Wednesday, September 1, 2010

William is allowed to lock his bike at school

We rode bikes to school today; William couldn’t find the extra lock so he locked his bike with Natalie’s. (Woo Hoo William is allowed to lock his bike at the school this year!!!)

At the end of the day I was waiting for the kids to be dismissed from school, I was standing chatting with some other parents. I see Natalie run by to get her bike. Then William comes out, walks to me, gives me a BIG hug. Then he stands there with me (in my mind I’m waiting for Natalie) then I realized that William rode his bike too.

M: William you rode your bike
W: I know
M: You need to go get it; it’s not going to come to you
W: Yes it will
M: Go get your bike
William walks toward his bike, turns back to me and says
W: I told you it would come to me

I look up and see Natalie walking her bike away from the bike rack, then I see her friend had William’s bike and was walking it over to him:-0

Correct age

Ok so I know I haven’t been blogging lately, everything I seem to have to say fits on my social network in 220 spaces or less. Well today I have to go over that so I’m posting again:-)

A few days after my birthday my father so kindly pointed out that I hadn’t changed my age yet. I told him next time I posted something I would change it, (maybe that’s why I haven’t had anything to say for a while)

Dad; you will be happy to know I changed my age in my profile. I am however burying this post under the new funny one of the kids, so if people don’t happen to see it, that would be ok:-)