Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bedtime Negotiations

About 2 minutes ago at the start of the Today show, William and I were sitting on the couch watching the opening of the show.

Matt Lauer opens with “Good Morning we are all a little bleary eyed this morning. Having stayed up past out bed time to watch the President”.

William didn’t miss a beat!

He said “See; he’s allowed to stay up past his bed time, so I should be allowed to stay up past mine”!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How do my children know these things?

The conversation at the breakfast table this morning was about the man that is buried on the moon. And the 6 year old said the guys name and the 9 year old confirmed it. So I looked it up on line and they are correct about a man being buried on the moon AND they had the name, Dr. Eugene Shoemaker, correct!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Deciphering the code

The kids and I just got back from a birthday party. Figuring Ed would be watching the football game, Natalie turned the door knob to let us in the house, but it was locked. We got in the house and the TV was off??? Then I saw Ed in the kitchen taking off his jacket I asked

M: Where were you?
E: Doin some stuff.
M: What stuff? Thanks for taking the tree out
E: I was checkin out the Man Cave
M: The Man Cave??????
Natalie: He was outside in the shed, probably smoking a cigar!
E: Laughs……

What am I going to do for entertainment when she goes back to school?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Use the Force

We just got back from pizza hut for lunch.

We get home and Ed sits down and starts playing Star Wars the Clone Wars on the Wii???? So the kids start watching him. He keeps telling them to get dressed in play cloths; they just sit there watching him.

Finally he turns the game off using the wii controller; William was amazed and couldn’t figure out how he turned it off

W: Dad how did you turn it off?
E: (In a deep voice) I used the force William
W: No really Dad how did you turn it off?
E: I used the force
N: (in a deep voice) you used the power button.



We have only one bathroom working at the moment and Natalie needs to use it but someone else is in it. She is whining and carrying on that she needs the bathroom. William is standing in front of her singing “Big Girls Don’t Cry”!!!!

I need to wire my house with video camera’s cause I would love to have that on video!