Friday, August 22, 2008

Delivery truck

Ok, I started this a few weeks ago, it took me a while to remember all that was said that day. I tried remembering it correctly, I think this is a pretty good account of what happened that day :-)

Last week when I was visiting at my Grandparents house one of my Aunt's asked if I would like a loft bed for one of my kids. Her brother's daughter was getting rid of it and asked if we would want it. We went over and looked at it and I decided it should fit in the kids room and we would take it. It wouldn't fit into my van so my Aunt and Uncle offered to bring it to my house for me.

There was some preparation that needed to be done before the delivery could be made. I was the only one in the house who knew what was going on so my prep had to be done on the sly. The biggest thing that would need to be done was moving William's race car bed out of it's spot because that is where the new bed was going to go. I would also need to vacuum that spot as dog hair seems to find it's way under, behind, and around beds in our house. Now there are a few reasons I would pull Williams bed out of their room and into the play room, sometimes I take pictures of the kids and I use this wall for a backdrop, and sometimes I just move it to clean the dog hair out. So the kids thougth nothing of it when I moved his bed and vacuumed and didn't put the bed back.

Yesterday was the delivery day, I had the house clean enough for company, I finished all my prep work right after Ed left the house for work and the kids and I were waiting for our company to arrive. The kids enjoyed playing in the race car bed in the play room, I removed the mattress so it made a nice little area for them to put their animals.

My Aunt and Uncle drove up and were here mid morning. The kids thought they were just visiting, they didn't know anything else was going on. My Uncle and I were surveying the kids room and thinking about how to get the three pieces (already assembled) into the house.

While in the kids room my Uncle made a comment about the room being big enough for him to move into.

My Aunt said: "I've lived with him for 30 years, I think that's enough, I think I'll leave him here with you for a while."

Natalie's eyes nearly popped out of her head

Aunt: "Would that be OK? If I leave him here and he moves in with you?"

Natalie & William: "Yes, that would be fine."

Uncle: "I think there is enough room in your room, can I stay in there with you?"

Natalie: "yes, there is enough room."

William: "Yep she's sick of him, she had him for 30 years so he's movin in with us."

Now during this Natalie was a little suspicious but she was going along with it. Then Uncle pulled out the clincher.

Uncle to me: "There's enough room, it will fit, let's go out to the truck and bring it in."

Natalie: "Bring what in?"

Uncle: "My bed, if I'm going to live here, I need some place to sleep, so I brought my bed with me and it should fit right into the room."

Now Natalie's little eyes really bugged out of her head. She started following us around, talking a mile a minute (I wonder where she gets that from) as we were moving the pieces into the house.

Each time we would get another piece in the room, Uncle would stop and make plans with her.

Uncle: "So we can put my bed right here, and your bed will stay there, do you think William's bed will fit in here? I think it will, but will you be able to open your dresser drawers if his bed is there?"

Natalie: "No William is going to sleep in the playroom, we are leaving his bed out there so it's just you and me in this room."

Uncle: "OH then we have plenty of room in here if it's just the two of us."

William and Aunt were were doing a 100 piece puzzle. William knew where he was sleeping so there was no need for him to be involved any more.

Natalie: "But I get up REALLY early in the morning, at 6:00, so I'll try to be quiet and not wake you up when I get up."

Uncle: "Oh I'm at work at 6:00 in the morning so I get up at 5:00, SOOOO I'll try to be quiet and not wake you up, when I get up."

Natalie: "5:00 THAT'S REALLY EARLY!"

We got all three pieces into the room. The "closet" and shelves are up against two walls (the corner), this will be the head of the bed and the desk area is closest to the door of the bedroom and this will be the foot of the bed. It had to be done this way because the latter to climb up into the bed is on the desk side. We put the bed on top of the two pieces and Natalie and Uncle started making more plans.

I had a step stool in the room so Uncle sat down on it at the desk. Natalie stood right next to him as he was figuring out where to put his things.

Uncle: "I can do my work right here, and I should have enough room for my cloths over in these shelves."

Uncle: "I think this stool is to high, my knees aren't under the desk. Do you have something else I can sit on?"

Natalie: "Yes, we have chairs that will fit, they go to our other table, the small one William and I use, but you can use one in here. What color do you want red or blue?"

Uncle didn't hear the color choices so Natalie just got a chair. I have to give a little background here, Natalie and William and Uncle have a running joke at my grandparents house. They have folding chairs there that are pulled out at Christmas dinner when extra seating is needed. There is ONE RED chair in the group of folding chairs and Uncle started that it was his favorite chair when Natalie was little. So now they always "fight" over who gets the red chair. If Natalie sees it first she will go and sit in it and not get up again. Uncle will whine if Natalie gets the chair first to see if she will give it to him. If Uncle sees it he will tell her that he's got the chair and she can't sit in it.

So what do you think Natalie came back with, Yep the RED chair.

Natalie: "I got you the red chair cause I know red is your favorite color!"

Uncle: "Since you got me the red chair, (in a hushed voice) you can use my desk when I'm not here."

Natalie got so excited over this she promised to keep the desk clean and she wouldn't mess any of his stuff up.

Uncle: "You know I still need to go home and get my cloths, I didn't have enough room in the truck to bring them and my bed."

Natalie: "You know I thought you were kidding around at first when you said you were moving in here, but then when I saw you brought you bed with you, then I knew it was true!"

Now we were trying not to laugh, it was so cute that Natalie was so excited, now we needed to find a nice little way to let her know that Uncle was joking and he couldn't really come to live with us.

Aunt: "Oh I'm not sure about this now, I think I may want to take him back home with me. Would that be OK, if he came home with me? BUT we will leave the bed."

Me: "Natalie, who should sleep in the bed if Uncle isn't going to live here?"

William: "Me, that can be my bed!"

Me: "No William your not old enough to have a bed that high off the ground."

William: "Oh Man!"

Uncle: "Natalie, would you like to have this as your bed?"


Natalie finally figured out that this was HER new bed and desk. She loves it, she has her shelves all organized and the draw with her school supplies. She has now done her 1st day of homework at the desk, and she makes her bed every morning. She just loves it.
We all enjoyed our visit that day.

Thank you to Aunt & Uncle for bringing the bed up and providing so much entertainment that day!

As Aunt & Uncle were leaving William grabbed a box of jello and ran out and gave it to Uncle.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I'm just trying to figure out how to put pictures on here.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

This is my first post:-) Not to sure if I want to do this yet, but I'll give it a shot.

I had e mailed a few people my morining today so I'll post it here as my first post.

I did more by 9 Am today than I do most days.

I cleaned the bathroom

Showered a kid twice

Cleaned out the kitchen sink (put everything in the dishwasher)
then washed the pots and pans that don't fit into the dishwasher

Cut an apple for a kid

Made pancakes

got on line and found what time the stores open that my dear hubby said have the best price for air conditioners.

Ok so the whole story is William got up this morning and felt sick. I told him to get the bowl, he said he needed to have a BM, so off to the bathroom he went. Then I noticed he didn't take the bowl with him. I went to give it to him and saw I was too late. I walked in and
he said " I threw up"
I said "you forgot the bowl"
he said "I threw up in the potty"

Now he was partly correct on this matter. He sat down on the potty to have his BM, then needed to throw up instead, so he just opened his legs real wide and while sitting on the potty, threw up in it also! Now I would say this takes talent but the amount that didn't make it in would negate that statement. He basically got it on his belly, his leg, his boy part, and the toilet seat and he did get a good amount into the potty. Now luckily it was only yogurt so I was fine cleaning it up.

I threw him in the shower and washed him up, got him in clean jammies and parked him on the couch while I went back to clean the bathroom. I got him some Gatorade and he drank it right down and threw it all right back up again! I got the kitchen sink cleaned out because William asked for pancakes, they make his belly feel better when he's sick. So I stared the batter and gave it to Natalie to mix up while I helped William. I though he was settled for a few minutes so I started cooking the pancakes. I got a few cooked and William needed me again. This went on each time I would take pancakes out and put new ones in, he would need me again. My hands are so raw from being washed so many times this morning! I was timing it carefully, I would sit with him, wash my hands, run and flip the pancakes, sit with him, wash my hands, run and take the pancakes out of the pan and put more in......

One other time when one of the kids had been sick all day Ed had told them to take a shower because it would make them feel better after being sick all day. Ed meant that it would feel better to be clean after throwing up all day. William takes this literally and thinks that if he showers while being sick it will make him better right away. So every time he felt like he was going to throw up he would run to the bathroom saying "I need a shower, I need a shower". I wish it worked that way, but I did let him try it. He just stood in the shower and let the water run all over him. I think it helped for a few minutes.

Ed and Natalie finally went out and bought an air conditioner. I woke up this morning and figured I didn't care how much it cost, I NEED an air conditioner. I hate being hot and muggy and that's what I was this morning! (for those of you who don't know the big one that does most of the house got broken, but that's another story).

10:30 Am: William declared he didn't want to watch t.v. any more and went to sleep
10:50 Am: William woke up and threw up
10:53 Am: William declared he was better and wanted to go ride on the train (we were going to go exploring today)

I told him to drink the whole cup of Gatorade and if he kept it down then we could go.

11:13 he threw up the drink, so we are staying put today!

Ed is installing the air conditioner right now so I should be back in the cold by 1 (I'm hoping)

Have a good day, stay well, and stay cool!

Yea I have AIR again :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)