Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pictures I was going to post yesterday.

The Night Before Christmas and all through the house.....

The Christmas tree before the kids got to it:-)

The kids opening the dog's gift, he sat so nicely waiting for them to be done.

The "Big" gift.

Bailey finding his package.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Morning:-)

My alarm went off 6:30 AM (on vibrate so the kids didn’t hear it). About 5 minutes later we heard the kids in their room. Then the flash lights went on and the little stinkers went on a stealth mission to check out the presents under the tree before Mom & Dad woke up! Then the whispers;

N: It’s not dawn yet. We are not allowed up until it’s light out
W: Come on let’s see if they’re up yet.
N: Billy noooooo
W: (at my side, hand on me shaking me very gently) Mom are you awake? Santa Came
M: No it’s still dark, come lay down with me
N: (On Ed’s side) I tried to stop him
E: 10 more minutes you guys then we can get up
Everyone lay down in bed cuddled together trying to get 10 more minutes
Bailey: thump thump thump thump (his tail banging against the closet door)
We all giggle (about 3 minutes later)
W: Come on lets get up Santa was here, there are presents under the tree.
E: 10 more minutes Billy
W: But we got a hippopotamus!
M: you unwrapped something? :-0
W: NO they weren’t wrapped. See (jumping out of bed and running to get his hippo)
N: (following her brother) it’s a golden Hippopotamus.
Then we all started singing “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas” We mess up the words, and make up our own version.
Bailey; thump thump thump thump.
M: OK let’s get up!

We all get out of bed and make our way to the other side of the wall to the tree. Bailey went right over to his gifts and stood their sniffing. We had the kids give him his box of bones, he wouldn’t unwrap them so the kids did it for him. I opened the box and put it behind us so he could help himself for a little while. After about 5 small bones I took the box away.

The kids started opening their gifts. They were happy with all they got. Both now have footy pajamas, crank flash lights that do NOT need batteries, compasses, thermoses for lunch, & candy. I got each kid and Ed their own bath mat for the floor when they take showers (running family joke).

William got a cool race track (I’m praying this one stays together and works for a long time); Natalie got a pair of boots that don’t fit! Santa knew her size was a size 3 and the size 3 sneakers she got in September still fit so I’m not sure what’s up with the boots but they are toooooo small! They are knock off Ugg looking things. But I guess Santa is prepared for this type of thing, because we found a receipt on the bottom of the box with the name of the store on it, so we can swap them for the correct size.

The kids both shopped at the school store for us, William got Ed and I Mom and Dad mugs, which we are proudly using. Natalie got me a pretty MOM necklace that I am wearing, and she got Ed a “Dad” tape measure and key ring light.

The race track has been put together, breakfast has been made and eaten, Ed is working on getting another gift up and running. We did coax Bailey into opening one of his own gifts. Ed had to hold it for him the whole time but he opened it himself.

Grand mom Maureen has been here and left already. The skateboards are a big hit! The Zhu Zhu pets (which they slept “near” and joined us for opening gifts today) that they got from Grammy and Grampy are riding on the sake boards as we speak.

The kids are still singing Christmas Carols. Have a Holly Jolly Christmas is the song of the moment!

That’s all for now! Enjoy the pictures.

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all, and to all a GOOD DAY!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

You remember when you were little and your parents would tell you to knock it off or they were going to pull the car over and make you get out & walk?

Well now my kids have that story to tell!

Small recap, I take a friends 3 kids to school in the morning along with my 2 kids. We usually walk or ride bikes but with the weather sooooo cold this morning and one of the kids getting over a pretty bad cold, I decided to drive. (At least that’s the excuse I’m using because I didn’t want to freeze my butt off walking this morning!) We take the same route driving that we do walking.

One of the kids was sick today so I only had 4 in the car. When we drive it’s a tight squeeze in the far back. William and the two girls have to squish together so they can all get buckled. The drive is about a minute and a half long, and that’s only if I get stuck at the crossing guard. You would think with 1 less kid in the back seat my children would have enjoyed having a little more space between them and could have kept their hands, feet, body’s, hats, gloves, and voices to themselves. Not the case.

My two DARLING children could NOT behave with each other. I get the 4 kids in the car and we are not even out of the drive way and my two are bugging the heck out of each other and yelling and whining. William just couldn’t keep his hands to himself, but Natalie was yelling and whining and fighting right back with him. He was poking her, she pulled his hat off his head and my warnings to knock it off were being ignored. After about the 5th warning I found an opening on the side of the road, pulled over stopped the car, put it in park and

Said “GET OUT”!!!
They both just sat there, I think they thought I was kidding.
So again I said “GET OUT and walk to school”!
Still they sat there.
The car was in park and I went to turn it off and get out to open the door for them. I think that's when they realized that I was serious.

They stormed past the other two kids, whose eyes were bugging out of their heads, got out of the car and started walking! And I pulled away! I’m pretty sure they were SHOCKED.

I drove down to the crossing guard and parked my car and got the two children, who know how to behave, out of the car. The older boy took his younger sister and said “come on let's get to school” (almost like he had to protect her) I very cheerfully said “have a good day” to them as my two caught up to us.

Natalie was very upset, and I gave her a hug and a kiss and told her I loved her. William didn’t seem to care (which bugged me) and I gave him a hug and a kiss too, handed them both the cookies I made for their class and walked them across the street.

So now my children have a story to pass on to their children about the day their mean mom pulled the car over and made them get out and walk.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The 2 Things Natalie wants for Christmas 2009

Natalie had a student teacher, Ms. Sandal, at school this past semester. Her last day was on Thursday and Natalie was very upset about it.
So this morning we were driving home from William’s wrestling practice and this is our conversation.

N: There are only two things I want for Christmas this year.
M: Oh yea? What two things? (I’m expecting to hear a zhu zhu pet and phone, or some material things that she is defiantly not getting)
N: I want to see Great Grand mom and Mrs. Sandal again.
M: (my heart melted) Which Great Grand mom?
N: Grampys Mom (My grandmother who passed away a few years ago)
M: That’s SOOOOOOOOO sweet, but you know you can’t actually see her. But you can keep her close in your heart
N: I know I can’t really see her.
M: And as for Ms. Sandal I thought you told me her new class was going to be at the same time as your class so she won’t be able to come visit?
N: She thinks she may be able to come visit so I’m hoping she can.
M: OK that’s a good thing to hope for
N: I wish I had gotten to meet Great Grandpa, Grampys Dad.
M: Me too, I never met him either
N: Oh; was he in a war?
M: No I don’t think so.
N: But I thought you all told me he was in a war.
M: No, but you can ask Grampys just to make sure.
N: OK I’ll ask, but you told me he was in WWII.
M: No
N: The civil war?
N: The revolutionary war?
N: The war of 1812?
N: You told me he was in a war; which war?
M: Wait a minute; are you talking about Grampys Dad or Grammies Dad?
N: Oh that’s right I think it was Grammies Dad…….
Then we arrived at home and the conversation was over. I’m so happy to know that she remembers her Great Grand mom. She was little when she died but those memories are still with her:-)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Holiday songs:-)

Jingle Bells, Bat Man Smells, Robin laid an Egg! The Batmobile lost his wheel and the joker got away! HEY!

The kids new version of the song:-)

Jingle Bells, Bailey smells (what he does), Sophie (the dog that lives behind us) laid an egg! The dogmobile lost its wheel and Bailey or Sophie (we are debating this subject) got away! HEY!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

knock knock whos there

It’s 7:10 AM and William is in his first time out of the day! To top it off, I’m going to have to deal with him in this mood all afternoon. The kids have half days due to conferences. I really seriously think I’m not picking him up from school today. And when they call and tell me I forgot him and he’s in the office waiting for me, I’m going to say “you keep him”! Oh but I guess that’s not going to work since I have both kids conferences today, humpf! And I have to go through the office to get into the building. Oh well, guess I have to pick him up.

Here’s how it started.

Me: William get dressed or you are going to school in your PJ’s
W: Goofing off
Me: William do you think I won’t send you to school in your PJ’s?
W: Goofing off
N: Mom, I can’t find a shirt to wear.
Me: Let’s see I just did at least 10 loads of laundry this weekend, and you are telling me there was not one shirt for you in any of them?
N: (laugh) I just can’t find one.
Me: Into the bedroom, into the closet, pull out a shirt, brace myself for the “I don’t want that one” argument
N: That’ a good one, thanks MOM!
Me: SOOOOOOOOO happy she didn’t argue with me
Back to William

Me: William get dressed or you are going to school in your PJ’s
W: Knock Knock
M: Who’s there?
W: Mom
M: Mom who?
W: MOM I REALLY need socks, MOM!

Then he got dressed. Poured his cereal, and started eating it like a dog. That’s when I lost my patients and sent him to his room.

M: William I think you woke up on the silly side of the bed today, you need to go back in there get back into bed and get up on the right side of the bed please!

I sure hope the day gets better. I think I’m going to get the bikes out so he can burn off some of that energy. Can’t wait to hear what the teacher has to say about him after today.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Christmas Whispers

William is going through the Lands End catalog whispering "Santa, will you get that for me for Christmas". “Santa, can you get that for my sister for Christmas, she really wants one”.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Before the rain

Bailey arranged his blankets in his cage like this. I think he was calling for help to get out of the cage one day:-)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Natalie's first text message

I got a new cell phone the other day and Natalie has been bugging me to use it. I’m being a mean mom and won’t let the kids play with it. Then last night it dawned on me that they may NEED to use this phone one day so I better show them how.

I showed William how to open it and dial it then push the green button to make the call. Then I showed Natalie. Then Natalie asked if she could send a text message. Ed was out so I decided to let her send a message to him.

She wrote:

Hi Dad


Ed wrote back:

Watch out I just punished a kid for receiving a test from his mom

I let her read it and she laughed.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sweetest Night Terror Ever!

About 10 minutes ago (8:50 PM) William came running out of his room. I thought to myself, here we go with a night terror. He came right over to me Looked right at me (which he doesn’t usually do during a night terror) and said

W: Mom? Its ok Mom, I’m right here.
M: Ok William I’m glad you’re right here
W: Mom, I love you Mom. I really, really love you.

He hugged me, curled up on the love seat under the blanket I was dehairing with a sticky roller, and went to sleep!

I like that kind of Night terror, early in the night and so sweet:-)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Growing teeth

Natalie is home sick to day. I think I posted about her loosing SOOOOOOOOO many teeth over the last part of the summer. Well they are ALL growing back in now.

The poor kid’s gums are so swollen. She’s getting them on the top and the bottom. She is running a fever but my thermometer is broken so I don’t know how high it is. I keep giving her Motrin to keep it down and make her feel better.

Last night she didn’t eat dinner and started complaining that her stomach hurt and her throat hurt and her mouth hurt and everything hurt. I called the Dr. and I’m taking her in to have the throat checked out because even with the Motrin she is still complaining that it hurts too much to swallow.

Last night I let Natalie go to sleep in our bed, then I moved her to the love seat and I slept on the couch. She as a loft bed and I didn’t want her trying to climb that if she needed to throw up.

Not sure what time in the early morning hours but William joined the party at some point. He woke me up and asked if he could sleep on the love seat. I told him no, because Natalie was sleeping on the love seat. So he lay down on the other end of the couch, I curled up into a ball (one of my favorite sleeping positions) so he had some room. At 4:30 AM Natalie woke up and woke me up because she needed medice because EVERY THING was hurting again.

I put William back in his bed and Natalie and I tried to go back to sleep, but never did. Ed got up and walked the dog, then about 6:15 I ran to get him a box of munchkins and a box-o-JOE (Dunkin Donuts drive through!)For his meeting this morning.

Now it’s a little after 9, I dropped William off at school and I’m starving so I told Natalie we were going to WAWA. She said

N: But I’m in my pajamas
M: That’s ok, it’s Wawa, I go to Wawa in my PJ’s all the time
N: You DO?
M: Yep, and so do a LOT of other people.
N: Ok, I’m goin to Wawa in my pajamas (she got a real kick out of this)

I got my hoagie and I told her she could get an icee and maybe that would help her mouth and throat to feel better. We got our stuff and got back in the car. As I was pulling out of the parking lot she said to me

N: Mom, do I have to pay you back for the icee if I throw it up?
M: (laughing a lot) No honey you don’t. Just make sure if you throw up you get it in the bucket!

Monday, October 5, 2009


I’m sitting at the computer listening to the sound of snoring. I’m thinking Ed must have fallen asleep without his machine. I just went into the kid’s room to check them before I got to bed and to my surprise, its William snoring. OH NO! He’s so loud!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Don't e mail all over the world!

I showed this to William and he asked me NOT to e mail this all over the world, but it's so funny I had to. So SHHHHHH don't tell him you saw it and don't show it to your kids, cause they will tell him!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Spiders, it's too early in the morning for spiders!

Funny part; I was cleaning all the spiders and spider webs off the Spiderman umbrella.
Not so funny part; I walked back into the house to a quarter sized (little bit bigger actually) spider crawling across my kitchen floor.

William asked “did you get it” I said “I got it”.
I had to squish it with a JC Penny’s receipt so it didn’t get to a hiding spot.
I believe the phrase of the morning is “the Willies”.
I’m going to go shower now, to make sure no spiders are on me!
I think the spider may have come home with us from NC!

Sorry I didn't have time to get the camera, he was moving to fast and would have made it to safety if I didn't act quickly. So you will just have to take my word for how big he really was:-)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Car pick up & hoagies for dinner

We had to take the car in to get a leak fixed today. My mother in law drove up and drove me home after I dropped off the car this morning and she very nicely took me and the kids back tonight when it was ready to be picked up. I hadn’t had a car all day to run to the store to get food for dinner so I stopped at a grocery store after we picked up the car.

The kids were wonderful while walking through the store. I grabbed a few half hoagies we made our way to the bakery for the kid’s free cookie then checked out and headed home. My children only recently started eating lunch meat on bread. They usually just eat it all separate, turkey, then the cheese then a piece of bread.

To my surprised they both asked if they could try a piece of hoagie. Ed got his Italian out and cut them both a little piece, William really liked it, and Natalie kind of liked it. Then I gave them a piece of my turkey, William LOVED that and Natalie picked it apart because she didn’t want the cheese on it. But with brownies for dessert there weren’t too many arguments about eating.

While we were eating Natalie asked what was on the menu for lunch tomorrow. I read it to her and she decided to pack tomorrow. Then she began listing all the foods that she would buy from school.

N: I’ll buy when it’s regular pizza day and breakfast for lunch, defiantly on pizza donut day, and some times when they have chicken nuggets.
M: STOP, back up, Pizza donut day????
N: Yes, Pizza donut day, I had it last week and they are really good, I love them.
M: Pizza donuts?? You’re sure it’s a pizza donut?
N: Yes Mom, look at the menu for last week they have pizza donuts.

At this point I was laughing and William figured out what I was asking about and chimed in

W: You mean pizza bagels?
N: (laughing hysterically) oh yea Pizza bagels, not pizza donuts!
M: I thought they invented some new lunch; it’s a donut and has pizza sauce and cheese on the inside instead of jelly.
N: YUCK, MOM! That sounds gross!

So we cleared up the confusion but I still like saying it Pizza Donut Day!

Bailey on the first day of school:-(

He looks so sad. He was much happier when the kids got home.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

1st day both the kids are at school for a full day!!!!!

Drop off went well, they smiled for pictures and no one cried (not me or the kids). Chatted with the crossing guard. Now trying to decide what to do with my first day of both kids in full day:-) Lets see, food shop? Clean? Spa Day? Nap? nice thing is I have 6 hours to figure it out:-)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Car ride home

Just a quick little post from our drive home from NC. 12 hours in the car is tough on anybody on a very active, never wants to sit still 6 year old boy its torture. (Actually it was torture for the rest of us.)

My darling children did a WONDERFUL job on the drive down. They played nicely together, William napped a little. Natalie had her MP3 player and a book and she was happy as could be (yes she takes after her mother in the car).

The way home was just too much for William to handle. I can’t say he was “bad” he was just rammy, and bored so he decided to amuse himself by bugging the heck out of his sister! He was in the middle row of the van behind me (the passenger seat) and Natalie was in the third row behind the driver, the chair in front of her was put down so there was space for her legs and some of our stuff.

The best way I can describe William on the drive is this way. Have you ever seen the movie “Gremlins”? It’s about this cute fuzzy little teddy bear looking “animal” that is sweet and kind and cute and cuddly---- until you pour water on him. When a Gremlin comes in contact with water it turns into this destructive, devilish, evil little monster. Now strap one of them into a car seat for 12 hours and that was William!

At one point I got his back pack and I took out some of his “things to do” and gave them to him and told him he had to do this stuff. So we had peace in the car for a whole 15 minutes. Then he started turning around “stretching” his arm, but in his “stretching” he would be touching his sisters foot, which sent her into a “knock it off, stop touching me” fit!

I said to him

M: William stops touching your sister
W: I’m not trying to, I’m just stretching (devilish little grin on his face)
M: Stop touching her when you stretch!
M: Find something to do! You have a whole backpack full of things to do for this long car ride and you are doing nothing!
W: I’m annoying my sister that’s doing something.

I didn’t know weather to back hand him or laugh at that point, so I just covered my mouth and tried not to let him see me laughing. Next year I think I’m buying a bottle of Benadryl and using it for the car ride. Not sure yet if I’m giving it to the boy or taking it myself but……

Vacations pictures and more stories will be posted at a later date:-)

Monday, July 27, 2009


We got our first tomato and first cucumber from our garden!! They are sooooo good!

The kids and I split the plum tomato and I am in the process of eating the whole cucumber. I only planned on tasting it but it’s so good I ate the whole thing:-)

I have to send a big shout out to my Aunt who gave us her seedlings and to my hubby who planted and took care of the garden the whole time. Thanks!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Dear Lord, please bless me with the gift of patience

The kids went to Bible school/camp last week and LOVED every minute of it. The church that runs this does an amazing job. Fun games, activities, singing, prayer….. I just can’t say enough about the program. The kids have their calendars marked for next year already!

So after a week of God Fun, Jesus Fun, and Bible Fun it was back to regular old Sunday morning Mass at our church. Natalie was fine; William on the other hand decided to be especially unruly this Sunday. He was having a real problem keeping his little body still and doing the things he was supposed to do (sitting, standing, kneeling).

I was on his case most of Mass, I had had enough as we were kneeling and he was sitting his butt back on the pew. I told him more than once to get off the pew and it looked to me like he was still on it. I told him one last time to which he replied

W: I’m not on the pew.

He was kneeling with his butt sticking out like it was resting on the pew, but it was actually about a quarter of an inch off of it. Now I’m really mad because he knows he’s annoying me and making WRONG choices but he’s doing it anyway.

Then when it came time for The Our Father he was acting up and wouldn’t hold hands and wasn’t saying the prayer. I waited till it was done and marched him back to the cry room, which I haven’t had to do in a really long time. I was really hoping I would run into a nun who would offer me a ruler on the way in, but I didn’t have that luck. I made him go sit in “time out” and talked to him a bit.

Church ended and as punishment he was not allowed to ride in Grampy’s car and he had to say The Our Father correctly for me. After about the 5th time he got it right and we were able to go to my parents for breakfast.

Later in the day William found me, he had a very confident posture going on, and a bit of an attitude in his voice when he told me

W: You know Mom, even though I was really bad in church today, God still loves me!

Friday, July 10, 2009

They made it to Wheel of Fortune

Tonight I decided I needed to go get a pedicure. This is something I treat myself to about 5 times a year. Sometimes with friends, sometimes with my mom and sometimes by myself. Tonight was a “my feet are so yucky, I’m in desperate need of a pedicure” run. I didn’t make an appointment I just figured I’d go to the walk in place and take my chances. Ed got home a little later than I thought he would (apparently a few people at work had birthdays this week and they went to celebrate) and my normal place closed at 7. Since I pulled up at 6:30 I figured I was out of luck.

There are a few other places in the area so I drove around to them to see if any were open later. Out of the 4 shops I found only 1 was open till 8. So I went in to see if they had any openings. They did, I had never been to this one but I thought I’d try it.

Jeopardy was on when I got into the chair, I half listened to the show, was shocked when I knew the answer to one of the questions. I actually opened my eyes to see who the contestants were and was shocked to see it was not 5 year old week, since I had the answer correct. Next came Wheel of Fortune.

Now one of my best memories from hanging out with my grandparents' whether it was in NC or NJ was sitting down and watching Wheel of Fortune each night. Who ever was in the house at the time would be watching. There may have been card games going on, but we were all in the same room, having family time and kind of playing along to Wheel.

So this brought a smile to my face when the show came on. I listened a little then opened my eyes at something they said and the announcer was describing one of the prize packages. It was a trip to NY City (they were in Hawaii this week) and tickets to “Jersey Boys”!!!!!(never mind the Tony awards, you know you've made it "BIG" when you are a prize on Wheel of Fortune). Anyone who knows me knows I’ve been to see it twice and grew up on Frankie Valli and the 4 seasons. So now I’m really smiling thinking, wow it was fate that I happened to find this nail place open late and got to see this.

It’s couples week so the couple playing lands on the NY trip, now I’m rooting for them to win so they can have the privilege of seeing this wonderful show. It happens every now and then on Wheel of Fortune the person has the words spelled out in front of them and they mispronounce a word and lose!

We are going to the chapel and we’re GOING TO get married was NOT the answer.

We are going to the chapel and we’re GONNA get married is the correct answer!

So bummer they don’t get to see Jersey Boys but the next couple was happy and solved the puzzle.

Then when I was finished and heading home, I changed my radio station and guess what was on????? OH WHAT A NIGHT! Frankie is in the air tonight:-)

My feet are smooth and pretty and my daughter wants me to take her for a pedicure tomorrow. I told her I would call the “Grammy Salon” and see if she has any openings. I’m guessing there is an opening on Sunday morning after the Neirbo café’ is finished serving breakfast.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Feeding the ducks

Last Friday we went to a local park and after playing for a little while the kids wanted to skip rocks. They started to skip rocks then some ducks found us so we fed the ducks. SHHHH I don't think we are supposed to but the kids had so much fun. Then we couldn't get rid of the ducks, we had to go hid away from the water for a little while. Some of the ducks even followed us thinking we had more food.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Thunder Storms, A dog, and an air conditioner.

I sit here on Sunday night waiting for the thunder and lightening to start and wonder what is going to happen during THIS storm.

Two nights ago we had William’s end of baseball party at his coach’s house about 5 minutes from us. The evening started out fine and I didn’t know there were storms coming. The kids were in the pool and having a good time and the coach came out and told them they had about 30 minutes in the pool before the storms would be over us.

He kept a close watch on the radar and pulled the kids out just as the thunder started to rumble. My kids were out of the pool before the first signs of the storm. The food had been put out and they were very interested in that. So my thoughts turned to our dog, Bailey, at home, alone, during this storm. We left the air conditioners running and I thought maybe that would drown out some of the noise from the storm and he would be ok.

The whole time we were there Ed and I told past stories of what the dog had done during storms and fireworks, when we were home and when we were not home. We fooled ourselves into thinking this time was going to be different and enjoyed the party.

We left the party about 9:30 pm, and Ed had every intention of dropping the kids and me off and going back to hang out a little longer. Our dog took care of those plans! Ed and the kids made it into the house before me; I was maybe 15 steps behind them and found utter chaos when I walked in.

Natalie was hysterically crying, Ed was mad, and William stated very matter of factly “well, I guess we have to get another dog”. I looked past where Ed was standing to the air conditioner that I could hear was no longer running. There was now a big hole (letting all the bug into the house) where the insulation that was in the window next to air conditioner had been. The insulation was shredded and all over the floor. Then I looked at the actual air conditioner the front was ripped off, there were bite marks on one piece and scratch marks on the metal. Oh and there was water leaking from the air conditioner like it had been tipped forward instead of back wards for the water to run out the back of the machine to the outside.

The kids went to look for the dog, who Ed and I knew was not in the house. Ed took the air conditioner out of the window so we could close it and stop the bugs from coming into the house. We cleaned up the water as best we could and Ed headed outside to check with our back yard neighbors who informed us he had been out before the storm. They had no idea we weren’t home. They often open the gate between our yards and let Bailey come into their yard and hang out with them. They went inside before the storm came so they put Bailey back into our yard and didn’t see him again. We believe he came back into the house through the hole then went back out it when the storm started and got out of the yard.

I went to our bedroom to see if he was in there hiding from us knowing that we would be a little mad at what he did. I flipped the light switch and there were no lights, and no fan???? Now I started to worry, had he electrocuted himself (Ed would not have been to upset about that at the time). I looked around and the dog was not in the house and there were no wires exposed. So we headed out front. (we figured out later he tripped the breakers)

Ed jumped on his bike and started to our neighbor’s houses to ask if they had seen the dog. I was out front yelling for him hoping he was close by and would just come back as he had done a few times (but not during storms). No luck the dog was not coming home. One of our neighbors was driving by and stopped to see what was wrong, I told him the story and he offered to help.

I told the kids to get in the car and we started driving. We saw Ed coming up another street as we were driving around, then he met up with our neighbor and hopped into his car so they could go look. I drove around with the windows down, yelling the dogs name; I kept thinking he was just so scared he kept running. Ed and Joe took another approach; Ed figured the dog was so scared he would find people, so they were asking everyone they saw outside or in cars if they had seen a black lab.

Someone was watching out for us and our dog because the timing worked out perfectly. The chances of Ed finding the car with our dog in it were slim to none, but he did it! They asked a few (about 25 or 30) people with no luck, then pulled up to a car down a dark short cut and there was bailey inside. The people found him kind of by the school my kids go to, which is a few streets over from us. He made his way past the school a little. The people were at a party and were leaving, they walked out of the house and the dog ran up to them. They checked him out, then went to get in their car and the dog jumped in (they were not leaving without him). They had a 3 or 4 year old little girl and he sat in the back with her (frankly I’m surprised he didn’t jump in the front seat to drive).

They knew some people a section over from us who had Labs so they drove the dog to that house thinking he lived their. They also made a phone call to the police to tell them they found a missing dog. If we had called the police they would have let us know who had him.

So Ed and Joe pull up and see the dog and Ed said the little girl’s eyes filled with tears and she started crying because she had to give him back. She had fallen in love with Bailey and had named him in the hour that they had him. Ed saw her tear up, and he was still so mad at the dog, he started to say to the dad “hey do you” and the dad shook his head and whispered under his breath “DON’T SAY IT”. So Ed stopped. I’m pretty sure he would have been very content telling us that he could not find the dog, as long as he knew he was with a nice family!

So our Bailey boy is home with us again. We now know to put a few chair and the love seat in front of the air conditioner if we are going out. We will also barricade a few other “hot spots” that he may try to get out of and we will pay better attention to the weather when we are not going to be home.

Amazingly, Ed got the air conditioner fixed and it is running right now (hoping it will drown out the storms that are supposed to be on their way). Natalie informed us (after the dog was home) that if he was not found that night she was going to make posters with his picture on it and put them up, even if we told her she wasn’t allowed! The children are soooooo happy to have him home. And the next morning I walked into my bedroom to find Ed in bed and Bailey curled up next to him! (No I wasn’t able to get a picture) But took this one of the 4 of them later in the day.

I hope tonight’s storms aren’t that bad!

(I had the suggestion of a Bailey cam and will be looking into that in the near future)

Ed thinks that at one point the dog was actually on top of the air conditioner and that is how it tipped forward. I guess some questions will never be answered. What was going through the dogs mind to make him think the best way out of the house was through the big metal box in the window? Why couldn’t he just be a normal dog and have an accident on the rug? No we get the dog who tries to eat his way out of the house through an air conditioner. Next time he goes through the trash I think I will be grateful!

Right on Cue

Right on Cue:

I took the chocolate chip cookies out of the oven and William asked “Mom can I TEST one of your cookies?” I love it he didn’t ask for a cookie cause he wanted on he was “helping” me. Phrasing is everything!

For those of you not on Face book, yesterday I asked the question; Does Miss Hanigan run a summer camp I can send my LITTLE GIRL to? She is practicing to be a teenager, telling me “NO” to everything I ask her to do and stomping off and slamming her door if she hears something she doesn’t like!

Ahh but we have had nice moments too this first week of summer. Yesterday I took the kids to paint pottery. There is a store called “Color Me Mine” that is new to our mall. I expected Natalie to like it but I wasn’t sure what William would have to say. He LOVED it just as much as she did! William wanted to know when we could go back

W: Can we come back tomorrow?
M: No not tomorrow
W: Tomorrow after tomorrow?
M: No
W: Tomorrow after tomorrow after tomorrow?
N: You mean Sunday?
W: Yes, Sunday?
M: No, Maybe in a few weeks

I had them make plates. I want to put them up in the kitchen so I chose the colors and they got to pick the stencils they put on. William chose a leaf and a butterfly, Natalie chose flowers and a butterfly. Then they both did their own little designs around the edges. I was very impressed with the design around the edges that they came up with.

Natalie's Plate

William's Plate

The oven just beeped telling me the next batch of cookies is done, William was right there next to me checking on the cookies and asking
W: Can I test this batch?

Monday, June 22, 2009

1st day of summer vacation!

Its the first day of summer vacation 8:00 in the morning and if I hear “MOM” one more time, I’m taking them up to the school and dropping them off with the principal for the summer!

I’m trying to write about why, but I have to go deal with my children, so I’ll get back to it later!

The main problem is I’m not letting them watch T.V. in the morning. When I let them watch in the morning they are quiet when they are watching and I don’t ever want to turn it off so I let them watch way to long. And they get really crabby when I do finally turn it off then I have to yell at them for being miserable. So my goal is to not turn the TV on until 2 pm (my nap time). (yea, we’ll see how long that lasts especially since it wont stop raining here! I wont be offended if you place bets) So I better get moving so we can get started on our day.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I was on my way home from taking the kids to school and this big guy jumped in the street and froze there. I got out and encouraged him to cross the street.
He "yelled" at me cause he couldn't get up the curb in one jump, but he did it on the second try.

He's too cute! I had to run home to get my camera so I can show the kids later.

The guy in the Verizon truck thinks I’m nuts.

Monday, June 8, 2009


GRRRRRRR—this is me growling at my neighbors! 2:57 AM their dog was barking and woke me up. They heard it; they were out there with it, so why did I have to yell for them to shut it up!?

So yes it’s another crabby day for me. My darling children added to my crabbiness by waking up BEFORE 6 AM today.

AHHH and we are due for thunder storms today, tomorrow, Thursday and maybe Friday!

I think I’m checking myself into a hotel.

Hope you all have a better week than I’m going to have:-)

Friday, June 5, 2009

My kid knows the word obsessed.

Natalie has this shirt that she ALWAYS wears. It’s nothing special just a yellow shirt with gray long sleeves. As soon as I wash this shirt and she sees that it’s clean she puts it on. I always ask her why; she just says she likes it.

This morning she saw the shirt was clean but it wasn’t in her closet, it had been damp so I hung it under the stairs to dry before it went into her closet. It was high up so she couldn’t reach it on her own.

N: Can you help me get my shirt down?
Me: Sure, which shirt?
N: you know the one I’m obsessed with.
Me: sigh--- ok.

Just now William was putting away the yogurts I bought for him and Natalie. On the packaging are the details of the contest they are running. You can win $10,000.

W: (singing) I want to win 10,000 bucks, I want to win 10,000 bucks….
Me: What would you do with $10,000?
W: I would buy a Ferris wheel
Me: Oh and where would you put this Ferris wheel?
W: On top of our house. No wait, in the back yard, then I would throw a party.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

They started at 3:36 to be exact.

Did you know that there were thunder storms last night? They started at 3:36 to be exact.

My night started with the kids going to bed. I tucked them in, hugs and kisses; I love you’s all around and left their bedroom. A few minutes later William is out of bed, needing a drink, then a hug and a kiss and I send him back to his room with an

Me: I love you now GET YOUR BUTT IN BED, and don’t come back out.
W: ok, I love you; see you in the middle of the night
Me: Oh no he did not just say that (I was talking to Ed)
W: (laughing) walks back to his room and gets in bed

Sure enough some where in the 3:00 (AM) hour William showed up in my arms. We were both awakened at 3:37 by good old Bailey jumping on us, shaking and drooling all over us.

I got up quickly thinking, the vet’s new idea isn’t working either. The Dr. told me to try dosing him a few times instead of just once hoping the pills would work the whole time it stormed. I had given him pills during the day because it was supposed to storm all day yesterday but they didn’t seem to be working now. I got his leash and put it on him and gave him a pill. We put the leash on during the storms then either chain him to the foot of our bed or if I’m in the kid’s room I wrap it around my arm so he can’t leave me. Not a rumble of thunder all day! Now at 3:37 AM it decides to storm??? Just my luck.

So I tell William to go back to his bed. He starts walking there and I bring my pillows and blanket and set up camp on their floor. For some reason last summer this was one of Baileys “safe” places during storms, he would lay down and pant and be scared but I could usually get some sleep.

Me: William go back to bed
W: Are you sleeping in here?
Me: If Bailey will calm down I’ll sleep here
W: I wish I had a bunk like Natalie, then Bailey couldn’t get up to me
Me: Me too!
W: Can you and dad get me a bunk like Natalie?
Me: Only if I can get one too.
Me: Yes it is

I’ve actually joked about William and I climbing up into the bunk with Natalie and escaping the dog. I’m just not sure it would hold all 3 of us.

Me: Natalie do you think there is room for you, me and William in your bed?
N: You and me mom, but not William, he puts his hands under his head on the pillow like this (and she shows me) and his elbow keeps hitting me in the head when he twitches after he falls asleep.
Me: Ok, I’m not sure it would hold all 3 of us anyway

I tried lying down on the floor in the kids’ room, but Bailey wasn’t having it. The lightening was worse than the thunder but he was freaking out. So I took some school papers that I hadn’t gotten to reading and set up camp in the bathroom. For some reason, I guess that room drowns out some of the noise and atmospheric pressure so, the dog will calm down in there. Plus it’s such a small space he doesn’t have to far to go. But since the pipes are not covered and the oil burner is in there I won’t just lock him in there, someone has to sit in there with him.

Once we were settled in the bathroom I called the vets office (about 4:20AM) and left them a message letting them know that her idea wasn’t working and that we need to try something new. I’m thinking a horse tranquilizer or one of those dart guns that animal control uses on wild animals when they get into neighborhoods. Since I'm pretty sure the vet wont give me any of those maybe I need another addition on the house, just a small, sound proof, atmosphere proof room. All I need is a very noisy fan, a radio, TV and either very comfortable recliner or a bed. Actually if we do it right I wont have to stay in there with the dog so just the fan and a loud radio. Someplace he can’t get hurt and can’t destroy anything.

We hung out for about an hour till it sounded like the storm died down. Then I took him in the kids room wrapped the leash around my arm and tried to get some sleep. He lay down with me for about 5 minutes then there were rumbles of thunder again and he was up and pacing.

At that point it was close to 5 so I just got up and made breakfast. I had a double batch of pancakes all cooked by 5:45 AM. Now I’m hearing on the news that we are supposed to have storms all day. I’ll stay awake till I get the kids off to school then I just may sneak up in Natalie’s bed and hide from the trouble maker.

After all the excitement through out the night, William came out at 6:17 and said good Morning to me! I told him he needed to go back to bed. I tucked him back in, hoping we wouldn’t wake Natalie and William told me

W: You know mom, Bailey can still lick us up in Natalie’s bed. He stretches up there and he can get his tongue to us.
M: Good to know, I’ll go down the other end. Now go back to sleep.

Ed just left for work, I’m going to go lay down and I give it about 2 minutes till one of the kids is out waking me up:-)

Ha, Ha, Ha, I didn’t even get through the spell check and William is out of bed---again!

Now Natalie is up

N: I was up in the middle of the night last night
Me: You were?
N: Yes, that’s why I slept in this morning
Me: 6:45 isn’t sleeping in!

And guess who is passed out, snoring on the floor?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The kid is on to me

The kids went to bed on their own tonight, but never went to sleep. They were waiting for me to come give them their hugs and kisses.

I finally went into their room and said good night. On the way out William asked me to get him socks (I haven't folded them and put them in his drawer so he doesn't know where any are).

W: "Mom, Mom, get me socks, I can't sleep with out them"
M: "Hold on Billy, I'm looking for them"
W: "On the computer?"
He's on to me; I can't pull one over on him any more:-)
Guess I better get off the computer and go find the kid socks.

peanut butter cracker

William when you drop your graham cracker with peanut butter on the floor, peanut butter side down, you may NOT pick it up and put it back on your plate to eat it! No 5 second rule for that one!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Part two

Then in the afternoon after William got home he asked if he could watch some TV. He likes watching in the living room because we have more channels than in my bedroom. So I let him watch on the “big” TV. We also have “On Demand” on the big TV. William recently figured out how to work this feature of the cable.

“On Demand” for those of you who don’t have it is a storage of movies & shows on the, cable box, that you can watch any time with just a press of the remote control. They change them each month to keep it fresh. William has only ventured into the Disney XD channel. He knows to press 1 on the remote then find the kids block, then under kids he can find PBS kids, Nickelodeon, Noggin, Disney XD and some other channels that have shows he likes.

On Demand also has a feature where you can rent movies. They have new movies for $4.99 and older movies for $2.99. So the baby is being picked up and I walked them out to the car and come back to hear William say I think I’m watching “hotel for dogs”. Now this is a new title so I got very worried when he said that. I told him not to press anything else I would be there in a minute.

So I go over and stop the movie he is watching, it was an older title so I thought maybe it was a free movie. NOT the case! I look and it’s a $2.99 movie. I think to myself, that’s not to bad, we can watch it tonight and I’ll teach him what movies he’s not allowed to watch because you have to “buy” them for the day. Then the light bulb goes on and I’m thinking back to about 30 minutes before this when he was watching “Horton hears a who”. At the time he said he was watching it I thought this was an old movie and may be a free one on HBO. NOT the case.

I decided I needed to go into the saved portion of the “On Demand” feature. This is where all the movies and shows you have watched sit for 24 hours in case you had to stop in the middle or wanted to watch a second time you can just find it there real fast. Oh was I surprised when I went to the saved programs. Here is what I saw

Homeward Bound II $2.99
Ella Enchanted $2.99
E.T. $2.99
Dr. Seuss’ Horton $4.99
Bolt $4.99
BeverlyHills Chihuahua $4.99

Then there were about 10 other show titles that were free. William was trying to find a show to watch and he just clicked on the movie (not knowing you had pay for them) watched the start of the movie for about 2 minutes then turned it off and moved on to another movie to watch.

I started doing math in my head and totaled it up to $24.00! $24.00 for movies we had already watched, for movies that I have on video tape, movies that are on “regular” channels for FREE!
I sent him into my room where he couldn’t run my cable bill through the roof any more and I got on the phone with the cable company.

Now I always have a problem when I call the cable company, it just never goes well and it’s always a fight. So I geared up for the fight but I was going to try to be “oh so kind” first. The man on the other end was wonderful!!!!!! I explained what happened and he asked what the titles were. I told him the first two and he stared laughing. He said he could see all the titles and they were all “rented” 2 minutes apart, which basically meant he believed me that the kid did it. You rent a movie and have it for 24 hours, so had it been 2 hours later he would have thought I had watched the movies, so it was a good thing I caught him when I did.

I gave both kids a nice little lesson on “On Demand”. They now know how to check to see if something is free or if you have to pay for it. Hopefully I will not have any more problems until William is a teenage boy and figures out all the Pay per view channels:-0 Maybe I’ll go lock those right now!

Part one

I know I’ve been a bad blogger lately. Not sure what’s going to happen next year when William is in school full day. I’m not going to have anything funny to write about.

Today I watched my friend’s 8 month old son. We walked to school, I had my two kids, the forth grader down the street, then we picked up Natalie’s friend and her brother. When we got to the friends house William ran up and told them we had the baby with us. There younger sister (4 years old) came out to see him.

The 4 year old comes walking over to join the 3 kids already surrounding the stroller.

4 yr old: Oh the baby
William: come on over; he won’t bite.
4 yr old: Oh ok, hi baby

The baby was like the monkey in the zoo. He was in his stroller and there were 4 kids surrounding him all talking to him, cooing, gurgling and making funny faces at him. (I would love to know what he was thinking at that moment). I got the kids to school and had a nice morning with the baby.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Wow, I have some serious A-D-D going on with the house work today. I was emptying the dishwasher, not sure why I stopped. Then I was in the laundry room taking cloths out of the dryer so I could put the stuff in the washer into the dryer. I walked to the bedroom to hang the stuff up and on the walk back looked over and saw the dishwasher open and went to finish putting that stuff away. I stopped myself and went back to the laundry to get the wet stuff into the dryer.

Now I’m here instead of the kitchen putting stuff away.

Here are a few funny little sayings from my kids and my friends kids. This is just to hold you over because I’ve been a bad blogger lately. Hopefully I’ll get back to blogging soon. The kids will be out of school in 25 days (according to Natalie) then I should have some free time to be at the computer instead of running back and forth to the school being a book fairy in training.

I just thought of this one because I found my blue tooth, “ear bud” and I have it attached to my ear right now.

As I said it’s called a blue tooth and a few years back when I got it and William was little he was asking about it one day.

W: Mom, where is your tooth fairy?
M: What tooth fairy?
W: You know your tooth fairy that you put in your ear and talk to.
M: You mean my blue tooth?
W: Yea, your blue tooth fairy.

It was very cute

My friends little girl said this one. Her older daughter had a tick on her arm and her younger daughter wanted to see it. So she came running over asking

MOM, where is the lunatic? I want to see the lunatic that is on sister. Mom, can I see it, can I see the lunatic?

I love that story! We were just talking about ticks the other day because William had one over the weekend. So my friend told me that story again, it always gives me a good laugh.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

7 am or 8 am????

I woke up this morning at 6:30, sat down at the computer and was making my grocery list for shopping today. I got up and went to brush my teeth and looked at the clock in the bathroom; it read 8 AM. I thought to myself wow the time really went by fast this morning! I can't believe I was at the computer that long. And it doesn't usually take Natalie an hour and a half to do her homework???? I felt like I was in the twilight zone. All was made clear when I returned to the computer, it was only 7 AM. Someone hit the change time button on the clock. Now I'm back in the right time zone and it really is almost 8 AM (the time really does fly in the morning). Here is some video I just took of the kids playing with a Christmas and birthday gift that link to each other. Thanks Uncle Chris and Aunt Steph!!!

William has just made improvements to the track. He took an old paper towel roll and opened it up and made a tunnel for the car to go through on the way down.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Who do I take after???

I’m organizing a group trip for the kids on a half day of school.
Hum. I’ve lost my envelope that I have all my information on.
Who do I sound like????

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fool's DAY!

It’s not even 8:00 AM and if I hear one more “APRIL FOOLS” I just might not pick my kids up from school today! I guess I should be thankful that the 1st didn’t fall on a weekend so the teachers have to deal with the April fools jokes most of the day!

My children think EVERYTHING is an April fool’s joke! The sneaky little gremlins are up to something but I don’t know what yet. I’ll keep you posted.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The two sides of William

Yesterday I took the kids for a late bike ride. We got to the school playground around 5 pm. We stopped and picked up Natalie’s friend on the way and a few other girls from her grade were already there. This was great for Natalie, not so great for William.

He tried playing and they didn’t want him to, so then he felt left out. A William who is feeling left out is not a good William to have around. He tortured the girls any chance he got.

As it got later a few of the girls left and the rest asked to go to the other side of the schools playground so I said yes. We all moved over and the issues between William and the girls got worse. At one point I didn’t like the way he was acting so I made him come sit near me. He did, but protested the whole way and this is what he said.

W: I didn’t do it; they are being mean to me!
M: I know they are but you are teasing them too.
W: They are the stupidest girls ever! In the WHOLE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! The stupidest!

Then he got in trouble for saying that. The poor kid, but it was so funny because he was so serious and upset all at the same time.

Then today we went to church. Last week William was noisy, bouncy, off the wall, and got into so much trouble during mass that he had to ride home in my car. He would not stand when he was supposed to, he would not sit when he was supposed to, he was “TIRED” he would NOT say any of the prayers and he didn’t even attempt the “Our Father” which I know he knows! So he was punished and not allowed in Grammy & Grampy’s car with Natalie.
In my car he had to say the Our Father.

First time he did it in this tiny whinny voice. I made him stop and start again.

Next time he did it in a gruff mad voice, I made him stop and say it again.

Third time he started saying it really, really fast, I made him stop and say it again (do you see a pattern).

4th time he did it correctly. This must have really stuck in his head all week.

So this week I warned him before we got into church.
M: You better behave in church!
W: But I don’t like church.
M: Say that again and we are going EVERY day, not just on Sunday!
M: No noises, you must sit and stand when you are supposed to, and I better hear the “Our Father”!
W: Yes Mom.

We get into church and he was really good through the first part of mass. He “read” the book with my dad (my dad would point to the words that were being read and William would try to follow). Stood up and sat down when he was supposed to and kept really quiet. I was impressed. Then came time for the Our Father, I was really wondering what he was going to do.

He stood up with everyone, took my hand and my dads hand and said the Our Father in a nice voice that I could hear but wasn’t too loud. We finished the prayer and he turned to me and said, in a nice quiet church voice

W: Can I go in Grammy and Grampys car?
M: Yes you can, you did a really nice job
W: Is church done yet?
M: Almost just a little while left
W: YEA! (in a nice quiet church voice so ONLY I could hear him)

Then the bouncing started, I bent over to him and said
M: I can still have you come in my car.

He stopped and behaved the rest of mass.

Maybe there is hope!

Coming soon: Natalie’s cheer leading performance.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New meaning to “The Dog Ate My”…..

I made a play date for William at a local park today. We went and the kids had fun, William enjoyed rolling around in the grass, SAND, mulch and any other soft surface he could find. He found a tree to climb, rolled his ball on the top of the pavilion, and played everywhere BUT the playground equipment.

His friend left and William and I decided to take Bailey to the dog park they put in. This was going to be our first visit to the dog park and William and I were excited. As we walked and got closer and closer Bailey was getting excited too, I think he could smell ALL the other dogs that had been on the trail to get to the park.

The dog park is very nice. It has a big fenced in area, one side for small dogs, and one side for big dogs. I like the way the entrance is set up, you walk into a common area; latch the gate then through another gate to the right for big dogs and to the left for the little dogs. I guess this helps so no dogs are escaping. Personally I think they should have the playgrounds set up like this. That way, especially with toddlers and “runners”, you know your kids are in the area and can’t get out.

As I was walking up it dawned on me that I had a 5 year old with me, a child whose face is at a “big” dogs face level. So I started to rethink what I was going to do. I surveyed the dogs in the park and there were mostly labs (like Bailey) a few smaller dogs, and one BIG dog who looked like the dog from the movie “Turner and Hooch”. (That was the movie with Tom Hanks and the dog that FLUNG its slobber EVERYWHERE). We watched the dogs and everyone seemed to be getting along nicely so I thought we’d try it. I told William he was going to have to stay right with me, and he could not go running and playing with the dogs. This was so hard for him, he just wanted to jump in there and tackle all the dogs to get the balls just like he does with Bailey.

We entered and I let Bailey off his leash, Let the butt sniffing begin! All the dogs said hello to the new comer, in the typical dog way. Bailey returned the sniffs and made some friends, and he was off and running. William and I found a bench and sat down. Some of the other dogs came over to check us out, I kept my arm close to William (in the soccer mom car move), and my eyes on the dogs that were around him.

Most of the dogs left and went to play so I moved my arm away from William a little. I was looking at all the dogs and one came over to us but I thought nothing of it. I looked down at William and saw his shoe was off and he was shaking sand out of it, then his sock came off and he started shaking that to get the sand off. Apparently waving a sock around a group of dogs doesn’t mean, “I’m shaking the sand off my sock” to a dog it means

Before I knew what happened the “Turner and Hooch” dog had William’s sock in his mouth and was making a break for it. Not thinking AT all, I grab the dog around the neck and put my hand in his mouth trying to get the sock. I had it a few times, but grabbing a sock that is in a dog’s mouth doesn’t mean let go of the sock, it means “SHE WANTS TO PLAY WITH ME”! So the dog starts tugging at the sock, then it dawned on me that I know NOTHING about this dog, so I let go of the sock and the dog and started into a fit of uncontrollable laughter as the “Turner and Hooch” dog and a yellow lab each grabbed an end of William’s sock and started playing tug of war with it.

William’s eyes were as big as they could be watching his sock being used for tug-of-war by these two dogs. I had such a hard time controlling my laughter. It’s a sock, no big deal, I told William to just put his shoe on and he could get a new pair when he got home. He looked at me like I was crazy, he wanted his sock back. I figured there was no hope of that ever happening William didn’t see it that way; it was a vendetta, he was getting that sock back!

We sat there watching the dogs play with the sock, then they got board with it and dropped it. I didn’t realize this but William never took his eyes off that sock. All of a sudden he was off the bench and I was yelling at him “what are you doing” as he was darting into the sea of dogs, he yelled “I’M GETTING MY SOCK BACK!” The dog saw him coming and thought William was coming to play with him grabbed the sock again. William came back to the bench and waited again. At this time an older woman walked up and we started talking, then she looked at her dog and said

Woman: What’s in his mouth?
William: My Sock, he stole it
Woman: What? He stole your sock?
William: YEP
Woman: How did he get your sock?
William: I was getting the sand out of it and he took it.
Woman: I’ll get it back for you.

She walked to the dog and took it from him and gave it back to William. Turns out this dog that was bigger than William is only 6 months old! Just a puppy who wants to play. William and I said thank you as she handed the sock back to me. I figured I would carry it home and trash it. William took the sock out of my hand, took his shoe off and put the sock on and put his shoe back on.

M: What are you doing?
W: I’m putting my sock on
M: It’s all dirty; the dogs had it in the dirt
W: its ok they didn’t get the inside dirty, just the outside.
M: As soon as we get home you take that sock off and put it in the washer, it better not go walking around my house on your foot!

We hung around a few more minutes then headed home, dog eaten sock and all. William listened and took the sock off the second he stepped inside the door. It’s in the washer with the rest of the sock as I type, I can’t wait to see if it came clean or if I will get a good laugh every time I wash socks. I just need to look at in and I’ll burst into laughter thinking about the day the dog stole William’s sock!

"The Sock"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


It’s soooooo beautiful here today and it’s only 9:30AM! I made my phone calls last night:
We are ridin bikes to school!

I told Natalie and her one friend last night on the way to cheerleading that I was thinking of riding today. They both let out cheers of happiness and excitement. I called to tell the 4th grader who travels to school with us each morning, she said her bike was ready to go.

My kids were outside about 30 minutes before we actually had to leave. I was in and out of the house, getting things I needed. My helmet, Natalie’s combination (she forgot it over winter), gloves….. Each time I went back outside William would yell, “come on MOM, I want to go”. I told him he would be way too early for school. He didn’t care, he wanted to RIDE.

The only disappointed one was Bailey; he was so excited as we were getting ready to go. I think he thought he was coming with us. Poor dog! I’m going to have to start walking him. I just don’t think taking him on a leash while I’m on a bike is a good idea. I think I would need full body armor not just a helmet.

On the subject of full body armor here is my conversation with William yesterday.

W: Mom, I want to go sky diving
M: WHAT???
W: I want to jump out of an airplane, or a helicopter
M: :-0
W: What, it would be fun, I won’t get hurt, I promise.
M: :-0
W: Mom?
M: William why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?
W: Actually I think I want to jump out of the helicopter first.
M: I don’t think they let you jump out of helicopters, something with the blades spinning around
W: Oh come on Mom, I’ll wear body armor, like a knight
M: NO you are not jumping from anything
W: You’re no fun!

That’s me the no fun mom! Can you see my future hospital bills???? And people wonder why I don’t encourage him to take his bike helmet off his head when the bike ride is over!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Return policy

The hospital that I was born at just closed because of the tough economic times. I saw it on the news this morning and e mailed my parents to see if they knew. This is my father’s response to my e mail.

Reply 1: Guess we can’t return you anymore ;-).

Reply 2: I told your mother we should have gotten the extended warranty from a third-party provider…..

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Where does he come up with this stuff????

Mommy---If that’s your real name.

Where does he come up with this stuff????

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A 5 year olds language

As most of you know, William was in wrestling this past season. So he is now hanging out with different kids, some older, than he is. The teams are 5 year olds up to middle school kids. Most very nice and polite, the boys are taught to follow instructions, to listen to their coach’s, team work, and confidence, all building their self-esteem. I like the program, (hate watching William get pinned in 2 seconds) but over all a good experience.

This is what my little darling did at his last match. My mom and dad came to watch, Ed’s best friend and his wife, son and brother were all there. William walked out on the mat, shook hands with the kid, and got pinned! End of match, end of the season for William. Everyone who came to see him said hello then were on their way. William was the second kid to wrestle that night so now he had nothing to do for the next hour or so.

Because this is such a long time with nothing to do the coaches let the little guys get up and run around and play together. So William was off playing with the boys. There are these round thick tube like things in the gym. Any kid would look at it and decide they wanted to play inside it, kind of like a fort.

William was inside the tube thing and I went over to see how he was and to get his head gear from him. He hadn’t seen me walk over because he was inside playing. So he comes barreling out from inside, chasing after a kid, he looses the kid and as he comes out I hear him say

“What the Shit”?

as he runs past me. He sees me as he turns around to go back in and the look that came over his face when he saw me, was priceless! That stunned deer in the headlights look. I think I had the same look on my face after hearing those words come out of my son’s mouth!

He looks at me and says

W: Oh Mom, I didn’t know you were there
W: Sorry Mom, I didn’t know you were there.
M: It doesn’t matter if I’m there or not you DO NOT say that WORD!!!!!
W: (head hanging down) ok, I’m sorry.

I think I’m really in trouble with this kid. I’m still shocked that he has the understanding, don’t get caught. Not it’s a bad word don’t say it, but he’s going to experiment and say things when I’m not around! Oh Brother! Now I do believe that I’m not allowed to put a bar of soap in his mouth and hot sauce on his tongue would be considered child abuse so I guess my only alternative is to start looking into military schools. Do military schools accept 5 year olds???

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow day supplies

I took the kids to CCD yesterday and made a quick trip to the grocery store to stock up for today. I knew we needed TP (I put the last roll on that morning) so I headed there first. Our TP, paper towel, tissue section is at the back of one end of the store and the milk, OJ… is at the other, with the check out in the middle up front.

I saw a new type of TP on sale so instead of grabbing the kind I like (that was also on sale) I figured I’d try a new brand. It was claiming to be good for the earth. So I picked up a 20 pack and made my way through the rest of the store. I realized I was running low on time so I finished up quickly and made my way to the check out line.

She scanned the TP first and I notice the price didn’t match what, I thought, was on the shelf sticker. So she calls for someone to go check and she rang the rest of my stuff through. Now she is done, there are people behind me, I’m watching the clock like crazy because I have to go pick up the kids, and the price check guy is still not back. He finally makes it back, carrying a 20 pack of the worst looking TP I’ve ever seen in my life! He explains that this is the brand that was that price, the other one (earth friendly one) cost more than my favorite brand that was on sale.

I tell them no I don’t want either of those, I was willing to try a new brand ONLY if the price was right. The cashier has to call a manager to override the TP she put in, I’m watching my time get smaller and smaller, and I still need TP. She finally finishes my order and I can leave to go pick up the kids. I’m standing there trying to decide if I take the whole cart back into the store to get TP right then and there or do I go get the kids and drag them through the store on the way home. The running in part wasn’t what made me nervous; it was the standing in line part. I was pushing it with my time as it was if I picked the wrong line I would be late to get the kids. But taking both kids into the store was not what I wanted to do.

If you didn’t know me and you saw me in the store with William, you would think I had given into his every screaming tantrum for candy, toys, posters, upstairs decks (I’ll blog about that story later) that the kid has ever had. He’s regressed to this 2 year old like state, begging, pleading, demanding, and crying, for every stupid toy, piece of candy, book, what ever he happens to see in the store that day. I have no clue where this has come from, I NEVER let the kids just get something. If I plan to let them get something I tell them before we go to the store, if not I tell them that too. So the thought of taking William into the store was not very appealing to me. I decided I didn’t have time to run back in, I had to pick the kids up. So I got there and picked them up and completely forgot about the TP on the way home.

Once we got home Ed decided he needed to go to his school for a few minutes. He took both kids with him which left me time to make lunch. The school wasn’t open so Ed stared for home, he remembered that he needs to stop at the beer store (there was a storm-a-comin so he had to have beer in the house). They had to wait a few minute for the store to open, so this became a big thing. They waited outside in line with the other people who were stocking up for the storm. No we don’t need no bread, or milk or eggs during a storm, but we must make sure there is BEER in the house! Ed called while they were waiting, he said it was like waiting for tickets to a big concert, the excitement grew as the time got closer and closer for the store to open. (I’m not a beer drinker so I don’t get it).

Ed and the kids got back from their exciting trip to the beer store and it was time to get ready for the afternoon activities. William had a birthday party that we needed to wrap gifts for, and Natalie had a date with Grammy, Grampie and Beauty and the Beast. They were taking her to the high school to see the play (Beauty & the Beast) that the high school students were putting on.

Natalie left, and William and I followed a little while later. I stayed at the party with William, went home after, got dinner ready as Natalie was returning home. I put the kids to bed sat down with Ed to watch TV and about 8:30 as the snow started, remembered that we were using our LAST roll of TP!

Ed said “I can see it now, Natalie’s version of the story that will be told to the teacher”. (Imagine the little cloud bubble over my head and Ed’s head as we think of this scene taking place the next day).

T: Hi Natalie how was your snow day?
N: Fine, we ran out of toilet paper.
T: Oh what did you do?
N: But the day wasn’t ruined because daddy had plenty of beer in the house. He was ready for the storm, but mom wasn’t!

I think I need to lecture both kids before they leave the house tomorrow!

PS Ed found a roll of TP we keep stashed with our camping stuff so we made it through the snow day and it's my #1 thing to do tomorrow!