Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas shopping

It’s Christmas Eve at 1:11 PM. Ed took the kids out shopping this morning and we met at the mall after I got some of my last minute stuff done. I took the kids to get the rest of the gift cards I needed, got them lunch then came home. We are done! Dinner and Church tonight and Big day tomorrow.

The kids were eating and I just looked at my e mail and noticed I have pictures ready at Wall-greens that I need for tomorrow. I said

M: Oh I forgot my pictures at Wall-greens; I need to go get them.
N: Quick hide, I’M NOT GOING either!

I just laughed, I understand their reason.

Everyone enjoy your holiday, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

How many children do you want?

My conversation with Natalie this AM

N: So mom did you want 2 children
M: Yes Natalie, Daddy and I wanted two Children
N: Oh so I wouldn’t be a lonely child?
M: (chuckling a bit) yes so you wouldn’t be a lonely child.

Friday, December 12, 2008

William’s Song

William is changing the song to
“All I want for Christmas is my 3 top teeth”.
He lost another one today in school.

Word spread fast too. He was at the nurse and saw Natalie pass, he wanted to tell her what happened, but she didn’t see him. A little ways down the hall Natalie ran into William’s teacher and was told about the tooth. He was happy to know that she found out quickly.

At pick up all his friends had to see his tooth. I had to open the little treasure chest the nurse put it in and show all the kids.

William still doesn’t sleep with his head on a pillow; he does however have a pillow in his bed. The pillow is down by his feet leaning up against the wall and a bear sleeps on it each night.

Oh and at the holiday shop at school, William purchased one pair of light up vampire teeth. I asked if that was because he didn’t have any teeth up top. He told me no, I can’t eat with the vampire teeth in my mouth.

I sure hope the tooth fairy is alert this time and remembers to bring a bone so Bailey will let her into the kid’s room. She has forgotten in the past and the good guard dog would not let her pass so she had to leave a note and tooth $ on the counter, or try again the next night!

Friday, December 5, 2008

William giving gifts

The kids were eating a meal, I forget which one, and I had the TV on and a commercial came on for Zale’s (jewelry). They were advertizing their holiday necklace. William was paying attention to the TV.

W: WOW, I’m getting that for you for Christmas!
N: For ME! YES! Thanks William
W: No for Mommy. (N: sad face) I’m getting you the earrings
N: (Happy face) THANKS WILLIAM!! Yes, I get new earrings!

My mother has taught them well, both of them, to LOVE diamonds! That gene skipped me; I’d much prefer electronics to jewelry. William will make some woman VERY happy with his gift giving some day.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Voting is closed the winner is….

Poor William was sick all day. Vomiting every 15 minutes or so for most of the morning and into the early afternoon. He finally fell asleep in the 2:00 hour and slept till I woke him around 4:30. He woke up and was STARVING! “Rest your belly” I said “NO I’m HUNGRY, MOM, PLEASE CAN’T I HAVE SOMETHING TO EAT???”

Problem was I was planning on going to the store today while the kids were at school. I’m out of EVERYTHING eggs, bread, cereal, soda, and I have nothing for dinner (not a problem for me I don’t feel much like eating after watching William throw up all day). About the only thing I do have in the fridge is milk and I found a box of jell-o to make for him. I was just so happy I ran to wall-mart last night to pick up toilet paper and I didn’t put that off till the trip I was planning on doing today!

So it’s my mom to the rescue; she was at the grocery store and called to see if she could pick something up from my house. I said yes and she asked if I needed anything. EGGS please. I put her stuff outside and she made the drop without ever having to enter the germy house.

I made pancakes for the kids (that’s what I needed the eggs for). William is still happily scarfing down pancakes and the jell-o I made for him earlier. While eating he announced,

“Mom, you are the GREATEST MOM IN THE WORLD!” AHHHHHH such a sweet boy. This is so nice to hear since I’m usually being told “You’re SO mean!” So I won the greatest mom in the world contest and all I had to do was have my mom bring me some eggs and make the kid some pancakes!!

Boy I wonder what award I would win if I made him candy

Monday, December 1, 2008

Remember to wear your safety goggles

When cutting your children’s toe nails!
Those little buggers are hard to find in your eye.