Wednesday, September 1, 2010

William is allowed to lock his bike at school

We rode bikes to school today; William couldn’t find the extra lock so he locked his bike with Natalie’s. (Woo Hoo William is allowed to lock his bike at the school this year!!!)

At the end of the day I was waiting for the kids to be dismissed from school, I was standing chatting with some other parents. I see Natalie run by to get her bike. Then William comes out, walks to me, gives me a BIG hug. Then he stands there with me (in my mind I’m waiting for Natalie) then I realized that William rode his bike too.

M: William you rode your bike
W: I know
M: You need to go get it; it’s not going to come to you
W: Yes it will
M: Go get your bike
William walks toward his bike, turns back to me and says
W: I told you it would come to me

I look up and see Natalie walking her bike away from the bike rack, then I see her friend had William’s bike and was walking it over to him:-0

Correct age

Ok so I know I haven’t been blogging lately, everything I seem to have to say fits on my social network in 220 spaces or less. Well today I have to go over that so I’m posting again:-)

A few days after my birthday my father so kindly pointed out that I hadn’t changed my age yet. I told him next time I posted something I would change it, (maybe that’s why I haven’t had anything to say for a while)

Dad; you will be happy to know I changed my age in my profile. I am however burying this post under the new funny one of the kids, so if people don’t happen to see it, that would be ok:-)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Making the rules

My kids playing monopoly together

N: William you have to pay $3
N: I’m the banker, I make the rules
W: GOD makes the rules!
N: Well GOD intended for me to be the banker and make these rules!

Friday, May 14, 2010


William has a ring that he got at a craft fair, it’s the school colors and he likes to wear it to school every now and then. He wore it yesterday and lost it in the field during PE. I was in the building for something and saw the sub talking to William’s teacher about it. I told William we could look for it after school, and he held me to that.

We found the ring! :-0 NEVER, in a million years, did I think we would find it. After mad science we went out in the field. William did a full reenactment of how Friend 1 had the ring and exactly where he fell down, and how he fell down (we got the slow motion, replay) and the likely range of where the ring could have landed. (LOL it was a real physics lesson).

Natalie, good sister that she is, got on her hands and knees and was searching through the grass, braving any bugs that might be in her way. After 10 minutes of looking, William jumped up and said "oh wait, Friend 2 found my ring"! I asked him if Friend 2 still had his ring and he launched into the story of how after Friend 1 dropped the ring, Friend 2 found it, but then he dropped it and lost it:-0 (OMGosh)

So William reenacts this part, by following the path where Friend 2 ran in the grass then onto the side walk, and while Natalie followed and the two of them ran to the doors of the school, I looked down and there it was! I let them look for a little while longer, since they were being kind to each other and not screaming at e/o for a minute, then I let them know I had it. Of course I stood in the exact spot where I found it, cause they both wanted to know where it was. In the grass a ways, but just above PA and NJ on the map! LOL What an adventure!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oh Bailey, my dear sweet dog,

I don’t think the request I made was that difficult. All I asked for was a simple roll of toilet paper, all you had to do was get it down from the shelf and bring it to me. That’s not too much to ask you to do for the woman who sits, hiding in the bathroom at all hours of the morning with you, thunderstorm after thunderstorm. But no you couldn’t do that one little thing for me, what’s that you say, you couldn’t reach the shelf? You can break out of anything, gates, houses, windows, attics. You can tear apart air conditioners and insulation to get where you need to go; dry wall is no match for you. Falls from 10 feet high don’t even faze you, but no you couldn’t get me a simple roll of TP, I bet if it was a loaf of bread or a nice hamburger you would have been able to reach that shelf. That’s ok, you just wait, I’ll remember this the next time it storms, you’ll be in your cage crying instead of hanging in your “safe room” with me. Love MOM

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cupcakes for school

These are the cupcakes I made for William to take to school tomorrow. He wanted to take them in before break and before his birthday.

Monday, March 29, 2010

But there’s nothing to do except play on the computer or watch TV!

William’s morning got off to a rough start today. He asked if he could play on the computer and I told him yes, but the computer had other ideas. He first had to turn it on since I had turned it off last night. The wait for it to boot up started his bad mood. Then Webkins was giving him a hard time, and Build-a-bear, and then he got really mad! He was huffing and puffing and stomping around and wanted to throw the computer out the window (Hum, wonder where he gets that from? Couldn’t be ME. Oh wait I think those are the same words I use when the computer is giving me trouble).

So then he wanted to watch TV and I told him no, this put him over the edge and he started yelling at me and got himself sent to his room.

Luckily Natalie had gotten up about 5 minutes before his big tantrum so he didn’t wake her up. She woke up in a good mood, I’m glad she is finally sleeping in a little.

I let William out of his room and told him he could find something other than TV and computer to do this morning. He was NOT happy about this. So he laid on the playroom floor rolling around saying “there is nothing else to do except play on the computer and watch TV”. He went from the floor to the couch complaining, I sent Natalie to get dressed then I got in the shower.

I usually make sure the kids are occupied when I get in the shower so there aren’t any explosions between the two of them. This morning I decided to take my chances, and I got in the shower with William in his mood. I was pleasantly surprised to find them cleaning their room when I got out!

Natalie’s class is studying African Dwarf Frogs, Fiddler Crabs, and Millipedes in science. When they are finished with these animals they get to be adopted by the kids in the class. An adult had to sign the adoption form and must be there to pick the creatures up, on adoption day, with the proper housing. So no they will not just let the kid say “My mom said yes” and put the frog in his hand and let him take it home to his unsuspecting parent!

Natalie and William were cleaning their dresser to make a spot for the frogs and crabs that will be arriving here tomorrow.

W: Mom I need a wipe.
M: What for? (there is only one bathroom and I was in it so I was hoping it wasn’t that kind of wipe)
W: We are cleaning our room and I need to clean the picture frame.
M: OH that kind of wipe (thank goodness) and I handed him the Clorox wipes.
W: I’m cleaning Jesus Christ, I’m cleaning Jesus Christ.
M: William what are you doing?
W: I’m cleaning Jesus Christ (Like Duh Mom) See the picture of Jesus, it’s all clean now.
(I looked at the little picture they have on their dresser and it was all clean.) M: Nice job
N: We are making a spot for the crabs and frogs on our dresser
M: That’s great, I’m so proud of you both.
Me in my head: (see William you did find something to do that didn’t involve the TV or computer.)
N: See William and we are doing something besides watching TV or playing on the computer.
M: (in my head) that’s my girl!

Then I hurried them off to school for the day.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Breakfast Question

M: Billy did you have breakfast?
W: Yes I had a banana and a yogurt.
M: Is that enough or are you still hungry?
W: That's enough for now.
M: No, you are going to school, is that enough to keep you full till lunch?
W: MOM! You know I'm NEVER full! DUH!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St Patty’s Day! (And Happy Birthday Aunt Pat)

My children love St Patrick’s Day. In preschool the leprechaun used to mess up their classroom before they entered it. Natalie still tells the story about how in second grade Lucky the leprechaun came in and messed up their room and even put their morning story board in the bathroom, but he left gold coins for them. Last year at our house our leprechaun left them build a bear clothing for their teddy bears.

This morning I got up and made green pancakes. William woke up and checked all over the house looking for gold coins (he did not find any).

I poured the kids some milk and to my “surprise” when William looked in his cup his milk was green!

W: Mom you made my milk green.
M: Why would I make your milk green?
W: Cause its St Patty’s day.
M: No Billy I didn’t make your milk green
W: Mom you did it!
M: no
W: Mom don’t lie to me, when you lie you aren’t just lying to me you are lying to GOD too!

Then Natalie checked her cup and her milk was green! We looked into the milk container and it was white???? Natalie drank all her milk and wanted some more. (I don’t think she truly believed that the milk turned green on its own and she wanted to see what would happen if SHE poured some.) So as she was pouring white milk from the container it was turning green as it landed in her cup!

N: WOW! It’s leprechaun magic!
M: (In my head to myself) Whew, I got nervous for a minute there, thought my cover was blown.
N: William did you see it? It turned green when I poured it into my cup!

Well I better be on my way, the leprechaun only shows up when I leave the house and I wouldn’t want the kids to be disappointed when they get home from school today:-)

Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone, may it be a lucky one

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


After many weeks of being off (due to illness, snow days, days off) from Sunday School (CCD, PREP, What ever you want to call it) classes have resumed and the kids are learning about Lent. Natalie has gotten the concept and decided to give up chocolate milk. William on the other hand is having a little trouble understanding sacrifice.

He decided yesterday to give up cheese and crackers (his chosen meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner these days). Natalie had her doubts and she told them to him, he laughed her off and “gave up” cheese and crackers for lent.

Our school district has teacher conferences this week so the kids got out of school half day today which means they don’t have lunch at school. We walked home from school and when they got home I knew they would be ready for lunch.

M: What do you want for lunch?
N: Cold pancakes are good. (She got them out and “made” her own lunch)
W: Peanut Butter and Jelly
M: We are out of bread; I can give you PBJ on crackers
W: Nah, I’ll have cheese and crackers
M&N: You gave up cheese and crackers for Lent!
W: Oh yea, (thinking face)
M: I can put PBJ on crackers?
W: No I’ll have cheese and crackers, I changed my mind, I’m not going to give that up for lent.
N: I told you you wouldn’t last one day!
M: Are you sure? Yesterday you said that’s what you were giving up.
W: I’m sure I’ll find something else to give up for lent, I want 50 cheese and crackers for lunch please.
M: Ok (I did not give him 50)
N: So what are you going to give up? How about the computer
N: How about TV?
M: Natalie are you going to give up TV?
N: (Laughing; like I’m crazy for asking) NO.
W: I know! I’ll give up tissues
M: You don’t use tissues!
W: I’ll give up napkins
W: I know! I’ll give up apples
M: No William you are not giving apples up for lent
W: Ok I know! I’ll give up brushing my teeth! (Big cheesy smile on his face, he knows what he’s saying)
M: NO William you are NOT giving up brushing your teeth!
W: Ok (big pause) (big cheesy smile on his face)! I’ll give up homework
M: Oh brother, I think I have my work cut out for me!
W: I know what you can give up Mom.
M: What can I give up?
W: Cooking.
M: Oh so you don’t like my cooking?
W&N: Laughing
N: Oh you can give up cooking but not baking. Cause we still want you to make your chocolate chip cookies.
W: Oh Yea, Yea, Yea, cause baking is NOT cooking so you’re not giving up baking, only cooking.

I just don’t even know what to say to that!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Natalie and her friends built a snow man.

William @ the sledding hill

Natalie @ the sledding hill
W: Natalie was that girl your friend?
N: Which girl?
W: Ummm she had a pink shirt and freckles; I think?
N: What did her hair look like?
W: It was long and would look really pretty, when it got brushed.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bedtime Negotiations

About 2 minutes ago at the start of the Today show, William and I were sitting on the couch watching the opening of the show.

Matt Lauer opens with “Good Morning we are all a little bleary eyed this morning. Having stayed up past out bed time to watch the President”.

William didn’t miss a beat!

He said “See; he’s allowed to stay up past his bed time, so I should be allowed to stay up past mine”!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How do my children know these things?

The conversation at the breakfast table this morning was about the man that is buried on the moon. And the 6 year old said the guys name and the 9 year old confirmed it. So I looked it up on line and they are correct about a man being buried on the moon AND they had the name, Dr. Eugene Shoemaker, correct!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Deciphering the code

The kids and I just got back from a birthday party. Figuring Ed would be watching the football game, Natalie turned the door knob to let us in the house, but it was locked. We got in the house and the TV was off??? Then I saw Ed in the kitchen taking off his jacket I asked

M: Where were you?
E: Doin some stuff.
M: What stuff? Thanks for taking the tree out
E: I was checkin out the Man Cave
M: The Man Cave??????
Natalie: He was outside in the shed, probably smoking a cigar!
E: Laughs……

What am I going to do for entertainment when she goes back to school?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Use the Force

We just got back from pizza hut for lunch.

We get home and Ed sits down and starts playing Star Wars the Clone Wars on the Wii???? So the kids start watching him. He keeps telling them to get dressed in play cloths; they just sit there watching him.

Finally he turns the game off using the wii controller; William was amazed and couldn’t figure out how he turned it off

W: Dad how did you turn it off?
E: (In a deep voice) I used the force William
W: No really Dad how did you turn it off?
E: I used the force
N: (in a deep voice) you used the power button.



We have only one bathroom working at the moment and Natalie needs to use it but someone else is in it. She is whining and carrying on that she needs the bathroom. William is standing in front of her singing “Big Girls Don’t Cry”!!!!

I need to wire my house with video camera’s cause I would love to have that on video!