to the store today while the kids were at school. I’m out of EVERYTHING eggs, bread, cereal, soda, and I have nothing for dinner (not a problem for me I don’t feel much like eating after watching William throw up all day). About the only thing I do have in the fridge is milk and I found a box of jell-o to make for him. I was just so happy I ran to wall-mart last night to pick up toilet paper and I didn’t put that off till the trip I was planning on doing today!
So it’s my mom to the rescue; she was at the grocery store and called to see if she could pick something up from my house. I said yes and she asked if I needed anything. EGGS please. I put her stuff outside and she made the drop without ever having to enter the germy house.
I made pancakes for the kids (that’s what I needed the eggs for). William is still happily scarfing down pancakes and the jell-o I made for him earlier. While eating he announced,
“Mom, you are the GREATEST MOM IN THE WORLD!” AHHHHHH such a sweet boy. This is so nice to hear since I’m usually being told “You’re SO mean!” So I won the greatest mom in the world contest and all I had to do was have my mom bring me some eggs and make the kid some pancakes!!
Boy I wonder what award I would win if I made him candy
Monday, December 1, 2008
Remember to wear your safety goggles
When cutting your children’s toe nails!
Those little buggers are hard to find in your eye.
Those little buggers are hard to find in your eye.
Monday, November 24, 2008
4:30 this morning I woke up with Natalie in my arms, didn’t know how she got there or why but there she was. After not being able to fall back to sleep I finally asked her why she was out here and she said her belly hurt. I told her to go lay on the love seat and I got up to get her the bowl and a few more blankets. About 5 William joined the party and laid down with me. I think we all fell asleep for a little while then my alarm went off at 6:30. Natalie complained that she had to wait until 6:55 for me to wake up and I told her if she didn’t wake me up in the middle of the night then I could have gotten up with the alarm!
As I was waking up I told them they were both grounded and I would tell them their punishment later. Simply we need to come straight home from school and not stay to play at our friend’s house. William has practice tonight so we were doing this any way, now I can turn it into a punishment!
(Natalie and I went to the grocery store the other day and she asked if we could get chocolate soy milk. She doesn’t know its soy; she just knows it’s the only kind of premade chocolate milk I will buy for them. So we got it and it sat unopened and forgotten about all weekend.)
After finally waking up this morning I made the kids pancakes and remembered the soy chocolate milk. I got out cups and gave it to them. This is what my darling daughter had to say.
N: Yea Chocolate milk!
N: WOW this is what happens when we get grounded; we get chocolate milk for breakfast!
W: (giggle giggle) COOL
N: Wow lets do that again tonight so we can get grounded and have chocolate milk for breakfast again tomorrow!
N: Chocolate milk and chocolate chip pancakes, I LOVE BEING GROUNDED!
Who wants them to come live at your house??? I’m giving them away for FREE!
As I was waking up I told them they were both grounded and I would tell them their punishment later. Simply we need to come straight home from school and not stay to play at our friend’s house. William has practice tonight so we were doing this any way, now I can turn it into a punishment!
(Natalie and I went to the grocery store the other day and she asked if we could get chocolate soy milk. She doesn’t know its soy; she just knows it’s the only kind of premade chocolate milk I will buy for them. So we got it and it sat unopened and forgotten about all weekend.)
After finally waking up this morning I made the kids pancakes and remembered the soy chocolate milk. I got out cups and gave it to them. This is what my darling daughter had to say.
N: Yea Chocolate milk!
N: WOW this is what happens when we get grounded; we get chocolate milk for breakfast!
W: (giggle giggle) COOL
N: Wow lets do that again tonight so we can get grounded and have chocolate milk for breakfast again tomorrow!
N: Chocolate milk and chocolate chip pancakes, I LOVE BEING GROUNDED!
Who wants them to come live at your house??? I’m giving them away for FREE!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Yesterday (really it was yesterday)
Not a very busy day by some of your standards but for me it was.
1. Get up and start the day & get the kids to school on time.
2. PTO meeting that lasted two hours!
3. Run home and pick up Natalie & William's lunches.
4. Pick William up at school and go eat lunch with Natalie
in the cafeteria.
(It was the holiday lunch, turkey, masho’s, stuffing….. YUM!)
5. Done lunch head home for a tryptophan induced nap
6. Head out to get Natalie, let the kids play till 4:30
(a little longer than planned)
7. Get home shove PBJ at the kids for dinner
8. Natalie’s friend gets dropped off so I can take them to cheerleading
9. Ed gets home and I shove a PBJ at him for dinner
10. Ed & William leave for wrestling practice
11. I take the girls to cheerleading
12. I head to wrestling practice for the parents meeting till 7:20!
13. Head home to put pizza bites in the oven for a snack before bed
14. Ed gets William into the shower then I help him out.
15. Back to cheerleading to pick up the girls
All I have to say is:
These darn kids with all this running around are interrupting my
bon bon eating, soap opera watching time! :-)
1. Get up and start the day & get the kids to school on time.
2. PTO meeting that lasted two hours!
3. Run home and pick up Natalie & William's lunches.
4. Pick William up at school and go eat lunch with Natalie
in the cafeteria.
(It was the holiday lunch, turkey, masho’s, stuffing….. YUM!)
5. Done lunch head home for a tryptophan induced nap
6. Head out to get Natalie, let the kids play till 4:30
(a little longer than planned)
7. Get home shove PBJ at the kids for dinner
8. Natalie’s friend gets dropped off so I can take them to cheerleading
9. Ed gets home and I shove a PBJ at him for dinner
10. Ed & William leave for wrestling practice
11. I take the girls to cheerleading
12. I head to wrestling practice for the parents meeting till 7:20!
13. Head home to put pizza bites in the oven for a snack before bed
14. Ed gets William into the shower then I help him out.
15. Back to cheerleading to pick up the girls
All I have to say is:
These darn kids with all this running around are interrupting my
bon bon eating, soap opera watching time! :-)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Preparing early doesn’t always pay off
Ok I wrote this a few days ago (I forget which day exactly) but never got to post it. I have some days where so many funny things happen then there are other days/weeks that go by when I have nothing to write about. I figure I’d space out the ones I do get so I don’t have 20 posts one day then no posts for 5 days. So here goes.
I was up and showering by 6:30 this morning. I got my cloths and had a little panic attack thinking it must be late and the kids haven’t even eaten yet. It was only 7:00, plenty of time. Natalie needs a half of an egg carton for a school project. I had just purchased 18 eggs a few days ago but that carton wouldn’t work so I picked up 12 more eggs yesterday. I need to empty the egg carton; I decided instead of emptying them out to a bowl I would actually use these eggs. Breakfast seemed like a good way to start.
Today’s breakfast was French toast (Bailey got the left over eggs). While the kids were eating I decided to make William’s lunch so I didn’t have to do it this afternoon. I squeaked the last little bit of peanut butter out of the jar (the sides were so clean you could see through it, I don’t think there’s a drop left in the jar) and William asked if he could have a shape. I let the kids use cookie cutters to make shapes for their sandwiches. He asked if he could make the cut out and I said yes. (Last time I make that mistake!):-)
William chose his cookie cutter, and took the sandwich to his spot. I went to the sink to clean up the breakfast mess so my back was to the kids. When I went back to the island to get another dish I noticed William eating his PBJ sandwich!
Me: What are you doing? That was supposed to be your lunch!
W: (a bewildered look on his face) Oh I forgot!
M: You just had French toast for breakfast, how could you still be hungry?
W: Sorry Mom, I forgot and I ate it. (Now he is giggling a bit)
M: What are you going to eat for lunch?
N: He can have the left over French toast for lunch
M: That’s a good idea!
The moral of the story is; planning ahead sometimes means more work not less. Now I have to make the kid lunch at lunch time too!
Changing the subject;
Natalie got her hair cut on Saturday. I asked the girl to part it to one side and cut long bangs so they could be swept to the side. Well after fooling with the new cut for a day we figured out Natalie hair has a mind of its own. There was a piece that was supposed to stay to the one side but keeps flipping back to the other. The only problem is it’s longer than the rest, and her bangs will NOT sweep to the side so they are in her eyes. I took her back last night and asked if they could fix it up. I pointed out the woman who cut it on Saturday, the woman checking us in whispered to me, “do you want her to cut it again or do you not want to go back to her?” I assured her that it was not the hair cutters fault; it was the kid’s hair! I didn’t want to get her into trouble. I made sure to tell Natalie hair dressers that too, I like what she did.
Here are pictures of Natalie’s new hair cut.
I was up and showering by 6:30 this morning. I got my cloths and had a little panic attack thinking it must be late and the kids haven’t even eaten yet. It was only 7:00, plenty of time. Natalie needs a half of an egg carton for a school project. I had just purchased 18 eggs a few days ago but that carton wouldn’t work so I picked up 12 more eggs yesterday. I need to empty the egg carton; I decided instead of emptying them out to a bowl I would actually use these eggs. Breakfast seemed like a good way to start.
Today’s breakfast was French toast (Bailey got the left over eggs). While the kids were eating I decided to make William’s lunch so I didn’t have to do it this afternoon. I squeaked the last little bit of peanut butter out of the jar (the sides were so clean you could see through it, I don’t think there’s a drop left in the jar) and William asked if he could have a shape. I let the kids use cookie cutters to make shapes for their sandwiches. He asked if he could make the cut out and I said yes. (Last time I make that mistake!):-)
William chose his cookie cutter, and took the sandwich to his spot. I went to the sink to clean up the breakfast mess so my back was to the kids. When I went back to the island to get another dish I noticed William eating his PBJ sandwich!
Me: What are you doing? That was supposed to be your lunch!
W: (a bewildered look on his face) Oh I forgot!
M: You just had French toast for breakfast, how could you still be hungry?
W: Sorry Mom, I forgot and I ate it. (Now he is giggling a bit)
M: What are you going to eat for lunch?
N: He can have the left over French toast for lunch
M: That’s a good idea!
The moral of the story is; planning ahead sometimes means more work not less. Now I have to make the kid lunch at lunch time too!
Changing the subject;
Natalie got her hair cut on Saturday. I asked the girl to part it to one side and cut long bangs so they could be swept to the side. Well after fooling with the new cut for a day we figured out Natalie hair has a mind of its own. There was a piece that was supposed to stay to the one side but keeps flipping back to the other. The only problem is it’s longer than the rest, and her bangs will NOT sweep to the side so they are in her eyes. I took her back last night and asked if they could fix it up. I pointed out the woman who cut it on Saturday, the woman checking us in whispered to me, “do you want her to cut it again or do you not want to go back to her?” I assured her that it was not the hair cutters fault; it was the kid’s hair! I didn’t want to get her into trouble. I made sure to tell Natalie hair dressers that too, I like what she did.
Here are pictures of Natalie’s new hair cut.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Leaf raking in Margarita Ville
Oh were to begin? Saturday my hubby took the kids to wrestling practice, came home and was relaxing. He was firmly planted on the couch making sure it didn’t run away from home when there was a knock on the door. It was our neighbor, he was going to rake up his leafs and put them in the back of his pick up truck and take them to a dumping spot. He wanted to know if Ed wanted to put our leafs in there too. Ed had no intention of doing this on Saturday but felt he should go help the neighbors.
They had the neighbor’s yard and our yard done in about a half hour. It took me that long to get the kids to put on the proper (playing in wet leaf) clothing to go out and help. The kids wanted to jump in the leafs so the neighbor told them they could go in the bed of the truck and stomp them down so we could fit more in. While the boys took the first load to the dumping grounds the kids and I move across the street to our other neighbor’s yard. We raked theirs and the neighbor next to them (the last yard had about 10 leafs in it) and were ready to pack the truck by the time they got back. Natalie did the last yard pretty much by herself and our neighbor made sure to thank her.
While they were making the 1st dump, Ed decided to provide the beverages. He ran to get the margarita mix, and had the drinks waiting when the boys got back. Now all the neighbors who were helping had about a half a glass each, which left Ed to pick up their slack! He was so “happy” for the rest of the day and sound asleep, snoring loudly, by 6:45PM! He woke up once for a drink and slept the entire night through and he felt fine in the morning!
Now because the weather was so warm on Saturday I asked Ed (a little too late, he had started drinking) to cut William’s hair. Now being the good father that he is he told me he was to drunk to cut the boys hair, he would do it another day. Hey at least he had the good sense to know he shouldn’t be operating clippers while intoxicated. He still hasn’t gotten to cut his hair so this morning I had to wet Williams’s hair down and try to “style it”.
William LOVED this idea; he NEVER has hair he can brush. I sprayed it with water and told him I waned to brush it, he told me he wanted to brush it. And brush it he did, for the next 30 minutes! First he spiked it up. I asked if he wanted to wear it like that to school and he said yes, so I put some gel in it. Then he moved into his room to look in the mirror and came back out with a Mohawk! He is SOOOOOOO proud of his Mohawk.
It didn’t quite stay when he put his bike helmet on to ride to school. I had him take the hair brush with him so he could brush it back up when we got there but it didn’t look the same. I may have to take the spray bottle and let him do his hair when he gets to school (before crossing to the school grounds) I’m sure the crossing guard will let him use the mirror on her car.

They had the neighbor’s yard and our yard done in about a half hour. It took me that long to get the kids to put on the proper (playing in wet leaf) clothing to go out and help. The kids wanted to jump in the leafs so the neighbor told them they could go in the bed of the truck and stomp them down so we could fit more in. While the boys took the first load to the dumping grounds the kids and I move across the street to our other neighbor’s yard. We raked theirs and the neighbor next to them (the last yard had about 10 leafs in it) and were ready to pack the truck by the time they got back. Natalie did the last yard pretty much by herself and our neighbor made sure to thank her.
While they were making the 1st dump, Ed decided to provide the beverages. He ran to get the margarita mix, and had the drinks waiting when the boys got back. Now all the neighbors who were helping had about a half a glass each, which left Ed to pick up their slack! He was so “happy” for the rest of the day and sound asleep, snoring loudly, by 6:45PM! He woke up once for a drink and slept the entire night through and he felt fine in the morning!
Now because the weather was so warm on Saturday I asked Ed (a little too late, he had started drinking) to cut William’s hair. Now being the good father that he is he told me he was to drunk to cut the boys hair, he would do it another day. Hey at least he had the good sense to know he shouldn’t be operating clippers while intoxicated. He still hasn’t gotten to cut his hair so this morning I had to wet Williams’s hair down and try to “style it”.
William LOVED this idea; he NEVER has hair he can brush. I sprayed it with water and told him I waned to brush it, he told me he wanted to brush it. And brush it he did, for the next 30 minutes! First he spiked it up. I asked if he wanted to wear it like that to school and he said yes, so I put some gel in it. Then he moved into his room to look in the mirror and came back out with a Mohawk! He is SOOOOOOO proud of his Mohawk.
It didn’t quite stay when he put his bike helmet on to ride to school. I had him take the hair brush with him so he could brush it back up when we got there but it didn’t look the same. I may have to take the spray bottle and let him do his hair when he gets to school (before crossing to the school grounds) I’m sure the crossing guard will let him use the mirror on her car.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Impulse buy
I went to the grocery store today to pick up a few items. Now one thing you have to understand about me is I have very good self control when it comes to impulse buys; magazines, candy and anything else they put there to entice you to buy at the very last second. I don’t normally bother with any of that stuff and I’m trying to teach this to my children too. I think Natalie will be fine; William on the other hand, would buy anything I said yes to, even if he didn’t want it. I’m also not a flower person, I’ve never like putting them out in a vase and looking at them. I’m really bad about throwing them away after they’ve died and I told Ed a long time ago not to waste $ on flowers.
I’m not sure what happened to me today but I made an impulse buy. Sitting right there at the entrance to the check out line were these really pretty fall colored flowers. I bought them! The colors were just so pretty, the bouquet has deep reds, oranges, and bright brilliant yellows in it. I have no clue what kind of flowers they are (I think there are carnations in there, they are the only flower I know by looking at them) but the colors are great. My counter is nice and clean and I actually knew were a big vase was so I put them in water as soon as I got home.
Now my kids know I NEVER buy flowers for myself, and Ed gets them for me only when his school is selling them for a fund raiser (this is the only time I let him spend $ on flowers). His mother saw the big bouquet of roses last year and yelled at him, “What did you do?” Ed was shocked and told her “nothing, I just wanted to get Jenn flowers”. She didn’t buy it until I reassured her that it was the fundraiser and he gives them to me every year at that time.
Now there are some flowers I truly enjoy getting; these are from Natalie (with Grammy’s help) she loves to surprise me with flowers; all summer when my mom’s gardens are in bloom Natalie gives me flowers. She and my mom go out into Grammy’s garden and they pick out which flowers would look good together and which ones are at the proper stage to be cut. Natalie is now old enough to use the clippers (with a lot of supervision) she thinks she is such a big shot being able to use the cutters. Then Natalie talks my mother into lending her a vase and I have to go into another room and close my eyes (and pretend I don’t know what’s going on) then she brings them to me. I gush over the flowers and take them home and Natalie reminds me to water them so I don’t kill them. So those are the only times I have flowers in the house.
So William got home from school today and saw the flowers I got today and said
W: Wow they are pretty flowers
M: I know I like them too
W: Was Grammy here?
M: No why?
W: Because I thought she got you the flowers
M: No I bought them at the store
W: Can I smell them?
M: Go ahead
W: YUCK that orange flower smells GROSS! But the red one smells good.
I cant’ wait to see what Natalie has to say.
About me killing all plants; the gardening gene skipped me. Natalie loves to tell this to people and told her second grade teacher that I kill plants. The conversation started when they were growing lima beans in school. The teacher was sending them home with the kids and Natalie informed her that she wanted her plant to live so she was taking it to Grammy’s house. “Mommy kills plants and I don’t want my plant to die!” Her teacher laughed as she told me about the conversation last year. I can’t yell at the kid she is correct, I do kill all plants.
I will enjoy today’s purchase and try to dispose of them in a timely manor when they are no longer pretty! Wish me luck!
I’m not sure what happened to me today but I made an impulse buy. Sitting right there at the entrance to the check out line were these really pretty fall colored flowers. I bought them! The colors were just so pretty, the bouquet has deep reds, oranges, and bright brilliant yellows in it. I have no clue what kind of flowers they are (I think there are carnations in there, they are the only flower I know by looking at them) but the colors are great. My counter is nice and clean and I actually knew were a big vase was so I put them in water as soon as I got home.
Now my kids know I NEVER buy flowers for myself, and Ed gets them for me only when his school is selling them for a fund raiser (this is the only time I let him spend $ on flowers). His mother saw the big bouquet of roses last year and yelled at him, “What did you do?” Ed was shocked and told her “nothing, I just wanted to get Jenn flowers”. She didn’t buy it until I reassured her that it was the fundraiser and he gives them to me every year at that time.
Now there are some flowers I truly enjoy getting; these are from Natalie (with Grammy’s help) she loves to surprise me with flowers; all summer when my mom’s gardens are in bloom Natalie gives me flowers. She and my mom go out into Grammy’s garden and they pick out which flowers would look good together and which ones are at the proper stage to be cut. Natalie is now old enough to use the clippers (with a lot of supervision) she thinks she is such a big shot being able to use the cutters. Then Natalie talks my mother into lending her a vase and I have to go into another room and close my eyes (and pretend I don’t know what’s going on) then she brings them to me. I gush over the flowers and take them home and Natalie reminds me to water them so I don’t kill them. So those are the only times I have flowers in the house.
So William got home from school today and saw the flowers I got today and said
W: Wow they are pretty flowers
M: I know I like them too
W: Was Grammy here?
M: No why?
W: Because I thought she got you the flowers
M: No I bought them at the store
W: Can I smell them?
M: Go ahead
W: YUCK that orange flower smells GROSS! But the red one smells good.
I cant’ wait to see what Natalie has to say.
About me killing all plants; the gardening gene skipped me. Natalie loves to tell this to people and told her second grade teacher that I kill plants. The conversation started when they were growing lima beans in school. The teacher was sending them home with the kids and Natalie informed her that she wanted her plant to live so she was taking it to Grammy’s house. “Mommy kills plants and I don’t want my plant to die!” Her teacher laughed as she told me about the conversation last year. I can’t yell at the kid she is correct, I do kill all plants.
I will enjoy today’s purchase and try to dispose of them in a timely manor when they are no longer pretty! Wish me luck!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
To soon
REALLY??? Its November 9, 2008 a radio station played a Christmas song this morning!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME????
It’s bad enough that wall-mart and all the other stores have their Christmas stuff out and we haven’t even celebrated Thanksgiving yet!! What is the rush?????? Slow down enjoy TODAY instead of rushing ahead to next month!
It’s bad enough that wall-mart and all the other stores have their Christmas stuff out and we haven’t even celebrated Thanksgiving yet!! What is the rush?????? Slow down enjoy TODAY instead of rushing ahead to next month!
Friday, October 31, 2008
1. Happy Birthday to my Roomie!!!
2. Happy Halloween
3. YEA Phillies!!! Sooooo Happy you won the World Series!!!!!
I went to Wawa this morning and you wouldn’t believe all the kids who are out of school so they can go to the parade for the Phillies. Natalie wanted to go to get out of school (even though she loves school) and William wanted to go to see a parade. I tried explaining that it wasn’t going to be like the little St. Patty’s day parade in our town, where we sit on the edge of the road and they throw candy and there isn’t any one else in there way. From the looks of Wednesday night after they won the game, this is going to be an insane amount of people in Philadelphia. All I know is they are interrupting my Soaps to show it:-( Yea I’m a Phillies Fan BUT, don’t interrupt my Soaps! At least I have soap net so I can watch them later. (I just heard they opened The LINC, where the Eagles play and that holds 65,000 people I think, plus they had Citizens Bank Park for the main festivities).
Ok so now on to business. Each Halloween my husband and I play this game, I go purchase all the candy to give to the trick or treaters and he wants to bust into it early. To keep him from eating it I hide it. A few years I have taken it to my parent’s house (that is the best hiding spot) but in the last year or two, I’ve enjoyed the challenge of finding new hiding spots and out witting the hubby!
The other morning I was in a huge rush to get the kids to school. I needed a shower because I was going up to the school for something about 10 minutes after I dropped them off. I got into the shower at 8:25Am and was done, hair dried, dressed, make up on at 8:35! Yes I think that is a personal record for me. While I was drying my hair, Ed called from work. Natalie answered my cell phone and brought it into me, I told her I didn’t have time to talk to him, take a message for me.
Later on I asked Natalie what Daddy had wanted.
N: That’s between me, Daddy and William.
M: Excuse me?
N: Daddy is sending us on a mission.
M: What kind of a mission?
N: I’m not telling you.
M: OK, so Daddy didn’t need to talk to me for anything.
N: Nope.
So I have NO idea what they are up to. I let it go and move on with the day. I’m not a nosy person and I won’t be baited into wanting to find out what’s up, plus with a 5 & 8 year old it’s bound to come out sooner rather than later.
I picked William up from school that day and we were chatting. Out of the blue he says to me
W: You know Mom you have to go buy Halloween candy, it’s almost Halloween.
M: I know, but I’m going to wait to buy it.
Now I found it a little odd that my 5 year old was concerned with me buying candy for the other kids. Neither one of my kids has ever wondered when I was going to do that. At some point after Natalie got home from school that day she brought up the fact that I need to buy candy for Halloween. Then the kids start whispering! Now I know what they are up to. Their mission: If they choose to accept it, is to find out where I’m hiding the Halloween candy for their father!
I kept telling them I wasn’t getting it until Thursday so then I hear them telling Ed that the mission isn’t going to start until Thursday. It was so funny all the sneaking around, and I let them think I wasn’t on to them.
So I got the candy Thursday and had to find a hiding spot for the night. This should explain how only I do the dishes! NO ONE even tried to go into my hiding spot Thursday night or Friday morning! It worked out wonderfully!!

One of Williams’s friends lent us a Halloween CD, William is boogieing out to Ghost Busters right now.
Have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN, I wish you all lots of candy.
Here are a few pictures from the night we carved our pumpkins.

2. Happy Halloween
3. YEA Phillies!!! Sooooo Happy you won the World Series!!!!!
I went to Wawa this morning and you wouldn’t believe all the kids who are out of school so they can go to the parade for the Phillies. Natalie wanted to go to get out of school (even though she loves school) and William wanted to go to see a parade. I tried explaining that it wasn’t going to be like the little St. Patty’s day parade in our town, where we sit on the edge of the road and they throw candy and there isn’t any one else in there way. From the looks of Wednesday night after they won the game, this is going to be an insane amount of people in Philadelphia. All I know is they are interrupting my Soaps to show it:-( Yea I’m a Phillies Fan BUT, don’t interrupt my Soaps! At least I have soap net so I can watch them later. (I just heard they opened The LINC, where the Eagles play and that holds 65,000 people I think, plus they had Citizens Bank Park for the main festivities).
Ok so now on to business. Each Halloween my husband and I play this game, I go purchase all the candy to give to the trick or treaters and he wants to bust into it early. To keep him from eating it I hide it. A few years I have taken it to my parent’s house (that is the best hiding spot) but in the last year or two, I’ve enjoyed the challenge of finding new hiding spots and out witting the hubby!
The other morning I was in a huge rush to get the kids to school. I needed a shower because I was going up to the school for something about 10 minutes after I dropped them off. I got into the shower at 8:25Am and was done, hair dried, dressed, make up on at 8:35! Yes I think that is a personal record for me. While I was drying my hair, Ed called from work. Natalie answered my cell phone and brought it into me, I told her I didn’t have time to talk to him, take a message for me.
Later on I asked Natalie what Daddy had wanted.
N: That’s between me, Daddy and William.
M: Excuse me?
N: Daddy is sending us on a mission.
M: What kind of a mission?
N: I’m not telling you.
M: OK, so Daddy didn’t need to talk to me for anything.
N: Nope.
So I have NO idea what they are up to. I let it go and move on with the day. I’m not a nosy person and I won’t be baited into wanting to find out what’s up, plus with a 5 & 8 year old it’s bound to come out sooner rather than later.
I picked William up from school that day and we were chatting. Out of the blue he says to me
W: You know Mom you have to go buy Halloween candy, it’s almost Halloween.
M: I know, but I’m going to wait to buy it.
Now I found it a little odd that my 5 year old was concerned with me buying candy for the other kids. Neither one of my kids has ever wondered when I was going to do that. At some point after Natalie got home from school that day she brought up the fact that I need to buy candy for Halloween. Then the kids start whispering! Now I know what they are up to. Their mission: If they choose to accept it, is to find out where I’m hiding the Halloween candy for their father!
I kept telling them I wasn’t getting it until Thursday so then I hear them telling Ed that the mission isn’t going to start until Thursday. It was so funny all the sneaking around, and I let them think I wasn’t on to them.
So I got the candy Thursday and had to find a hiding spot for the night. This should explain how only I do the dishes! NO ONE even tried to go into my hiding spot Thursday night or Friday morning! It worked out wonderfully!!
One of Williams’s friends lent us a Halloween CD, William is boogieing out to Ghost Busters right now.
Have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN, I wish you all lots of candy.
Here are a few pictures from the night we carved our pumpkins.
Monday, October 27, 2008
I AM WOMAN, Hear me ROAR!!!!
Ok so I’m a little proud of myself right now.
Yesterday morning after church my dad told me that my tail lights and the left blinker on my van were out. (He has such faith that I was actually using my blinker, that it MUST be out if it was not on when I was turning!) We got back to his house and he popped off the light and switched the light bulbs, and nothing happened. He was thinking it was a wire.
I said to my dad “oh is that why the blinker is blinking faster than normal?” He said “yes” and told me to read the manual then I would know that is a signal that something is wrong. I told him I have that guy gene and I don’t read manuals or directions (not driving direction, I follow them and stop when needed!)
When Ed looked at it yesterday afternoon the right light was lighting, but he looked at the bulbs and they didn’t seem to be burnt out. I decided to start with the bulb and go from there.
This morning I rode with the kids to school on the bikes then came home, took apart the tail light and pulled out the bulbs. I drove to wall-mart and found the bulb and came home and installed it. No one else is home and I can’t MacGyver the brake light to see if it’s on (I did try moving the seat up to wedge my umbrella on the brake pedal so I could see if it was on but it didn’t work) but the blinker is working!
My next project for this morning my window frames. I also purchased wood filler, while at Wall-Mart and I’m going to fix my window frames now (thanks dad for that suggestion). Now if I could just figure out how to open the Spackle bucket I’d be good to go!
Go Phillies!!!
We don’t usually follow baseball, we watch football and get all into that. But now with the Phillies where they are in the World Series (YEA!!!!) the kids are hearing about it at school and I’ve been watching the games.
My children are cheering for the Phillies the best way they know how:
Fly, Eagles, Fly
On the road to victory!
Fly, Eagles, Fly
Score a touchdown 1, 2, 3!
Hit’em low
Hit’em high
Let’s watch our eagles fly
Fly, Eagles, Fly
On the road to victory!
E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!
The past few mornings when they get up and I tell them the Phillies have won another game they break out into the Eagles song, its sooooo funny.
I wish it could have been a clean sweep here at our house. Eagles then Steelers then the Phillies, it was a sports day around here for sure. Sad day for Ed and the Steelers but we are thrilled about the Eagles and the Phillies!!!!
I have to get back to work now, once Ed gets home and I actually get to look at the break light in use: I’ll let you know if I really fixed it.
Stub Hub has tickets to tonight’s Phillies game. $750.00 to $7500.00, I think I’ll watch from the comfort and warmth of my couch! When I tell Natalie she will say “wow that’s more than the Hannah Montana tickets!”
Yesterday morning after church my dad told me that my tail lights and the left blinker on my van were out. (He has such faith that I was actually using my blinker, that it MUST be out if it was not on when I was turning!) We got back to his house and he popped off the light and switched the light bulbs, and nothing happened. He was thinking it was a wire.
I said to my dad “oh is that why the blinker is blinking faster than normal?” He said “yes” and told me to read the manual then I would know that is a signal that something is wrong. I told him I have that guy gene and I don’t read manuals or directions (not driving direction, I follow them and stop when needed!)
When Ed looked at it yesterday afternoon the right light was lighting, but he looked at the bulbs and they didn’t seem to be burnt out. I decided to start with the bulb and go from there.
This morning I rode with the kids to school on the bikes then came home, took apart the tail light and pulled out the bulbs. I drove to wall-mart and found the bulb and came home and installed it. No one else is home and I can’t MacGyver the brake light to see if it’s on (I did try moving the seat up to wedge my umbrella on the brake pedal so I could see if it was on but it didn’t work) but the blinker is working!
My next project for this morning my window frames. I also purchased wood filler, while at Wall-Mart and I’m going to fix my window frames now (thanks dad for that suggestion). Now if I could just figure out how to open the Spackle bucket I’d be good to go!
Go Phillies!!!
We don’t usually follow baseball, we watch football and get all into that. But now with the Phillies where they are in the World Series (YEA!!!!) the kids are hearing about it at school and I’ve been watching the games.
My children are cheering for the Phillies the best way they know how:
Fly, Eagles, Fly
On the road to victory!
Fly, Eagles, Fly
Score a touchdown 1, 2, 3!
Hit’em low
Hit’em high
Let’s watch our eagles fly
Fly, Eagles, Fly
On the road to victory!
E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!
The past few mornings when they get up and I tell them the Phillies have won another game they break out into the Eagles song, its sooooo funny.
I wish it could have been a clean sweep here at our house. Eagles then Steelers then the Phillies, it was a sports day around here for sure. Sad day for Ed and the Steelers but we are thrilled about the Eagles and the Phillies!!!!
I have to get back to work now, once Ed gets home and I actually get to look at the break light in use: I’ll let you know if I really fixed it.
Stub Hub has tickets to tonight’s Phillies game. $750.00 to $7500.00, I think I’ll watch from the comfort and warmth of my couch! When I tell Natalie she will say “wow that’s more than the Hannah Montana tickets!”
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Who is listenting to the campaign messages?
William is brushing his teeth and from the bathroom comes
"I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message" He he he he he
I guess the campaign messages are getting through to some one, too bad, he's only 5 and can't vote!
"I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message" He he he he he
I guess the campaign messages are getting through to some one, too bad, he's only 5 and can't vote!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bicycles in the morning
I don’t know if any of you saw the today show this morning, one of the Wallenda’s was trying to break a world record. He was going to walk across a high wire then ride a bike back across! I paused my TV and took the kids to school.
On the way, my little racer William crashed with a capital C! I sent the other kids on their way and took him into the nurse, who wasn’t in her office. Luckily the secretary had a band aid, a small band aid that only covered half the boo boo, but it will work for now.
We were right across the street from the front door of the school when he crashed. There is a house under going a huge renovation, and all 4 guys came running when they saw William fall. I think he scared the S*** out of them. Then I come moseying up on my bike, can you tell I’m used to this by now?
So when I got back home I was to nervous to watch the high wire act. I watched in fast forward and saw that he made it then I went back and watched slowly.
I know one thing for sure; William is NEVER taking his bike on a high wire!
I’m going to go have my cup of tea and clam my nerves.
On the way, my little racer William crashed with a capital C! I sent the other kids on their way and took him into the nurse, who wasn’t in her office. Luckily the secretary had a band aid, a small band aid that only covered half the boo boo, but it will work for now.
We were right across the street from the front door of the school when he crashed. There is a house under going a huge renovation, and all 4 guys came running when they saw William fall. I think he scared the S*** out of them. Then I come moseying up on my bike, can you tell I’m used to this by now?
So when I got back home I was to nervous to watch the high wire act. I watched in fast forward and saw that he made it then I went back and watched slowly.
I know one thing for sure; William is NEVER taking his bike on a high wire!
I’m going to go have my cup of tea and clam my nerves.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Mom where are my midgets?
M: What?
W: Where are my midgets? I can’t find them, what happened to them?
M: WHAT midgets????? WHAT are you talking about?
W: My midgets that I got from the dentists office, it’s not on my croc any more, see (and he shows me his croc).
M: You mean your JIBBITZ?? (The little decorations that go on the croc shoes)
My boy needs to learn the correct word for things!
W: Where are my midgets? I can’t find them, what happened to them?
M: WHAT midgets????? WHAT are you talking about?
W: My midgets that I got from the dentists office, it’s not on my croc any more, see (and he shows me his croc).
M: You mean your JIBBITZ?? (The little decorations that go on the croc shoes)
My boy needs to learn the correct word for things!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
What is it with little boys????
First: Natalie NEVER gave me a hard time about what she was going to wear to school. She may have asked to wear something like a fancy dress or she may have mildly protested my choice. We would have a conversation about it and if she had a good reason then I may have changed what she was going to wear. William just refuses to wear certain things. He REFUSED to wear jeans yesterday! Now normally I say go get dressed and as long as he looks some what ok I’ll let him go to school in what he picks. Yesterday I wanted him to wear jeans for a change, so the teacher knows he has some “nice” clothing and not just swishy pants and sweats. But NO he had something else in mind.
I just find it funny that my little girl didn’t care about what she was wearing as much as her brother does. There are many days that I will pull something out and tell William to put it on and he says “What are we going to church today”? I tell him no just put it on! I had to prep him the night before picture day; I pulled out what he was wearing and showed him. I told him that was what he was going to wear. For that day he didn’t give me a hard time at all, he just said “Ok, I’m going to get my picture taken”.
Second: What possess little boys to roll their cars on the walls at other people’s homes? Oh yes it left marks! Luckily it was someone’s house who loves him (sometimes more than I do) so much that they won’t hold it against him!
Third: After having a thousand conversations about how to give our left over food to the dog, WHY can’t he remember the rules? What would make him break the crust of his bread into little pieces and toss it onto the floor, like he’s feeding ducks at a pond. Just sitting in his chair at the island and tossing pieces of bread onto the floor all around him, (the ducks must have been spread out in the pond) just “feeding the ducks”. The best part of his little feeding session; the dog wasn’t even in the house at the time to clean up after him!
I just find it funny that my little girl didn’t care about what she was wearing as much as her brother does. There are many days that I will pull something out and tell William to put it on and he says “What are we going to church today”? I tell him no just put it on! I had to prep him the night before picture day; I pulled out what he was wearing and showed him. I told him that was what he was going to wear. For that day he didn’t give me a hard time at all, he just said “Ok, I’m going to get my picture taken”.
Second: What possess little boys to roll their cars on the walls at other people’s homes? Oh yes it left marks! Luckily it was someone’s house who loves him (sometimes more than I do) so much that they won’t hold it against him!
Third: After having a thousand conversations about how to give our left over food to the dog, WHY can’t he remember the rules? What would make him break the crust of his bread into little pieces and toss it onto the floor, like he’s feeding ducks at a pond. Just sitting in his chair at the island and tossing pieces of bread onto the floor all around him, (the ducks must have been spread out in the pond) just “feeding the ducks”. The best part of his little feeding session; the dog wasn’t even in the house at the time to clean up after him!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Paying Less
Natalie had her book fair at school today. The kids who don’t have money with them get a sheet of paper to make their wish list on. Natalie brought me home her wish list and told me…
N: Mom there were two prices on all of the books, so I put down the one that was LESS for every one of my books. So we get to pay the lower price!
I then explained that she had to use the price for the U.S. She told me that is what she did; she picked “us” each time.
So she does have her prices correct on the sheet!
N: Mom there were two prices on all of the books, so I put down the one that was LESS for every one of my books. So we get to pay the lower price!
I then explained that she had to use the price for the U.S. She told me that is what she did; she picked “us” each time.
So she does have her prices correct on the sheet!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Entertaining a sick kid
William is laying on the couch watching on the big TV. It has the better shows (cable has noggin and PBS sprout) shows we don’t get in our bedroom.
This show called Hip Hop Harry came on. Some big, Barney type, bear dressed in hip hop clothing with his hat worn with the brim to the side of his head.
I hear the “rap” music playing so being the super cool mom that I am I bust into a cool mom hip hop dance in front of William. He starts laughing his sick little belly off and says “MOOOOOOOOOOOOM, stop dancing”! (Hey at least I didn’t make him laugh so hard that he threw up again) So I stopped dancing. Then William told me
W: If you’re really groovin you have to have a big metal on.
M: Some BLING?
W: A really, really big metal, Mom. Then you are a really good hip hopper.
There is a boy named William on the show and he was given his turn to dance in front of everyone. All the kids on the show gathered around in a half circle and watched him dance. As he got going they started chanting his name as they grooved to the music. So I was grooving a little and started chanting with them.
Again came “MOOOOOOM STOP! But at least he was smiling and laughing as he “yelled” at me.
When I say hip hop you say Harry
Hip Hop Harry
Hip Hop Harry
Hip Hop Harry
Hip Hop Harry!
If you can dream it you can achieve it. Is one rap they perform
This is one of the other raps from the show.
If you like to read
and you like books
just open one up
and take a look.
Not a bad message in a hip hop way. The show is kind of cute and all their pants are up in the correct spot, no undies showing, like in a "real" rap video.
This show called Hip Hop Harry came on. Some big, Barney type, bear dressed in hip hop clothing with his hat worn with the brim to the side of his head.
I hear the “rap” music playing so being the super cool mom that I am I bust into a cool mom hip hop dance in front of William. He starts laughing his sick little belly off and says “MOOOOOOOOOOOOM, stop dancing”! (Hey at least I didn’t make him laugh so hard that he threw up again) So I stopped dancing. Then William told me
W: If you’re really groovin you have to have a big metal on.
M: Some BLING?
W: A really, really big metal, Mom. Then you are a really good hip hopper.
There is a boy named William on the show and he was given his turn to dance in front of everyone. All the kids on the show gathered around in a half circle and watched him dance. As he got going they started chanting his name as they grooved to the music. So I was grooving a little and started chanting with them.
Again came “MOOOOOOM STOP! But at least he was smiling and laughing as he “yelled” at me.
When I say hip hop you say Harry
Hip Hop Harry
Hip Hop Harry
Hip Hop Harry
Hip Hop Harry!
If you can dream it you can achieve it. Is one rap they perform
This is one of the other raps from the show.
If you like to read
and you like books
just open one up
and take a look.
Not a bad message in a hip hop way. The show is kind of cute and all their pants are up in the correct spot, no undies showing, like in a "real" rap video.
Rule # 1!
Rule #1 You may NOT be sick the day after two days off of school!
I don’t know why my children like breaking this rule!
I think I had the best sleep I’ve had in forever, last night, no really, I can’t remember the last time I fell asleep before 11 pm and stayed asleep ALL night! Most nights one of the kids yells, gets up or some how wakes me up and if they don’t I seem to wake up on my own at the time they usually get me up. Last night I was OUT, it was GREAT! Waking up this morning was like waking up the first morning that your baby slept through the night. I woke up thinking OMG is everyone ok, they didn’t wake me up in the middle of the night????
But this is how I woke up. So I’m sound asleep on the couch, I didn’t even hear Ed get up and leave to walk the dog. I hear “MOM, I’m DONE!” This is Williams call when he’s had a BM; he can’t reach the toilet paper so I have to go give him some. It took a minute to register and as I looked outside I thought OH WHAT time is it? He doesn’t usually wake up in the middle of the night to go sit on the toilet. So I tell him to try to reach himself, then I hear Natalie’s voice, “I got him some T.P. Mom, but he thinks he’s going to throw up”.
Oh GREAT! I pull myself off the couch and make my way to the bathroom. What a sweet sight I found. William is sitting on the potty with his head in the sick bowl that Natalie is holding for him. Isn’t she a sweet big sister???? I felt sooooo proud that she would do this for him. I thanked her and send her on her way as he started throwing up.
He got done and went and laid down on the love seat, stole my blanket because he was cold and got comfortable. He threw up one more time then went to sleep for an hour. So I stared making pancakes. William only likes pancakes when he is sick, plus we are out of bagels so Natalie needed a good breakfast too.
I figured out the perfect cook time for a small sized pancake. Put the batter in the pan, put a few chocolate chips in each of the 4 pancakes, run to the washing machine and empty it into the dryer and start it running. Start the water for a new load of wash, put in the soap, go get the load of laundry (that has already been separated) put it into the machine, close the lid and get back to your pancakes! Ok so I thought for sure they were burnt, but they were perfect!
So now my dilemma is getting Natalie to school. I could throw the boy in the van and drive her, but she loves riding her bike, it’s a beautiful day and her friends are riding. So I call the friends mom (who is a friend of mine) and make a plan. I’ll watch Natalie get to her house, then the friends mom can see to the crossing guard from a spot close to her house, so she would watch the kids get to the crossing guard (the crossing guard is right across the street from the school so we know they got there). So that is what we did. I’m having a hard time not knowing (seeing with my own eyes) that Natalie had been delivered to school safely! I’ve got 7 hours before I actually see her again to know she made it there safely. I know she is fine; it’s just the first time I’ve done this so it’s a weird feeling. Yes I’m resisting the very strong urge to call the school after attendance is taken to see that she actually signed in.
We made a plan for the afternoon too and I’ll await the phone call that she made it to her friend’s house and is on her way from her friend’s house to me, then I’ll go watch down the street to make sure she gets home safely.
William seems to be fine; I think it was just post nasal drip that was the problem this morning. However he hasn’t eaten anything all morning. He won’t eat a pancake, or Whales, or crackers, any of you who know William, this is VERY odd behavior. The child usually wakes up begging for all of those things, plus a few others. He is not running a fever but I called him out of school any way and banished him to the love seat for the rest of the day.
Here are two pictures of the fun pancakes I made this morning. They are a little out of focus, my camera was giving me a hard time this AM, I guess I woke it up and put it to work to early.
I thought this one looked like a lady bug so I put some extra chips in it for spots.

This looks like an evil jack-o-lantern
I don’t know why my children like breaking this rule!
I think I had the best sleep I’ve had in forever, last night, no really, I can’t remember the last time I fell asleep before 11 pm and stayed asleep ALL night! Most nights one of the kids yells, gets up or some how wakes me up and if they don’t I seem to wake up on my own at the time they usually get me up. Last night I was OUT, it was GREAT! Waking up this morning was like waking up the first morning that your baby slept through the night. I woke up thinking OMG is everyone ok, they didn’t wake me up in the middle of the night????
But this is how I woke up. So I’m sound asleep on the couch, I didn’t even hear Ed get up and leave to walk the dog. I hear “MOM, I’m DONE!” This is Williams call when he’s had a BM; he can’t reach the toilet paper so I have to go give him some. It took a minute to register and as I looked outside I thought OH WHAT time is it? He doesn’t usually wake up in the middle of the night to go sit on the toilet. So I tell him to try to reach himself, then I hear Natalie’s voice, “I got him some T.P. Mom, but he thinks he’s going to throw up”.
Oh GREAT! I pull myself off the couch and make my way to the bathroom. What a sweet sight I found. William is sitting on the potty with his head in the sick bowl that Natalie is holding for him. Isn’t she a sweet big sister???? I felt sooooo proud that she would do this for him. I thanked her and send her on her way as he started throwing up.
He got done and went and laid down on the love seat, stole my blanket because he was cold and got comfortable. He threw up one more time then went to sleep for an hour. So I stared making pancakes. William only likes pancakes when he is sick, plus we are out of bagels so Natalie needed a good breakfast too.
I figured out the perfect cook time for a small sized pancake. Put the batter in the pan, put a few chocolate chips in each of the 4 pancakes, run to the washing machine and empty it into the dryer and start it running. Start the water for a new load of wash, put in the soap, go get the load of laundry (that has already been separated) put it into the machine, close the lid and get back to your pancakes! Ok so I thought for sure they were burnt, but they were perfect!
So now my dilemma is getting Natalie to school. I could throw the boy in the van and drive her, but she loves riding her bike, it’s a beautiful day and her friends are riding. So I call the friends mom (who is a friend of mine) and make a plan. I’ll watch Natalie get to her house, then the friends mom can see to the crossing guard from a spot close to her house, so she would watch the kids get to the crossing guard (the crossing guard is right across the street from the school so we know they got there). So that is what we did. I’m having a hard time not knowing (seeing with my own eyes) that Natalie had been delivered to school safely! I’ve got 7 hours before I actually see her again to know she made it there safely. I know she is fine; it’s just the first time I’ve done this so it’s a weird feeling. Yes I’m resisting the very strong urge to call the school after attendance is taken to see that she actually signed in.
We made a plan for the afternoon too and I’ll await the phone call that she made it to her friend’s house and is on her way from her friend’s house to me, then I’ll go watch down the street to make sure she gets home safely.
William seems to be fine; I think it was just post nasal drip that was the problem this morning. However he hasn’t eaten anything all morning. He won’t eat a pancake, or Whales, or crackers, any of you who know William, this is VERY odd behavior. The child usually wakes up begging for all of those things, plus a few others. He is not running a fever but I called him out of school any way and banished him to the love seat for the rest of the day.
Here are two pictures of the fun pancakes I made this morning. They are a little out of focus, my camera was giving me a hard time this AM, I guess I woke it up and put it to work to early.
I thought this one looked like a lady bug so I put some extra chips in it for spots.
This looks like an evil jack-o-lantern
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Magic Box
The kids and Ed have off today (I think William forgot about his trip to outer space with Daddy). The kids have been getting up every day for the past week and a half and playing nicely in their room together. Too much to hope that the day off would play out the same way. They woke up way to early and started bickering right off the bat. William had a night mare and Natalie let him climb up into her bed with her. Well he wanted more pillow than she was willing to share so he pushed her off the pillow and then the yelling started.
William came out to the couch where I was watching TV and cuddled up under my blanket with me. Then Natalie followed then potty breaks and people stealing other people’s spots and more yelling. So in an attempt to keep them quiet so Ed could sleep a little and I could just chill, I turned on some kiddy spooky Halloween show. They watched it and the next show (grossology, this one was on head lice) very nicely. When I called them for breakfast I told them to turn off the TV. After breakfast they went back to playing together nicely.
When Ed got up and turned the TV. on the same kiddy channel was still on. As he let it warm up, Natalie heard a kid show and started into the room. Ed said
E: Go back to playing, I’m changing the channel
N: But I like that show dad
E: You like ANYTHING on the magic box
In this little funny sarcastic, glazed over eye, voice Natalie said
N: I LOVE the magic box
It was too funny the way she said it.
Here are some pictures of the kids playing yesterday morning before school. Natalie had a mermaid tale on and William had a cape and helmet on. Not sure what they were playing but they were having a good time and William was bummed last night when I told him he could NOT sleep with the cape on. It wound up on one of his stuffed animal.

William came out to the couch where I was watching TV and cuddled up under my blanket with me. Then Natalie followed then potty breaks and people stealing other people’s spots and more yelling. So in an attempt to keep them quiet so Ed could sleep a little and I could just chill, I turned on some kiddy spooky Halloween show. They watched it and the next show (grossology, this one was on head lice) very nicely. When I called them for breakfast I told them to turn off the TV. After breakfast they went back to playing together nicely.
When Ed got up and turned the TV. on the same kiddy channel was still on. As he let it warm up, Natalie heard a kid show and started into the room. Ed said
E: Go back to playing, I’m changing the channel
N: But I like that show dad
E: You like ANYTHING on the magic box
In this little funny sarcastic, glazed over eye, voice Natalie said
N: I LOVE the magic box
It was too funny the way she said it.
Here are some pictures of the kids playing yesterday morning before school. Natalie had a mermaid tale on and William had a cape and helmet on. Not sure what they were playing but they were having a good time and William was bummed last night when I told him he could NOT sleep with the cape on. It wound up on one of his stuffed animal.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The end of Sunday's post
AHHHHHH the rest of the story.
William came out to the couch (where I sleep because my darling husband snores SOOOOOOO loud and will not go to the doctor and get the machine to make him stop snoring) (oh sorry, rant over) at about 4:30 AM. He said he had a bad dream, I was too tired to argue with him so I told him to go lay on the love seat.
Have you ever read “If you give a mouse a cookie”? In a nut shell you give the mouse one thing and he wants another and another and another. William and I played this game at 4:30 this morning.
(Now because I couldn’t find his comforter earlier in the night I took the blanket that usually lives on the love seat into William’s room for him to use in there)
W: Mom I had a bad dream
Me: Go lay on the love seat
W: (went and laid down on the love seat)
Start of the game
W: Mom I’m cold I need a blanket. So he reaches down and takes the one I was half using and the other half was on the floor.
M: Hey you took my blanket
W: giggle, giggle
W: Mom I need that pillow too.
M: (the one I had under my knees) UG and I throw the pillow at him
W: Giggle, giggle
W: Can you turn your head light on?
Is there anything else he could need??? He fell quickly back to sleep; I looked at the clock and realized that I didn’t have much time so of course I didn’t go right back to sleep.
Guess who is going to be giggling this afternoon when William gets his consequence (PUNISHMENT) for waking me up in the middle of the night (yes I am a MEAN Mom)!
He’s not allowed to play on the computer all day!!!!!
I won’t tell him till after school, I don’t want to ruin his whole day
Oh and I found the comforter. I asked the kids when they got up in the morning. The little darlings were cleaning their room to have a birthday party for one of their stuffed animals. They put it in the drawer under William’s bed (which I don’t used because it gets filled with dog hair, no matter how much I vacuum it out it is always full of Bailey hair). It was nice of them to clean their room but now I have to wash the comforter so they just added to my work load :-O
William came out to the couch (where I sleep because my darling husband snores SOOOOOOO loud and will not go to the doctor and get the machine to make him stop snoring) (oh sorry, rant over) at about 4:30 AM. He said he had a bad dream, I was too tired to argue with him so I told him to go lay on the love seat.
Have you ever read “If you give a mouse a cookie”? In a nut shell you give the mouse one thing and he wants another and another and another. William and I played this game at 4:30 this morning.
(Now because I couldn’t find his comforter earlier in the night I took the blanket that usually lives on the love seat into William’s room for him to use in there)
W: Mom I had a bad dream
Me: Go lay on the love seat
W: (went and laid down on the love seat)
Start of the game
W: Mom I’m cold I need a blanket. So he reaches down and takes the one I was half using and the other half was on the floor.
M: Hey you took my blanket
W: giggle, giggle
W: Mom I need that pillow too.
M: (the one I had under my knees) UG and I throw the pillow at him
W: Giggle, giggle
W: Can you turn your head light on?
Is there anything else he could need??? He fell quickly back to sleep; I looked at the clock and realized that I didn’t have much time so of course I didn’t go right back to sleep.
Guess who is going to be giggling this afternoon when William gets his consequence (PUNISHMENT) for waking me up in the middle of the night (yes I am a MEAN Mom)!
He’s not allowed to play on the computer all day!!!!!
I won’t tell him till after school, I don’t want to ruin his whole day
Oh and I found the comforter. I asked the kids when they got up in the morning. The little darlings were cleaning their room to have a birthday party for one of their stuffed animals. They put it in the drawer under William’s bed (which I don’t used because it gets filled with dog hair, no matter how much I vacuum it out it is always full of Bailey hair). It was nice of them to clean their room but now I have to wash the comforter so they just added to my work load :-O
William is still learning the English language and needs help some times.
He likes to say
I bited my bagel or I “boat” my bagel instead of I bit my bagel.
So Natalie was giving him an English lesson this morning. She corrected his improper use of the word then made a sentence to show him how to use the word correctly.
N: “Now I’m NOT going to do this to you, but I’m going to say it to show you how to use the word”
“William I am going to BITE YOU”!
“But I wouldn’t ever really do that, it’s just an example Will, do you know how to use the word now”?
Later in the morning this was the conversation
Natalie asked me to care for her elephant this afternoon.
N: Mom, I set up my bed so you can reach my Elephant so after you pick up William and feed him lunch and you eat your lunch, can you feed my elephant her lunch then put her down for her nap.
M: (Mean Mom) I don’t think so Natalie
W: I can do it Natalie; I’ll climb up into your bed and feed her :-) :-) :-)?????
N: Ok, thank you William
(About 10 Minutes later)
W: So Natalie what time does Ellie need to eat?
Natalie and William are in their room and Natalie is giving William very specific instructions on the care of her elephant.
Isn’t he a sweet little brother to help her out like that
Plans have changed and the elephant is going to school today?
He likes to say
I bited my bagel or I “boat” my bagel instead of I bit my bagel.
So Natalie was giving him an English lesson this morning. She corrected his improper use of the word then made a sentence to show him how to use the word correctly.
N: “Now I’m NOT going to do this to you, but I’m going to say it to show you how to use the word”
“William I am going to BITE YOU”!
“But I wouldn’t ever really do that, it’s just an example Will, do you know how to use the word now”?
Later in the morning this was the conversation
Natalie asked me to care for her elephant this afternoon.
N: Mom, I set up my bed so you can reach my Elephant so after you pick up William and feed him lunch and you eat your lunch, can you feed my elephant her lunch then put her down for her nap.
M: (Mean Mom) I don’t think so Natalie
W: I can do it Natalie; I’ll climb up into your bed and feed her :-) :-) :-)?????
N: Ok, thank you William
(About 10 Minutes later)
W: So Natalie what time does Ellie need to eat?
Natalie and William are in their room and Natalie is giving William very specific instructions on the care of her elephant.
Isn’t he a sweet little brother to help her out like that
Plans have changed and the elephant is going to school today?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Its 10:09 and William just started yelling. Actually I still think it was Natalie yelling but she (in her sleep) told me it was him.
He isn’t running through the house having a night terror, so I figure he is just cold. I put his top sheet on him and look on the floor where the comforter usually winds up, and it’s not there. I’ve looked EVERYWHERE except outside and I can’t find his comforter!
I’ll look outside in the morning; hopefully a skunk doesn’t find it and use it for target practice. I’ll let you know if I find it and where it ran off to.
He isn’t running through the house having a night terror, so I figure he is just cold. I put his top sheet on him and look on the floor where the comforter usually winds up, and it’s not there. I’ve looked EVERYWHERE except outside and I can’t find his comforter!
I’ll look outside in the morning; hopefully a skunk doesn’t find it and use it for target practice. I’ll let you know if I find it and where it ran off to.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Ed's next day off
I picked William up from school and we went to the grocery store, this is the conversation that took place in the car.
W: Mom are aliens real?
Me: Some people think they are real and some people don’t, what do you think?
W: I think they are real. Can I get a racket and go up there and see?
M: Why do you want a racket, are you going to play tennis with the aliens when you find them?
W: NOT a racket, a ROCKET! So we can go up there and find them.
M: Oh, when you get big, you can get a job and make a lot of money and buy yourself a rocket. Or you can go work for NASA.
Me: No What?
W: I want to go with Daddy.
Me: When you get big you and Daddy can go.
W: I want to go on Daddy’s day off!
M: Ok ask Daddy tonight.
W: Mom are aliens real?
Me: Some people think they are real and some people don’t, what do you think?
W: I think they are real. Can I get a racket and go up there and see?
M: Why do you want a racket, are you going to play tennis with the aliens when you find them?
W: NOT a racket, a ROCKET! So we can go up there and find them.
M: Oh, when you get big, you can get a job and make a lot of money and buy yourself a rocket. Or you can go work for NASA.
Me: No What?
W: I want to go with Daddy.
Me: When you get big you and Daddy can go.
W: I want to go on Daddy’s day off!
M: Ok ask Daddy tonight.
William's 5 Year check up
William had his 5 year check up today.
When we got home one of the neighbor kids came over and William started to tell him about his day.
W: I got my flea shot today, see my band aid?
Me: Not a flea shot a flu shot
When we got home one of the neighbor kids came over and William started to tell him about his day.
W: I got my flea shot today, see my band aid?
Me: Not a flea shot a flu shot
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I just read this on a blog I read. I thought I would help get the word out since I knew nothing about this till today.
Now through September 30, when you eat at Chili's, they will donate a a portion of their proceeds to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. When you dine on September 29, Chili's will donate 100% of participating restaurant's sales! Help St. Jude find cures and save children with cancer and other catastrophic childhood diseases. (And get out of cooking one night too!)
Now through September 30, when you eat at Chili's, they will donate a a portion of their proceeds to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. When you dine on September 29, Chili's will donate 100% of participating restaurant's sales! Help St. Jude find cures and save children with cancer and other catastrophic childhood diseases. (And get out of cooking one night too!)
Friday, September 12, 2008
William's Wreck
The 3rd picture at the bottom is pretty gross!
We rode our bikes to school today so Natalie had to ride her’s home too. It was pouring rain at dismissal time. I unpacked the rain gear I got for camping trips, got dressed in my poncho William in his rain jacket we headed out to get Natalie. (No I did not get pictures of us)
William loved riding his bike in the rain and we made it to school without any problems.
Natalie got her bike and made her way to us, I gave her rain jacket to her and I took her book bag and put it under my poncho and we started for home. We made it almost to our street and William WIPED OUT. It was one of those slow motion things that I had to watch and could do NOTHING about. He started to go out of control, he put one foot out as the bike was wobbling. As he came to a drive way apron he fell and slid on his leg, bike on top of the leg, hands down scrapping on the sidewalk trying to stop the movement, into the nearby grass. (Keep in mind that there is only one drive way on this part of the side walk, the rest of the side walk is lined by grass so of course he went down on the concrete).
He got the bike off of himself and saw the wound and yelled, “OUCH, OUCH, OH, OH”. I saw it as he was getting up and saw the white through all the blood. I was actually happy that he got himself out from under the bike that was a good sign that maybe nothing was broken. I had taken a small towel with us to dry our bike seats and my glasses so I put that on his leg, more to get it out of his sight than anything else. I picked him up and held him for about a minute, and then put him down to see if I had a band aid in my bike bag or Natalie’s back pack, no such luck. While I was looking William got up and picked up his bike and got ready to ride. So we rode home, slowly, and he was fine. I bandaged it up because of the spot; a regular band aid would fall off. I’m pretty sure this is just the first of many falls for William.
His threshold for pain is so high, it’s a little scary, I wish it would slow him down a bit, but I’m sure he will be Evil Coneviling it down the sidewalk on Monday.
While I was patching William up I pulled off a piece of athletic tape to keep the wrap on.
He was checking out the tape and said to me
W: “Oh that’s duct tape that will keep it on my leg”
Me: “No it’s athletic tape, like band aid tape”
W: “Maybe it’s goose tape”
1. I’m so proud that my son knows what duct tape is!
2. I think he yelled more when I peeled the tape off his leg, than when he fell and got the boo boo. I’m never allowed to put that on him again!
Sorry for the gross pictures, William was happy to pose for them and requested that I have prints made so I can put them into his photo album.

We rode our bikes to school today so Natalie had to ride her’s home too. It was pouring rain at dismissal time. I unpacked the rain gear I got for camping trips, got dressed in my poncho William in his rain jacket we headed out to get Natalie. (No I did not get pictures of us)
William loved riding his bike in the rain and we made it to school without any problems.
Natalie got her bike and made her way to us, I gave her rain jacket to her and I took her book bag and put it under my poncho and we started for home. We made it almost to our street and William WIPED OUT. It was one of those slow motion things that I had to watch and could do NOTHING about. He started to go out of control, he put one foot out as the bike was wobbling. As he came to a drive way apron he fell and slid on his leg, bike on top of the leg, hands down scrapping on the sidewalk trying to stop the movement, into the nearby grass. (Keep in mind that there is only one drive way on this part of the side walk, the rest of the side walk is lined by grass so of course he went down on the concrete).
He got the bike off of himself and saw the wound and yelled, “OUCH, OUCH, OH, OH”. I saw it as he was getting up and saw the white through all the blood. I was actually happy that he got himself out from under the bike that was a good sign that maybe nothing was broken. I had taken a small towel with us to dry our bike seats and my glasses so I put that on his leg, more to get it out of his sight than anything else. I picked him up and held him for about a minute, and then put him down to see if I had a band aid in my bike bag or Natalie’s back pack, no such luck. While I was looking William got up and picked up his bike and got ready to ride. So we rode home, slowly, and he was fine. I bandaged it up because of the spot; a regular band aid would fall off. I’m pretty sure this is just the first of many falls for William.
His threshold for pain is so high, it’s a little scary, I wish it would slow him down a bit, but I’m sure he will be Evil Coneviling it down the sidewalk on Monday.
While I was patching William up I pulled off a piece of athletic tape to keep the wrap on.
He was checking out the tape and said to me
W: “Oh that’s duct tape that will keep it on my leg”
Me: “No it’s athletic tape, like band aid tape”
W: “Maybe it’s goose tape”
1. I’m so proud that my son knows what duct tape is!
2. I think he yelled more when I peeled the tape off his leg, than when he fell and got the boo boo. I’m never allowed to put that on him again!
Sorry for the gross pictures, William was happy to pose for them and requested that I have prints made so I can put them into his photo album.
Early Morning
You know you got up, way to early, when you heard a song on the radio more than one time, before the kids have even left for school!
We were all up about 5:15 Am. Even the dog was awake and wanted to play :-O
That's almost 4 hours before they have to be at school!
We were all up about 5:15 Am. Even the dog was awake and wanted to play :-O
That's almost 4 hours before they have to be at school!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Why is everything leaking this morning????
I went to our local bulk store yesterday one thing I needed desperately was liquid hand soap. I debated on weather to get it there or stop at Wall-Mart on the way home. I decided this container was bigger and worth the extra few dollars so I got it there, along with juice boxes and some other snacks for the kids. When William got home from school he unpacked all the juice from the big box. They are wrapped in plastic so he used his scissors to open the plastic, then carried the individual boxes and put them in the 2 (re frig i day tors) (Williams pronunciation).
I felt the icky bottom of the soap when I bought it, but just thought it had been set down on something so the bottom was dirty. Not the case, I filled the dispenser yesterday as soon as I got home. I didn't have a place to put the big container so I set it on the side of the bathtub and went about my day. I moved the container before kids got home knowing they would knock it into the tub if I left it there. I put it in an out of the way spot on in the bathroom. This morning I woke up to find a soap puddle all around the bottle. I can't believe it leaked all over, most of the bottle is gone.
7:30 AM
I cleaned up the mess and found the itty, bitty, small, cut in the bottom corner on one side. I tipped the bottle and laid it on it's side, cut side up, on the bathroom sink, then I sent the kids in to brush their teeth. I forgot I put the bottle there, one of the kids put it on the toilet, and the other must have needed the toilet so he/she moved it to the side of the tub. How I know all this? The smaller blob that leaked onto the lid of the toilet, and the big glob running down the side of the tub!
8:35 Am
Oh it didn't end there, I got that all cleaned up and we went to get on our bikes to ride to school. We were riding by and picking up Natalie friend and her brother so William grabbed juice boxes for everyone. I told him we weren't playing now so we weren't bringing juice and I took the juice boxes away from him. As I did, I felt the wet juice running down the outside of the box! There were no straws in any of the boxes so where was the juice coming from?
I yelled "WHY IS EVERYTHING LEAKING TODAY"? William stared apologizing, I told him I wasn't yelling at him. He apologized and said "I'm sorry I think I cut it when I was putting them away".
I told him it was ok, and we were on our way.
10:00 AM
Ok the kids are at school and I'm doing some laundry and OMG what is the sticky stuff all over the laundry room floor?
10:15 AM
Ok after some searching I found out what the sticky stuff is on the laundry room floor. It's another juice box William put away. When he opened the plastic on each of the 4 packs (four different kinds of juice) he must have punctured a hole in 1 juice box in each pack, 4 boxes with scissor holes in them.
Can you see the holes in the side of the juice boxes????
1:50 PM
Hopefully all the leaking stuff is done for the day.
1:59 PM
Boy did I type to soon! William just spilled his whole cup of juice (that I had transferred from the cut open juice boxes) all over the floor! I knew I didn't mop today for a reason! Really, Really Are you kidding?
Here are a few stray pictures of the dog.
Bailey missing the kids while they were at school. He went and laid down in their room.

Bailey getting caught on the back patio table. I had to take the picture through the screen when he saw me coming to the door he got down to fast so I couldn't' get a better picture!
I felt the icky bottom of the soap when I bought it, but just thought it had been set down on something so the bottom was dirty. Not the case, I filled the dispenser yesterday as soon as I got home. I didn't have a place to put the big container so I set it on the side of the bathtub and went about my day. I moved the container before kids got home knowing they would knock it into the tub if I left it there. I put it in an out of the way spot on in the bathroom. This morning I woke up to find a soap puddle all around the bottle. I can't believe it leaked all over, most of the bottle is gone.
7:30 AM
I cleaned up the mess and found the itty, bitty, small, cut in the bottom corner on one side. I tipped the bottle and laid it on it's side, cut side up, on the bathroom sink, then I sent the kids in to brush their teeth. I forgot I put the bottle there, one of the kids put it on the toilet, and the other must have needed the toilet so he/she moved it to the side of the tub. How I know all this? The smaller blob that leaked onto the lid of the toilet, and the big glob running down the side of the tub!
8:35 Am
Oh it didn't end there, I got that all cleaned up and we went to get on our bikes to ride to school. We were riding by and picking up Natalie friend and her brother so William grabbed juice boxes for everyone. I told him we weren't playing now so we weren't bringing juice and I took the juice boxes away from him. As I did, I felt the wet juice running down the outside of the box! There were no straws in any of the boxes so where was the juice coming from?
I yelled "WHY IS EVERYTHING LEAKING TODAY"? William stared apologizing, I told him I wasn't yelling at him. He apologized and said "I'm sorry I think I cut it when I was putting them away".
I told him it was ok, and we were on our way.
10:00 AM
Ok the kids are at school and I'm doing some laundry and OMG what is the sticky stuff all over the laundry room floor?
10:15 AM
Ok after some searching I found out what the sticky stuff is on the laundry room floor. It's another juice box William put away. When he opened the plastic on each of the 4 packs (four different kinds of juice) he must have punctured a hole in 1 juice box in each pack, 4 boxes with scissor holes in them.
1:50 PM
Hopefully all the leaking stuff is done for the day.
1:59 PM
Boy did I type to soon! William just spilled his whole cup of juice (that I had transferred from the cut open juice boxes) all over the floor! I knew I didn't mop today for a reason! Really, Really Are you kidding?
Here are a few stray pictures of the dog.
Bailey missing the kids while they were at school. He went and laid down in their room.
Bailey getting caught on the back patio table. I had to take the picture through the screen when he saw me coming to the door he got down to fast so I couldn't' get a better picture!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The affects of thunderstorms on pets
Ok so many of you know about my dog when there is a storm with thunder and lightening. If not that is another story that I will tell at another time. Long and short of it is the dog is SCARED and tries to climb on top of us for comfort (60 lb lab trying to climb on top of me and drooling all over me does NOT put me in a good mood).
So I was looking on the Internet to see if there were any drugs (hopefully a horse tranquilizer that will make him sleep through it) that may help. I came across this add for animals. It seemed to be used for the normal problems, going to the vet, driving in cars, storms, things that an animal may be upset and have anxiety about.
Reading further it gives a list of the animals that it can be used on. Again pretty normal list, dogs, cats, rabbits, birds ok now this is the one that made me write this.
FISH--how to give? Add to tank water. Now I know we all love our pets, but
1. Do fish really feel anxiety?
2. How the heck would you know?
It's not like they are running around climbing on top of you drooling all over you. It's not like they are (60 Lbs) climbing across the back of the love seat to the arm of the love seat to the arm of the couch to the back of the couch (thinking they are at cat) trying to get away from the storm.
Do they send up a few more bubbles????
Do they hide inside the plastic cave in their tank?
Do they slam into the side of the tank trying to get out?
Seriously folks FISH needing anti-anxiety drugs?????
I copied the advertisement below just in case you didn't believe me.
I had to share this made me laugh that someone thinks a fish may need this. Personally since my vet can't seem to find anything to truly help the dog, I think I may go to my doctor and ask him to prescribe me something to make me sleep when the dog is acting like this! Ok I'm done ranting and raving.
One more thing from the blog I put out this morning with William and the underoos. William got home from kindergarten just a few minutes ago he dropped his shorts and is in the bottoms of his underoos again. I'll have to remember to make him put his shorts back on when we go get Natalie this afternoon.
Rescue Remedy can be used for an immediate calming effect in any stressful situation, or when your pet needs help overcoming a variety of emotional or behavioral problems, such as:
• Visits to the vet
• Fear of loud noises (fireworks, thunderstorms, etc)
• Excessive barking or hissing
• Shock, trauma or mistreatment
• Adapting to loss of companion
• Separation anxiety
• Adapting to new surroundings (home, kennel, stable, etc.)
• Obsessive cleanliness
• Constant licking or nibbling of self
• And much more
Rescue Remedy is suitable for use on pets of all shapes and sizes. Some pets may be sensitive to alcohol, in which case, Rescue Remedy should be diluted before it is administered. Animals which Rescue Remedy can be used on include:
• Reptiles
• Fish (add to tank water)
• Birds (dilute in water before administering)
• Cats
• Dogs
• Horses
• Rabbits
• Obsessive cleanliness
• Constant licking or nibbling of self
So I was looking on the Internet to see if there were any drugs (hopefully a horse tranquilizer that will make him sleep through it) that may help. I came across this add for animals. It seemed to be used for the normal problems, going to the vet, driving in cars, storms, things that an animal may be upset and have anxiety about.
Reading further it gives a list of the animals that it can be used on. Again pretty normal list, dogs, cats, rabbits, birds ok now this is the one that made me write this.
FISH--how to give? Add to tank water. Now I know we all love our pets, but
1. Do fish really feel anxiety?
2. How the heck would you know?
It's not like they are running around climbing on top of you drooling all over you. It's not like they are (60 Lbs) climbing across the back of the love seat to the arm of the love seat to the arm of the couch to the back of the couch (thinking they are at cat) trying to get away from the storm.
Do they send up a few more bubbles????
Do they hide inside the plastic cave in their tank?
Do they slam into the side of the tank trying to get out?
Seriously folks FISH needing anti-anxiety drugs?????
I copied the advertisement below just in case you didn't believe me.
I had to share this made me laugh that someone thinks a fish may need this. Personally since my vet can't seem to find anything to truly help the dog, I think I may go to my doctor and ask him to prescribe me something to make me sleep when the dog is acting like this! Ok I'm done ranting and raving.
One more thing from the blog I put out this morning with William and the underoos. William got home from kindergarten just a few minutes ago he dropped his shorts and is in the bottoms of his underoos again. I'll have to remember to make him put his shorts back on when we go get Natalie this afternoon.
Rescue Remedy can be used for an immediate calming effect in any stressful situation, or when your pet needs help overcoming a variety of emotional or behavioral problems, such as:
• Visits to the vet
• Fear of loud noises (fireworks, thunderstorms, etc)
• Excessive barking or hissing
• Shock, trauma or mistreatment
• Adapting to loss of companion
• Separation anxiety
• Adapting to new surroundings (home, kennel, stable, etc.)
• Obsessive cleanliness
• Constant licking or nibbling of self
• And much more
Rescue Remedy is suitable for use on pets of all shapes and sizes. Some pets may be sensitive to alcohol, in which case, Rescue Remedy should be diluted before it is administered. Animals which Rescue Remedy can be used on include:
• Reptiles
• Fish (add to tank water)
• Birds (dilute in water before administering)
• Cats
• Dogs
• Horses
• Rabbits
• Obsessive cleanliness
• Constant licking or nibbling of self
Appropriate clothing for school
No William, I'm very sorry, you may not wear just your incredible hulk Underoos to school, go put some pants on!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Embarrassing mom
It's official, I have embarrassed my 3rd grader! I took pictures of her waiting in line before school. She wasn't happy about it, then one of the other kids noticed her not looking at me. He said "Natalie your mom is taking a picture of you". She said "Yea I know, and I don't even want her to!"
The drop off and pick up spots at their school are both on the same side of the building. The younger kids are closer to the crossing guard and the older kids are further out on the school grounds. On the first day of school I asked her if she wanted me to cross at the crossing guard and walk up with her and she said no. So the second day of school a friend walked with us and when I asked again, she said "I went yesterday by myself, you don't have to cross with me." So I stayed back on the other side of the street and let her have a little freedom. You would have thought by her reaction that I was in my PJ's with my hair in curlers!
At least I still have William who will be happy to have me cross to the school grounds with him and wait while he is in line:-)
The drop off and pick up spots at their school are both on the same side of the building. The younger kids are closer to the crossing guard and the older kids are further out on the school grounds. On the first day of school I asked her if she wanted me to cross at the crossing guard and walk up with her and she said no. So the second day of school a friend walked with us and when I asked again, she said "I went yesterday by myself, you don't have to cross with me." So I stayed back on the other side of the street and let her have a little freedom. You would have thought by her reaction that I was in my PJ's with my hair in curlers!
At least I still have William who will be happy to have me cross to the school grounds with him and wait while he is in line:-)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
1st day (again)
I'm going to try to put pictures of the kids on the top of this page. These are from the first day of school September 2008.
In our school district the kindergarten kids are slowly introduced to school in small groups. We have a morning and afternoon session. The first day of school all the kindergartners are split into 4 groups, 6 at a time come in for an hour with their parents. Then they go to school one of three days half the class at a time. So William and I went to school on Tuesday for an hour, then he went today without me, then he will start "full time" on Monday. So he really has 3 "1st" days.
Today he went to special, he had computer class. On the walk home he told me "We didn't work on the computers today, the computer lady showed us how to use them. They are lap tops, it's different from the one we have."
He seemed to enjoy school, I had to pull things out of him. That happened the day he and I went to school together, he didn't talk about it until Natalie got out of school. Then he was telling Natalie, Natalie's friends mom, and any other adult that would listen how his day went.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Back to school
7:34 and a nice morning so far. The Hubby was gone early for his first day of work. I didn't even hear him leave! When I woke up and the kids were in their room playing nicely. I'm just hearing about their morning now. Natalie was up at 6, got out of bed and saw her brother (in his "new" bed) flipped around with his head at the foot of the bed and uncovered. So she covered him up and this woke him up. They both climbed into Natalie's new bed and hung out up there for a little while.
Then as I was getting in the shower they went and got paper to work at Natalie's desk. When I got out of the shower I was presented with these works of art. Natalie gave me a heart. William's is a building with the door cut out. He loves his new scissors (little does he know or care that they are Natalie's from last year).
Then they ate breakfast. William spilled his milk, not today's milk, last night's milk from dinner. He nicely got down, slowly came over to me at the computer, apologized for dropping his bowl, THEN told me he also spilled his milk. I jumped up and cleaned it up. He kept apologizing, I told him I wasn't mad about the milk, but this is why all the toys (now covered in milk) are not supposed to be at the table! Now William and the dog are barking at each other. I'll have to learn how to get video on here so I can show you all some day.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Guessing game
I had relatives who rented a beach house close to where my grandparents live, they are "here" for two and a half weeks. We have been to visit them a few times and on the way home from our last visit this is what happened.
Ed was driving, I was the passenger and the kids both fell asleep during the ride. On the route we take there are lots of local fruit and veggie stands, I told Ed of one that I wanted to stop at. We were talking about getting a fruit bearing bush, the stop happened to be while the kids were sleeping. We put the bushes in the back of the van and William woke up, looked around and said "Where are we, we don't stop here, this isn't' home." And went back to sleep
Natalie woke up a short time later and we were trying to wake William up. It was close to bed time and knew it would be difficult for them to sleep tonight if they slept to long in the car. So we started playing a guessing game.
Me: Guess what we got
Natalie: I don't know.
Me: Look in the back of the van.
N: You got plants
Me: What kind of plants do you think they are?
N: Lemon trees.
Me: No, guess again
N: Tomato plants?
Me: No
N: Those round things that are green on the outside and red on the inside.
Me: (after 10 minutes of racking my brain trying to figure out what she was thinking of) Watermelon?
N: Yes, Watermelon.
Me: NO
N: That plant that we have that keeps tipping over, nothing ever grew on it and it's all slimy and moldy.
Me: Zucchini?
N: Yes
Me: No
Me: I'll give you a hint. It's one of your favorite things to eat in the whole
Natalie: MOM! Ice cream doesn't grow on bushes!
ED: Blueberries, Natalie, they are Blueberry bushes!
Natalie: YEA!
The End!
William did wake up on the ride home, but stayed up till 10 pm. I was happy to find the sound of music on so he watched a little of that then fell asleep.
Ed was driving, I was the passenger and the kids both fell asleep during the ride. On the route we take there are lots of local fruit and veggie stands, I told Ed of one that I wanted to stop at. We were talking about getting a fruit bearing bush, the stop happened to be while the kids were sleeping. We put the bushes in the back of the van and William woke up, looked around and said "Where are we, we don't stop here, this isn't' home." And went back to sleep
Natalie woke up a short time later and we were trying to wake William up. It was close to bed time and knew it would be difficult for them to sleep tonight if they slept to long in the car. So we started playing a guessing game.
Me: Guess what we got
Natalie: I don't know.
Me: Look in the back of the van.
N: You got plants
Me: What kind of plants do you think they are?
N: Lemon trees.
Me: No, guess again
N: Tomato plants?
Me: No
N: Those round things that are green on the outside and red on the inside.
Me: (after 10 minutes of racking my brain trying to figure out what she was thinking of) Watermelon?
N: Yes, Watermelon.
Me: NO
N: That plant that we have that keeps tipping over, nothing ever grew on it and it's all slimy and moldy.
Me: Zucchini?
N: Yes
Me: No
Me: I'll give you a hint. It's one of your favorite things to eat in the whole
Natalie: MOM! Ice cream doesn't grow on bushes!
ED: Blueberries, Natalie, they are Blueberry bushes!
Natalie: YEA!
The End!
William did wake up on the ride home, but stayed up till 10 pm. I was happy to find the sound of music on so he watched a little of that then fell asleep.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Delivery truck
Ok, I started this a few weeks ago, it took me a while to remember all that was said that day. I tried remembering it correctly, I think this is a pretty good account of what happened that day :-)
Last week when I was visiting at my Grandparents house one of my Aunt's asked if I would like a loft bed for one of my kids. Her brother's daughter was getting rid of it and asked if we would want it. We went over and looked at it and I decided it should fit in the kids room and we would take it. It wouldn't fit into my van so my Aunt and Uncle offered to bring it to my house for me.
There was some preparation that needed to be done before the delivery could be made. I was the only one in the house who knew what was going on so my prep had to be done on the sly. The biggest thing that would need to be done was moving William's race car bed out of it's spot because that is where the new bed was going to go. I would also need to vacuum that spot as dog hair seems to find it's way under, behind, and around beds in our house. Now there are a few reasons I would pull Williams bed out of their room and into the play room, sometimes I take pictures of the kids and I use this wall for a backdrop, and sometimes I just move it to clean the dog hair out. So the kids thougth nothing of it when I moved his bed and vacuumed and didn't put the bed back.
Yesterday was the delivery day, I had the house clean enough for company, I finished all my prep work right after Ed left the house for work and the kids and I were waiting for our company to arrive. The kids enjoyed playing in the race car bed in the play room, I removed the mattress so it made a nice little area for them to put their animals.
My Aunt and Uncle drove up and were here mid morning. The kids thought they were just visiting, they didn't know anything else was going on. My Uncle and I were surveying the kids room and thinking about how to get the three pieces (already assembled) into the house.
While in the kids room my Uncle made a comment about the room being big enough for him to move into.
My Aunt said: "I've lived with him for 30 years, I think that's enough, I think I'll leave him here with you for a while."
Natalie's eyes nearly popped out of her head
Aunt: "Would that be OK? If I leave him here and he moves in with you?"
Natalie & William: "Yes, that would be fine."
Uncle: "I think there is enough room in your room, can I stay in there with you?"
Natalie: "yes, there is enough room."
William: "Yep she's sick of him, she had him for 30 years so he's movin in with us."
Now during this Natalie was a little suspicious but she was going along with it. Then Uncle pulled out the clincher.
Uncle to me: "There's enough room, it will fit, let's go out to the truck and bring it in."
Natalie: "Bring what in?"
Uncle: "My bed, if I'm going to live here, I need some place to sleep, so I brought my bed with me and it should fit right into the room."
Now Natalie's little eyes really bugged out of her head. She started following us around, talking a mile a minute (I wonder where she gets that from) as we were moving the pieces into the house.
Each time we would get another piece in the room, Uncle would stop and make plans with her.
Uncle: "So we can put my bed right here, and your bed will stay there, do you think William's bed will fit in here? I think it will, but will you be able to open your dresser drawers if his bed is there?"
Natalie: "No William is going to sleep in the playroom, we are leaving his bed out there so it's just you and me in this room."
Uncle: "OH then we have plenty of room in here if it's just the two of us."
William and Aunt were were doing a 100 piece puzzle. William knew where he was sleeping so there was no need for him to be involved any more.
Natalie: "But I get up REALLY early in the morning, at 6:00, so I'll try to be quiet and not wake you up when I get up."
Uncle: "Oh I'm at work at 6:00 in the morning so I get up at 5:00, SOOOO I'll try to be quiet and not wake you up, when I get up."
Natalie: "5:00 THAT'S REALLY EARLY!"
We got all three pieces into the room. The "closet" and shelves are up against two walls (the corner), this will be the head of the bed and the desk area is closest to the door of the bedroom and this will be the foot of the bed. It had to be done this way because the latter to climb up into the bed is on the desk side. We put the bed on top of the two pieces and Natalie and Uncle started making more plans.
I had a step stool in the room so Uncle sat down on it at the desk. Natalie stood right next to him as he was figuring out where to put his things.
Uncle: "I can do my work right here, and I should have enough room for my cloths over in these shelves."
Uncle: "I think this stool is to high, my knees aren't under the desk. Do you have something else I can sit on?"
Natalie: "Yes, we have chairs that will fit, they go to our other table, the small one William and I use, but you can use one in here. What color do you want red or blue?"
Uncle didn't hear the color choices so Natalie just got a chair. I have to give a little background here, Natalie and William and Uncle have a running joke at my grandparents house. They have folding chairs there that are pulled out at Christmas dinner when extra seating is needed. There is ONE RED chair in the group of folding chairs and Uncle started that it was his favorite chair when Natalie was little. So now they always "fight" over who gets the red chair. If Natalie sees it first she will go and sit in it and not get up again. Uncle will whine if Natalie gets the chair first to see if she will give it to him. If Uncle sees it he will tell her that he's got the chair and she can't sit in it.
So what do you think Natalie came back with, Yep the RED chair.
Natalie: "I got you the red chair cause I know red is your favorite color!"
Uncle: "Since you got me the red chair, (in a hushed voice) you can use my desk when I'm not here."
Natalie got so excited over this she promised to keep the desk clean and she wouldn't mess any of his stuff up.
Uncle: "You know I still need to go home and get my cloths, I didn't have enough room in the truck to bring them and my bed."
Natalie: "You know I thought you were kidding around at first when you said you were moving in here, but then when I saw you brought you bed with you, then I knew it was true!"
Now we were trying not to laugh, it was so cute that Natalie was so excited, now we needed to find a nice little way to let her know that Uncle was joking and he couldn't really come to live with us.
Aunt: "Oh I'm not sure about this now, I think I may want to take him back home with me. Would that be OK, if he came home with me? BUT we will leave the bed."
Me: "Natalie, who should sleep in the bed if Uncle isn't going to live here?"
William: "Me, that can be my bed!"
Me: "No William your not old enough to have a bed that high off the ground."
William: "Oh Man!"
Uncle: "Natalie, would you like to have this as your bed?"
Natalie finally figured out that this was HER new bed and desk. She loves it, she has her shelves all organized and the draw with her school supplies. She has now done her 1st day of homework at the desk, and she makes her bed every morning. She just loves it.
We all enjoyed our visit that day.
Thank you to Aunt & Uncle for bringing the bed up and providing so much entertainment that day!
As Aunt & Uncle were leaving William grabbed a box of jello and ran out and gave it to Uncle.
Last week when I was visiting at my Grandparents house one of my Aunt's asked if I would like a loft bed for one of my kids. Her brother's daughter was getting rid of it and asked if we would want it. We went over and looked at it and I decided it should fit in the kids room and we would take it. It wouldn't fit into my van so my Aunt and Uncle offered to bring it to my house for me.
There was some preparation that needed to be done before the delivery could be made. I was the only one in the house who knew what was going on so my prep had to be done on the sly. The biggest thing that would need to be done was moving William's race car bed out of it's spot because that is where the new bed was going to go. I would also need to vacuum that spot as dog hair seems to find it's way under, behind, and around beds in our house. Now there are a few reasons I would pull Williams bed out of their room and into the play room, sometimes I take pictures of the kids and I use this wall for a backdrop, and sometimes I just move it to clean the dog hair out. So the kids thougth nothing of it when I moved his bed and vacuumed and didn't put the bed back.
Yesterday was the delivery day, I had the house clean enough for company, I finished all my prep work right after Ed left the house for work and the kids and I were waiting for our company to arrive. The kids enjoyed playing in the race car bed in the play room, I removed the mattress so it made a nice little area for them to put their animals.
My Aunt and Uncle drove up and were here mid morning. The kids thought they were just visiting, they didn't know anything else was going on. My Uncle and I were surveying the kids room and thinking about how to get the three pieces (already assembled) into the house.
While in the kids room my Uncle made a comment about the room being big enough for him to move into.
My Aunt said: "I've lived with him for 30 years, I think that's enough, I think I'll leave him here with you for a while."
Natalie's eyes nearly popped out of her head
Aunt: "Would that be OK? If I leave him here and he moves in with you?"
Natalie & William: "Yes, that would be fine."
Uncle: "I think there is enough room in your room, can I stay in there with you?"
Natalie: "yes, there is enough room."
William: "Yep she's sick of him, she had him for 30 years so he's movin in with us."
Now during this Natalie was a little suspicious but she was going along with it. Then Uncle pulled out the clincher.
Uncle to me: "There's enough room, it will fit, let's go out to the truck and bring it in."
Natalie: "Bring what in?"
Uncle: "My bed, if I'm going to live here, I need some place to sleep, so I brought my bed with me and it should fit right into the room."
Now Natalie's little eyes really bugged out of her head. She started following us around, talking a mile a minute (I wonder where she gets that from) as we were moving the pieces into the house.
Each time we would get another piece in the room, Uncle would stop and make plans with her.
Uncle: "So we can put my bed right here, and your bed will stay there, do you think William's bed will fit in here? I think it will, but will you be able to open your dresser drawers if his bed is there?"
Natalie: "No William is going to sleep in the playroom, we are leaving his bed out there so it's just you and me in this room."
Uncle: "OH then we have plenty of room in here if it's just the two of us."
William and Aunt were were doing a 100 piece puzzle. William knew where he was sleeping so there was no need for him to be involved any more.
Natalie: "But I get up REALLY early in the morning, at 6:00, so I'll try to be quiet and not wake you up when I get up."
Uncle: "Oh I'm at work at 6:00 in the morning so I get up at 5:00, SOOOO I'll try to be quiet and not wake you up, when I get up."
Natalie: "5:00 THAT'S REALLY EARLY!"
We got all three pieces into the room. The "closet" and shelves are up against two walls (the corner), this will be the head of the bed and the desk area is closest to the door of the bedroom and this will be the foot of the bed. It had to be done this way because the latter to climb up into the bed is on the desk side. We put the bed on top of the two pieces and Natalie and Uncle started making more plans.
I had a step stool in the room so Uncle sat down on it at the desk. Natalie stood right next to him as he was figuring out where to put his things.
Uncle: "I can do my work right here, and I should have enough room for my cloths over in these shelves."
Uncle: "I think this stool is to high, my knees aren't under the desk. Do you have something else I can sit on?"
Natalie: "Yes, we have chairs that will fit, they go to our other table, the small one William and I use, but you can use one in here. What color do you want red or blue?"
Uncle didn't hear the color choices so Natalie just got a chair. I have to give a little background here, Natalie and William and Uncle have a running joke at my grandparents house. They have folding chairs there that are pulled out at Christmas dinner when extra seating is needed. There is ONE RED chair in the group of folding chairs and Uncle started that it was his favorite chair when Natalie was little. So now they always "fight" over who gets the red chair. If Natalie sees it first she will go and sit in it and not get up again. Uncle will whine if Natalie gets the chair first to see if she will give it to him. If Uncle sees it he will tell her that he's got the chair and she can't sit in it.
So what do you think Natalie came back with, Yep the RED chair.
Natalie: "I got you the red chair cause I know red is your favorite color!"
Uncle: "Since you got me the red chair, (in a hushed voice) you can use my desk when I'm not here."
Natalie got so excited over this she promised to keep the desk clean and she wouldn't mess any of his stuff up.
Uncle: "You know I still need to go home and get my cloths, I didn't have enough room in the truck to bring them and my bed."
Natalie: "You know I thought you were kidding around at first when you said you were moving in here, but then when I saw you brought you bed with you, then I knew it was true!"
Now we were trying not to laugh, it was so cute that Natalie was so excited, now we needed to find a nice little way to let her know that Uncle was joking and he couldn't really come to live with us.
Aunt: "Oh I'm not sure about this now, I think I may want to take him back home with me. Would that be OK, if he came home with me? BUT we will leave the bed."
Me: "Natalie, who should sleep in the bed if Uncle isn't going to live here?"
William: "Me, that can be my bed!"
Me: "No William your not old enough to have a bed that high off the ground."
William: "Oh Man!"
Uncle: "Natalie, would you like to have this as your bed?"
Natalie finally figured out that this was HER new bed and desk. She loves it, she has her shelves all organized and the draw with her school supplies. She has now done her 1st day of homework at the desk, and she makes her bed every morning. She just loves it.
We all enjoyed our visit that day.
Thank you to Aunt & Uncle for bringing the bed up and providing so much entertainment that day!
As Aunt & Uncle were leaving William grabbed a box of jello and ran out and gave it to Uncle.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
This is my first post:-) Not to sure if I want to do this yet, but I'll give it a shot.
I had e mailed a few people my morining today so I'll post it here as my first post.
I did more by 9 Am today than I do most days.
I cleaned the bathroom
Showered a kid twice
Cleaned out the kitchen sink (put everything in the dishwasher)
then washed the pots and pans that don't fit into the dishwasher
Cut an apple for a kid
Made pancakes
got on line and found what time the stores open that my dear hubby said have the best price for air conditioners.
Ok so the whole story is William got up this morning and felt sick. I told him to get the bowl, he said he needed to have a BM, so off to the bathroom he went. Then I noticed he didn't take the bowl with him. I went to give it to him and saw I was too late. I walked in and
he said " I threw up"
I said "you forgot the bowl"
he said "I threw up in the potty"
Now he was partly correct on this matter. He sat down on the potty to have his BM, then needed to throw up instead, so he just opened his legs real wide and while sitting on the potty, threw up in it also! Now I would say this takes talent but the amount that didn't make it in would negate that statement. He basically got it on his belly, his leg, his boy part, and the toilet seat and he did get a good amount into the potty. Now luckily it was only yogurt so I was fine cleaning it up.
I threw him in the shower and washed him up, got him in clean jammies and parked him on the couch while I went back to clean the bathroom. I got him some Gatorade and he drank it right down and threw it all right back up again! I got the kitchen sink cleaned out because William asked for pancakes, they make his belly feel better when he's sick. So I stared the batter and gave it to Natalie to mix up while I helped William. I though he was settled for a few minutes so I started cooking the pancakes. I got a few cooked and William needed me again. This went on each time I would take pancakes out and put new ones in, he would need me again. My hands are so raw from being washed so many times this morning! I was timing it carefully, I would sit with him, wash my hands, run and flip the pancakes, sit with him, wash my hands, run and take the pancakes out of the pan and put more in......
One other time when one of the kids had been sick all day Ed had told them to take a shower because it would make them feel better after being sick all day. Ed meant that it would feel better to be clean after throwing up all day. William takes this literally and thinks that if he showers while being sick it will make him better right away. So every time he felt like he was going to throw up he would run to the bathroom saying "I need a shower, I need a shower". I wish it worked that way, but I did let him try it. He just stood in the shower and let the water run all over him. I think it helped for a few minutes.
Ed and Natalie finally went out and bought an air conditioner. I woke up this morning and figured I didn't care how much it cost, I NEED an air conditioner. I hate being hot and muggy and that's what I was this morning! (for those of you who don't know the big one that does most of the house got broken, but that's another story).
10:30 Am: William declared he didn't want to watch t.v. any more and went to sleep
10:50 Am: William woke up and threw up
10:53 Am: William declared he was better and wanted to go ride on the train (we were going to go exploring today)
I told him to drink the whole cup of Gatorade and if he kept it down then we could go.
11:13 he threw up the drink, so we are staying put today!
Ed is installing the air conditioner right now so I should be back in the cold by 1 (I'm hoping)
Have a good day, stay well, and stay cool!
Yea I have AIR again :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
I had e mailed a few people my morining today so I'll post it here as my first post.
I did more by 9 Am today than I do most days.
I cleaned the bathroom
Showered a kid twice
Cleaned out the kitchen sink (put everything in the dishwasher)
then washed the pots and pans that don't fit into the dishwasher
Cut an apple for a kid
Made pancakes
got on line and found what time the stores open that my dear hubby said have the best price for air conditioners.
Ok so the whole story is William got up this morning and felt sick. I told him to get the bowl, he said he needed to have a BM, so off to the bathroom he went. Then I noticed he didn't take the bowl with him. I went to give it to him and saw I was too late. I walked in and
he said " I threw up"
I said "you forgot the bowl"
he said "I threw up in the potty"
Now he was partly correct on this matter. He sat down on the potty to have his BM, then needed to throw up instead, so he just opened his legs real wide and while sitting on the potty, threw up in it also! Now I would say this takes talent but the amount that didn't make it in would negate that statement. He basically got it on his belly, his leg, his boy part, and the toilet seat and he did get a good amount into the potty. Now luckily it was only yogurt so I was fine cleaning it up.
I threw him in the shower and washed him up, got him in clean jammies and parked him on the couch while I went back to clean the bathroom. I got him some Gatorade and he drank it right down and threw it all right back up again! I got the kitchen sink cleaned out because William asked for pancakes, they make his belly feel better when he's sick. So I stared the batter and gave it to Natalie to mix up while I helped William. I though he was settled for a few minutes so I started cooking the pancakes. I got a few cooked and William needed me again. This went on each time I would take pancakes out and put new ones in, he would need me again. My hands are so raw from being washed so many times this morning! I was timing it carefully, I would sit with him, wash my hands, run and flip the pancakes, sit with him, wash my hands, run and take the pancakes out of the pan and put more in......
One other time when one of the kids had been sick all day Ed had told them to take a shower because it would make them feel better after being sick all day. Ed meant that it would feel better to be clean after throwing up all day. William takes this literally and thinks that if he showers while being sick it will make him better right away. So every time he felt like he was going to throw up he would run to the bathroom saying "I need a shower, I need a shower". I wish it worked that way, but I did let him try it. He just stood in the shower and let the water run all over him. I think it helped for a few minutes.
Ed and Natalie finally went out and bought an air conditioner. I woke up this morning and figured I didn't care how much it cost, I NEED an air conditioner. I hate being hot and muggy and that's what I was this morning! (for those of you who don't know the big one that does most of the house got broken, but that's another story).
10:30 Am: William declared he didn't want to watch t.v. any more and went to sleep
10:50 Am: William woke up and threw up
10:53 Am: William declared he was better and wanted to go ride on the train (we were going to go exploring today)
I told him to drink the whole cup of Gatorade and if he kept it down then we could go.
11:13 he threw up the drink, so we are staying put today!
Ed is installing the air conditioner right now so I should be back in the cold by 1 (I'm hoping)
Have a good day, stay well, and stay cool!
Yea I have AIR again :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
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