Friday, October 31, 2008


1. Happy Birthday to my Roomie!!!
2. Happy Halloween
3. YEA Phillies!!! Sooooo Happy you won the World Series!!!!!

I went to Wawa this morning and you wouldn’t believe all the kids who are out of school so they can go to the parade for the Phillies. Natalie wanted to go to get out of school (even though she loves school) and William wanted to go to see a parade. I tried explaining that it wasn’t going to be like the little St. Patty’s day parade in our town, where we sit on the edge of the road and they throw candy and there isn’t any one else in there way. From the looks of Wednesday night after they won the game, this is going to be an insane amount of people in Philadelphia. All I know is they are interrupting my Soaps to show it:-( Yea I’m a Phillies Fan BUT, don’t interrupt my Soaps! At least I have soap net so I can watch them later. (I just heard they opened The LINC, where the Eagles play and that holds 65,000 people I think, plus they had Citizens Bank Park for the main festivities).

Ok so now on to business. Each Halloween my husband and I play this game, I go purchase all the candy to give to the trick or treaters and he wants to bust into it early. To keep him from eating it I hide it. A few years I have taken it to my parent’s house (that is the best hiding spot) but in the last year or two, I’ve enjoyed the challenge of finding new hiding spots and out witting the hubby!

The other morning I was in a huge rush to get the kids to school. I needed a shower because I was going up to the school for something about 10 minutes after I dropped them off. I got into the shower at 8:25Am and was done, hair dried, dressed, make up on at 8:35! Yes I think that is a personal record for me. While I was drying my hair, Ed called from work. Natalie answered my cell phone and brought it into me, I told her I didn’t have time to talk to him, take a message for me.

Later on I asked Natalie what Daddy had wanted.

N: That’s between me, Daddy and William.
M: Excuse me?
N: Daddy is sending us on a mission.
M: What kind of a mission?
N: I’m not telling you.
M: OK, so Daddy didn’t need to talk to me for anything.
N: Nope.

So I have NO idea what they are up to. I let it go and move on with the day. I’m not a nosy person and I won’t be baited into wanting to find out what’s up, plus with a 5 & 8 year old it’s bound to come out sooner rather than later.

I picked William up from school that day and we were chatting. Out of the blue he says to me

W: You know Mom you have to go buy Halloween candy, it’s almost Halloween.
M: I know, but I’m going to wait to buy it.

Now I found it a little odd that my 5 year old was concerned with me buying candy for the other kids. Neither one of my kids has ever wondered when I was going to do that. At some point after Natalie got home from school that day she brought up the fact that I need to buy candy for Halloween. Then the kids start whispering! Now I know what they are up to. Their mission: If they choose to accept it, is to find out where I’m hiding the Halloween candy for their father!

I kept telling them I wasn’t getting it until Thursday so then I hear them telling Ed that the mission isn’t going to start until Thursday. It was so funny all the sneaking around, and I let them think I wasn’t on to them.

So I got the candy Thursday and had to find a hiding spot for the night. This should explain how only I do the dishes! NO ONE even tried to go into my hiding spot Thursday night or Friday morning! It worked out wonderfully!!

One of Williams’s friends lent us a Halloween CD, William is boogieing out to Ghost Busters right now.

Have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN, I wish you all lots of candy.

Here are a few pictures from the night we carved our pumpkins.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I AM WOMAN, Hear me ROAR!!!!

Ok so I’m a little proud of myself right now.

Yesterday morning after church my dad told me that my tail lights and the left blinker on my van were out. (He has such faith that I was actually using my blinker, that it MUST be out if it was not on when I was turning!) We got back to his house and he popped off the light and switched the light bulbs, and nothing happened. He was thinking it was a wire.

I said to my dad “oh is that why the blinker is blinking faster than normal?” He said “yes” and told me to read the manual then I would know that is a signal that something is wrong. I told him I have that guy gene and I don’t read manuals or directions (not driving direction, I follow them and stop when needed!)

When Ed looked at it yesterday afternoon the right light was lighting, but he looked at the bulbs and they didn’t seem to be burnt out. I decided to start with the bulb and go from there.

This morning I rode with the kids to school on the bikes then came home, took apart the tail light and pulled out the bulbs. I drove to wall-mart and found the bulb and came home and installed it. No one else is home and I can’t MacGyver the brake light to see if it’s on (I did try moving the seat up to wedge my umbrella on the brake pedal so I could see if it was on but it didn’t work) but the blinker is working!

My next project for this morning my window frames. I also purchased wood filler, while at Wall-Mart and I’m going to fix my window frames now (thanks dad for that suggestion). Now if I could just figure out how to open the Spackle bucket I’d be good to go!

Go Phillies!!!

We don’t usually follow baseball, we watch football and get all into that. But now with the Phillies where they are in the World Series (YEA!!!!) the kids are hearing about it at school and I’ve been watching the games.

My children are cheering for the Phillies the best way they know how:

Fly, Eagles, Fly
On the road to victory!

Fly, Eagles, Fly
Score a touchdown 1, 2, 3!

Hit’em low
Hit’em high
Let’s watch our eagles fly

Fly, Eagles, Fly
On the road to victory!

E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!

The past few mornings when they get up and I tell them the Phillies have won another game they break out into the Eagles song, its sooooo funny.

I wish it could have been a clean sweep here at our house. Eagles then Steelers then the Phillies, it was a sports day around here for sure. Sad day for Ed and the Steelers but we are thrilled about the Eagles and the Phillies!!!!

I have to get back to work now, once Ed gets home and I actually get to look at the break light in use: I’ll let you know if I really fixed it.

Stub Hub has tickets to tonight’s Phillies game. $750.00 to $7500.00, I think I’ll watch from the comfort and warmth of my couch! When I tell Natalie she will say “wow that’s more than the Hannah Montana tickets!”

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Who is listenting to the campaign messages?

William is brushing his teeth and from the bathroom comes
"I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message" He he he he he

I guess the campaign messages are getting through to some one, too bad, he's only 5 and can't vote!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bicycles in the morning

I don’t know if any of you saw the today show this morning, one of the Wallenda’s was trying to break a world record. He was going to walk across a high wire then ride a bike back across! I paused my TV and took the kids to school.

On the way, my little racer William crashed with a capital C! I sent the other kids on their way and took him into the nurse, who wasn’t in her office. Luckily the secretary had a band aid, a small band aid that only covered half the boo boo, but it will work for now.

We were right across the street from the front door of the school when he crashed. There is a house under going a huge renovation, and all 4 guys came running when they saw William fall. I think he scared the S*** out of them. Then I come moseying up on my bike, can you tell I’m used to this by now?

So when I got back home I was to nervous to watch the high wire act. I watched in fast forward and saw that he made it then I went back and watched slowly.

I know one thing for sure; William is NEVER taking his bike on a high wire!

I’m going to go have my cup of tea and clam my nerves.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mom where are my midgets?

M: What?
W: Where are my midgets? I can’t find them, what happened to them?
M: WHAT midgets????? WHAT are you talking about?
W: My midgets that I got from the dentists office, it’s not on my croc any more, see (and he shows me his croc).
M: You mean your JIBBITZ?? (The little decorations that go on the croc shoes)

My boy needs to learn the correct word for things!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What is it with little boys????

First: Natalie NEVER gave me a hard time about what she was going to wear to school. She may have asked to wear something like a fancy dress or she may have mildly protested my choice. We would have a conversation about it and if she had a good reason then I may have changed what she was going to wear. William just refuses to wear certain things. He REFUSED to wear jeans yesterday! Now normally I say go get dressed and as long as he looks some what ok I’ll let him go to school in what he picks. Yesterday I wanted him to wear jeans for a change, so the teacher knows he has some “nice” clothing and not just swishy pants and sweats. But NO he had something else in mind.

I just find it funny that my little girl didn’t care about what she was wearing as much as her brother does. There are many days that I will pull something out and tell William to put it on and he says “What are we going to church today”? I tell him no just put it on! I had to prep him the night before picture day; I pulled out what he was wearing and showed him. I told him that was what he was going to wear. For that day he didn’t give me a hard time at all, he just said “Ok, I’m going to get my picture taken”.

Second: What possess little boys to roll their cars on the walls at other people’s homes? Oh yes it left marks! Luckily it was someone’s house who loves him (sometimes more than I do) so much that they won’t hold it against him!

Third: After having a thousand conversations about how to give our left over food to the dog, WHY can’t he remember the rules? What would make him break the crust of his bread into little pieces and toss it onto the floor, like he’s feeding ducks at a pond. Just sitting in his chair at the island and tossing pieces of bread onto the floor all around him, (the ducks must have been spread out in the pond) just “feeding the ducks”. The best part of his little feeding session; the dog wasn’t even in the house at the time to clean up after him!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Paying Less

Natalie had her book fair at school today. The kids who don’t have money with them get a sheet of paper to make their wish list on. Natalie brought me home her wish list and told me…

N: Mom there were two prices on all of the books, so I put down the one that was LESS for every one of my books. So we get to pay the lower price!

I then explained that she had to use the price for the U.S. She told me that is what she did; she picked “us” each time.

So she does have her prices correct on the sheet!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Entertaining a sick kid

William is laying on the couch watching on the big TV. It has the better shows (cable has noggin and PBS sprout) shows we don’t get in our bedroom.

This show called Hip Hop Harry came on. Some big, Barney type, bear dressed in hip hop clothing with his hat worn with the brim to the side of his head.

I hear the “rap” music playing so being the super cool mom that I am I bust into a cool mom hip hop dance in front of William. He starts laughing his sick little belly off and says “MOOOOOOOOOOOOM, stop dancing”! (Hey at least I didn’t make him laugh so hard that he threw up again) So I stopped dancing. Then William told me

W: If you’re really groovin you have to have a big metal on.
M: Some BLING?
W: A really, really big metal, Mom. Then you are a really good hip hopper.

There is a boy named William on the show and he was given his turn to dance in front of everyone. All the kids on the show gathered around in a half circle and watched him dance. As he got going they started chanting his name as they grooved to the music. So I was grooving a little and started chanting with them.


Again came “MOOOOOOM STOP! But at least he was smiling and laughing as he “yelled” at me.

When I say hip hop you say Harry

Hip Hop Harry
Hip Hop Harry
Hip Hop Harry
Hip Hop Harry!

If you can dream it you can achieve it. Is one rap they perform

This is one of the other raps from the show.

If you like to read
and you like books
just open one up
and take a look.

Not a bad message in a hip hop way. The show is kind of cute and all their pants are up in the correct spot, no undies showing, like in a "real" rap video.

Rule # 1!

Rule #1 You may NOT be sick the day after two days off of school!

I don’t know why my children like breaking this rule!

I think I had the best sleep I’ve had in forever, last night, no really, I can’t remember the last time I fell asleep before 11 pm and stayed asleep ALL night! Most nights one of the kids yells, gets up or some how wakes me up and if they don’t I seem to wake up on my own at the time they usually get me up. Last night I was OUT, it was GREAT! Waking up this morning was like waking up the first morning that your baby slept through the night. I woke up thinking OMG is everyone ok, they didn’t wake me up in the middle of the night????

But this is how I woke up. So I’m sound asleep on the couch, I didn’t even hear Ed get up and leave to walk the dog. I hear “MOM, I’m DONE!” This is Williams call when he’s had a BM; he can’t reach the toilet paper so I have to go give him some. It took a minute to register and as I looked outside I thought OH WHAT time is it? He doesn’t usually wake up in the middle of the night to go sit on the toilet. So I tell him to try to reach himself, then I hear Natalie’s voice, “I got him some T.P. Mom, but he thinks he’s going to throw up”.

Oh GREAT! I pull myself off the couch and make my way to the bathroom. What a sweet sight I found. William is sitting on the potty with his head in the sick bowl that Natalie is holding for him. Isn’t she a sweet big sister???? I felt sooooo proud that she would do this for him. I thanked her and send her on her way as he started throwing up.

He got done and went and laid down on the love seat, stole my blanket because he was cold and got comfortable. He threw up one more time then went to sleep for an hour. So I stared making pancakes. William only likes pancakes when he is sick, plus we are out of bagels so Natalie needed a good breakfast too.

I figured out the perfect cook time for a small sized pancake. Put the batter in the pan, put a few chocolate chips in each of the 4 pancakes, run to the washing machine and empty it into the dryer and start it running. Start the water for a new load of wash, put in the soap, go get the load of laundry (that has already been separated) put it into the machine, close the lid and get back to your pancakes! Ok so I thought for sure they were burnt, but they were perfect!

So now my dilemma is getting Natalie to school. I could throw the boy in the van and drive her, but she loves riding her bike, it’s a beautiful day and her friends are riding. So I call the friends mom (who is a friend of mine) and make a plan. I’ll watch Natalie get to her house, then the friends mom can see to the crossing guard from a spot close to her house, so she would watch the kids get to the crossing guard (the crossing guard is right across the street from the school so we know they got there). So that is what we did. I’m having a hard time not knowing (seeing with my own eyes) that Natalie had been delivered to school safely! I’ve got 7 hours before I actually see her again to know she made it there safely. I know she is fine; it’s just the first time I’ve done this so it’s a weird feeling. Yes I’m resisting the very strong urge to call the school after attendance is taken to see that she actually signed in.

We made a plan for the afternoon too and I’ll await the phone call that she made it to her friend’s house and is on her way from her friend’s house to me, then I’ll go watch down the street to make sure she gets home safely.

William seems to be fine; I think it was just post nasal drip that was the problem this morning. However he hasn’t eaten anything all morning. He won’t eat a pancake, or Whales, or crackers, any of you who know William, this is VERY odd behavior. The child usually wakes up begging for all of those things, plus a few others. He is not running a fever but I called him out of school any way and banished him to the love seat for the rest of the day.

Here are two pictures of the fun pancakes I made this morning. They are a little out of focus, my camera was giving me a hard time this AM, I guess I woke it up and put it to work to early.

I thought this one looked like a lady bug so I put some extra chips in it for spots.

This looks like an evil jack-o-lantern